one's door

Chapter 640 Business Opportunities

Chapter 640 Business Opportunities
Bu Zhongxun finally found some comfort in the Magical Artifact Shop after experiencing the blows from the various types of pills in Huangtianyu.

Refining requires the fire of the dantian, which is also commonly known as "the fire of the dantian".The threshold for cultivation is in the Dao Dan realm.That is to say, if one wants to forge a real magical weapon, one must at least wait for one's cultivation to reach the Dao Dan realm before becoming a serious craftsman.

And the Dao Dan state is not high, but it is definitely not low.No matter which world it is, the Dao Dan realm can block at least [-]% of the monks, keeping them outside the door and not getting an inch.

Therefore, although magic tools are not consumables like pills, they have a higher refining threshold.

Judging from what Bu Zhongxun saw in Lingwu City, the magic weapon in Huangtianyu basically stayed within the range of "weapon".More emphasis is on the greater destructive power that can be produced after contact, as well as some incidental containment effects.For example, a magic weapon sword, the most prominent is the sharpness and the accompanying effects such as burning or freezing.

There are very few Magical Artifacts that focus on buffing spells.Not to mention the magic weapon with a single magic power, which is almost never seen.

Then can you pick some cheap medicines from Huangtianyu that are slightly higher in effect than other worlds of the same level, or some low-level auxiliary medicines that are not available in other worlds? What about magic tools that conform to monks' spell habits?

Can you make a profit from entering and exiting like this?
After thinking about it for a while, Bu Zhongxun felt that his idea was feasible.

But the idea is still very rough and needs to be done in more detail.Because Bu Zhongxun understood that the business avenues he could quickly find were likely to be thought of by other world firms.So if you want to seize this opportunity to break through a sidewalk first, you can't be in a hurry, let alone catch half of it in a hurry and run away.

At least one must have a detailed understanding of the Huangtian Territory.Whether it is the method of cultivation or the category of practice, it is best to find the magic weapon that is suitable for this place.

In the next few days, Bu Zhongxun scattered all the disciples he had brought.According to the map at the entrance of the branch hall, first find out the sales and shops in each square city.

At the same time, Bu Zhongxun first rented a store in Lingwu City near the entrance of the branch hall.It is used to collect elixir and release magic tools later.

But the price of this store really made Bu Zhongxun scold him a lot.And only rent not sell.

This was also the first time Bu Zhongxun met.Because there is no dead business area in other places.Each world is looking for a place to buy land and build a house as its own business station in a world.At most, for the sake of convenience, there will be a situation where several worlds are grouped together.But there is no such thing as Desolate Heaven Territory, marking out a piece of land actually has the meaning of every inch of land and every inch of gold!
What makes Bu Zhongxun furious the most is that these people in Huangtianyu not only rent but don't sell, but also don't sign long-term contracts with you at all, at most every three years, and the rent will increase by [-]% every year.The price will be reassessed every three years.

Seeing the surrounding storefronts of different sizes, Bu Zhongxun felt an inexplicable sense of weirdness.It seems that when it comes to doing business, these "lands" with almost no capital are also a big income? !It's just the income of Huang Tianyu, not the outside world.

There are many people who are not convinced.People in the Profound Realm like Bu Zhongxun naturally suppressed their qi forcibly out of habit.But those who stepped into the Desolate Heaven Realm were not only those in the Profound Realm like him, but also immortals.

Just yesterday, Bu Zhongxun witnessed a scene that made his calf tremble.

A company leader from an outland, and a well-known fairy in the business circle.The number leader is Immortal Hong.

And this Immortal Changhong is also famous in various worlds for his hot temper.Disputes with others are also common.But his cultivation base is high, and it is said that he also has the background of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen's study tour, and the main forces in the ordinary world dare not be serious with him.If you can avoid it, you can avoid it. If you can't avoid it, it's just a matter of coordinating with Da Hongtian's people.

But this time, no one thought that this Immortal Changhong, who was used to domineering in many worlds, would suffer a big loss in a newborn world like Huang Tianyu.

Like Bu Zhongxun, this Immortal Changhong was very angry at Huangtianyu's behavior of using Dahongtian's preferential treatment to rent shops.After his request to rent a long-term lease or buy out the shop was rejected by the monk Huang Tianyu at the entrance of the branch hall, he immediately lost his temper.The enraged Xianyuan power surged and seriously injured several Huangtianyu monks at the entrance of the branch hall.But in the end, I don't know whether it was the magic circle of the building at the entrance of the branch hall that had a stabilizing effect or whether the Changhong Immortal stopped. Anyway, the house was not overturned.

Such a surge of celestial energy, in the monk's perception, has already belonged to a lot of movement.It was also at this time that Bu Zhongxun rushed out of the shop he had just rented to watch the excitement.

Bu Zhongxun had heard of such arrogant things of Immortal Changhong no less than ten times.Although people were injured, they were not fatal, and their status was not high.Among them, the proportion is still somewhat appropriate.

In fact, at that time, Bu Zhongxun also hoped that Immortal Changhong could make some troubles.In this way, all foreign caravans can benefit.Even if it is necessary, everyone will not be stingy to support Immortal Changhong.

But this time, there is no room or time for words for Immortal Changhong to play.After he injured someone, he was thrown out of the room at the entrance of the branch hall by a force that suddenly appeared without warning.In mid-air, the celestial bodies of both hands and feet turned into powder, and when they hit the ground, they already looked like human sticks.

Not only did there not have any mana fluctuations or rule changes during the whole process, there was even no chance for Changhong Immortal to resist or escape.

The change in this scene was sudden and fierce.It's even more weird.

Immortal Changhong who fell on the ground couldn't even open his mouth, not to mention his limbs were crippled, he was still imprisoned in place.In the end, it was the disciples of Dahongtian who were stationed here at the entrance of the branch hall who came forward and carried Immortal Changhong away.And it was sent to the Changhong Immortal's residence without stopping, and then fled the Huangtian Territory with a big teleport.

Who made the move, how did he make the move, and what is the cultivation level of the person who made the move.No one knows all this, let alone judge.All I know is that this nascent world will receive special care from Da Hongtian.Is it because there is such a strong man in charge! ?

When the companies in various worlds thought that Da Hongtian would punish Huang Tianyu for such a cruel attack.Everything is calm, as if nothing happened?

Afterwards, Bu Zhongxun discovered that the shops in Lingwu City were rented out in half a day.

The world merchants who were waiting and watching before also understood at this time that there is no need to try their own lives just to pay rent.It was obvious that Da Hongtian would not blame Huang Tianyu on these issues.Familiarize yourself with the rules here early, and start formal trade early is the big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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