one's door

Chapter 643 Cooperation

Chapter 643 Cooperation
"Quantity? There are quite a few disciples now, right?" Wang Nian was somewhat surprised.

Although the number of disciples recruited by Cliff Mountain is only 50 or [-] each time, it can't stop the long time.Hundreds of years later, the cliff mountain where there were only three or two cats and puppies in the past is not what it used to be.

In Wang Nian's view, the mountain gate with thousands of people is not a small population.What's more, the disciples of the cliff mountain are not comparable to those casual cultivators outside.Whether it is the means of technique or the talent of kung fu, even the pills and instruments equipped are all top-notch in the wild world.It's not a problem for ordinary disciples to go down the mountain to deal with casual cultivators of the same realm.

Such a tyrannical force, looking at the barren sky, who can compete?

Is it necessary to add manpower?

Even though it is because the forces outside the domain are now connected to the Huangtian domain, in Wang Nian's view, there is no need to worry at all.Cliff Mountain has its own trajectory, and it is enough to develop step by step and steadily.Wait a few hundred years, and the strength of Duanya Mountain will naturally double again. At that time, even if you look at Dahongtian, who would dare to easily control it?
"Yes, big brother. The number of disciples seems to be increasing steadily. But what is the reason why the cliff mountain has been stable? Is it because the disciples are strong?" Liu Rui has her own reasons.Now she directly dug out the root of Duanya Mountain, and she also wanted to use this to convince the two senior brothers.

Without waiting for Wang Nian and Yang Rui to open their mouths, Liu Rui expressed her opinion directly: "The strength of Duanya Mountain is not actually how strong the disciples are. Although compared with those casual cultivators outside, the disciples of Duanya Mountain are much stronger But after all, it cannot be called a decisive force. The reason why Duanya Mountain has been able to stabilize until now depends on the strength of Master.

Whether it was before or now.It is the sky on the top of the cliff with the master on top.

Not to mention far away.Just talk about Xu Fengyang and Baronka.Can the two senior brothers be sure of winning? "

Wang Nian narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Balongka is quite sure, but it's hard to say about Xu Fengyang."

"Eldest brother is not absolutely sure, so naturally I can't say that I will win." Yang Rui understood that Wang Nianshang was not sure how much better than him, and he was even more reluctant to face Xu Fengyang.

Liu Rui smiled and said: "That's right. In Huangtian Territory, our three second-generation disciples are still unable to rule the roost. Looking outside the Territory, apart from the ability of the master, what is the use of the disciples of Duanya Mountain?"

"But strength is not equal to quantity. Blindly recruiting disciples will definitely dilute the resources obtained by each. A little carelessness in this will have the opposite effect. Junior sister, you can't put the cart before the horse."

"Eldest brother, why are you always staring in front of you? The world's commerce is open, even if the master can withstand the pressure of Da Hongtian, what if he faces a stronger force than Da Hongtian? You can rely on the master alone Not to mention how many people will die once the war with the Chaos Faction starts?"

Wang Nian was also taken aback when Liu Rui said this.Immediately, the relaxed expression on his face was quickly replaced by seriousness.

"You mean to say that the disciples lost too much during the war and affected the foundation of the mountain gate, right?" Wang Nian now guessed what Liu Rui was thinking.But he had to admit that this was indeed something he hadn't considered before.

Yang Rui also nodded, and said: "Junior Sister's concerns are not unreasonable. Master often says to plan ahead. Now whether we want to or not, we have officially become members of the "Da Hongtian Alliance". In the void world Belongs to the pastoral faction. In the future, there will inevitably be a fight with the Chaos faction. If there are too many disciples, they will die. If there are too few disciples, they will not be able to die. This cannot be supported by the master's personal strength alone.

I agree with my sister's idea.It's just that the expansion of enrollment is not too fast according to the above?The first batch doubled, and each subsequent batch increased by [-]%?Can the resources of Cliff Mountain keep up?Did Junior Sister think clearly about the proportions? "

A mountain gate can not be summed up simply by "there are many people and great strength".The strength of an individual is directly proportional to the resources he can enjoy.The more resources, the stronger the strength under the same conditions, and the faster the speed of practice.vice versa.

So although Yang Rui agreed with the junior sister's idea of ​​expanding enrollment, he did not agree with the strategy on the copper bar she handed over.I think it's a little too hasty.

Wang Nian didn't speak any more this time.He figured out Liu Rui's intentions, which means that the general direction is not wrong, even more thoughtful than he was before.After that, there are only some details. He believes in Liu Rui's ability.The worries that Yang Rui mentioned, Liu Rui must have taken them into consideration.Otherwise, how could it be raised to them suddenly.

Sure enough, Liu Rui smiled and said: "Second senior brother is right. Although there is no shortage of resources in Duan Yashan, the number of disciples cannot be increased too quickly. In fact, the number of disciples also has an upper threshold. My idea is to The fastest speed reaches the existing threshold as quickly as possible.

At the same time, there are actually ways to change what the second senior brother is worried about.Let the disciples of Cliff Mountain rapidly increase the number of people while keeping the existing resource allocation unchanged. "

"Oh? How can it be done? Junior sister, you don't want to move those stocks in the mountain belly, right? That's not possible." Yang Rui shook his head, and was also curious about how junior sister can do what she said.

Liu Rui pointed to the sky above her head, and said, "Second senior brother, now that the business outside the region is booming, and the entry of the void worldview, it's not all trouble and tension for us. It's also beneficial.

Look at the end of the copper bar, there is the reason why I dare to mention the strategy of expanding enrollment this time. "

Yang Rui and Wang Nian hurriedly pulled away all the copper bars in their hands when they heard the words. When they pulled it to the end, they saw a special instruction listed.It is a supplement attached to the previous enrollment expansion strategies.

After the two of them read the final supplementary explanation at a glance, when they raised their heads, there was a little surprise and surprise on their faces.

"People from Changming World want to cooperate with us?"

Liu Rui nodded and said: "That's right. The company leader of Changming World has come to the cliff mountain twice in person. They are even waiting for news at the foot of the mountain. They want to cooperate with us on the talisman. We will provide the talisman to let us know." They sell it. Or we can help them train talisman masters, how much benefit we will give us at one time, etc. It depends on how we choose.

I spoke to their shop leader.According to them, the talisman belongs to our unique method of Huangtianyu.The powerful talismans are only drawn by our monks in the cliff mountain.So we are actually the best and only partner of Changming World.

Therefore, the two senior brothers should understand the meaning of unique business, right?If it can be done and it is still successful.Not to mention maintaining the resource allocation after the enrollment expansion, it is not impossible to increase the allocation! "

(End of this chapter)

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