one's door

Chapter 652 Crystallization

Chapter 652 Crystallization
Zhang Yan had never carefully felt "vigor" before, which he considered to be an external expression.

As long as it is a living being, even vegetation, flying insects have vitality on the bright side.Just like trees have roots, stems and leaves, and people have eyes, ears, mouth and nose, the same appearance.

Is there anything worth noticing about this?

Only now did Zhang Yan realize that it was worth paying attention to!At least now he understands that the foundation of life is these seemingly ordinary "vitality".And although he has become a fairy now, he still belongs to the category of living beings, but he is not a mortal living being, and he is still based on the most fundamental thing of "vitality".

When the first stream of Primordial Purple Qi began to affect the Dao Pill in his dantian, Zhang Yan felt a "vitality" from his Dao Pill that was independent of himself, slowly emerging from the Dao Pill.It was still unknown at that time, and there was no intention of overflowing from around Dao Dan.

It wasn't until the second piece of Primordial Purple Qi entered the body that the independent "vitality" on the Dao Pill began to expand its influence, and once it came out, Zhang Yan's original step-by-step practice pace was increased by several orders of magnitude.

Later, when the third primordial purple qi entered the body again, the "vitality" that was independent in Dao Dan soared even more, and at the same time, the influence that spilled into Zhang Yan's body also continued to soar.

The most direct feeling is the physical body.

Zhang Yan's current physical body has already become a fairy body. Every bit of flesh and bone, every inch of meridian and soul has long been different from ordinary people, and has stepped into a higher level of life.But this is not the end, but a new beginning.

Going up is to comprehend the "principle" between heaven and earth, and going down is to further evolve one's physical body, so as to gradually improve one's cultivation.

Now with the gain of "vitality", the active evolution from bottom to top brings Zhang Yan's fairy body to continuously sprint towards the limit of human immortality at an unprecedented speed.

The reason why Zhang Yan retreated was because his fairy body evolved so fast that he had a feeling of "unstable" that made his heart skip a beat.I can only find the safest place to calm down and recuperate, and at the same time seize the time to sink my consciousness into the "world level" to understand the "truth" at a deeper level, and try to make the evolution progress of my top level as fast as the upper and lower levels.

If there are other people present at this time, you will see the skin on Zhang Yan's body exposed outside the robe like fluorescent light flickering with the breath, the epidermis glows with a luster similar to suet jade, and even under the skin The blood vessels are all looming, giving people an inhuman sense of sight, and accompanied by an inexplicable pressure that gradually increases.

This is only an abnormality on the surface. If you follow Zhang Yan's inner vision to look inside the body, you will find more wonderful and even subversive changes.

First of all, it is full of muscles. When Zhang Yan achieved the fairy body before, he was still a body of flesh and blood, but the composition of flesh and blood has changed, and there are many golden light spots in it, which is because of the infiltration of immortal essence into the body, and also The boundary that distinguishes immortality.

But now Zhang Yan's physical body is completely distanced from the word "flesh and blood".Because crystal-like particles are appearing all over his body.

Like the frost flowers on the grass and trees in the cold winter.

These crystals appear bit by bit at a speed that seems slow but actually fast, and they start to be combined with each other to form small layouts, and then the layouts are connected to each other to form a large area that eventually spreads all over the body.

After these crystalline frost flowers appeared, the original basic structure of Zhang Yan's physical body was completely cut apart, like particles packed into tiny grids, waiting for the final transformation.

Along with the changes, there are meridians that are invisible to the naked eye but clear in the inner vision.These structures, which are the transmission channels of energy in Zhang Yan's body, were "thick" and "tough" before.

The thick meridians can withstand the transmission of greater aura and celestial power, and can support powerful magic methods and guide stronger rule methods.

And tenacity means that the meridian's ability to resist blows can be improved when receiving energy blows, and at the same time, it can not hurt oneself when using some explosive methods.

But now Zhang Yan's meridians are also being completely smashed and recast.

Instead of changing the previous structure of Ren Du's two meridians and Qi meridian's eight meridians, they were all fragmented, chopped and shredded one by one, and then merged into the crystalline frost flowers of the physical body.

In other words, today's Zhang Yan's body is gradually losing the "vein" of the meridians, and has become a state where the meridians are all over his body.

The benefits are also obvious, that is, any method can call all these fragmented meridians to work together, without being limited by the "meridian endurance".Moreover, once the damage is received, it is shared with the whole body, which greatly increases the upper limit of the force.And even if injured, there will be no state of "impaired meridians are unsustainable".As long as there is still one breath left, the function of the meridians will not be completely interrupted due to the injury.

certainly.These changes are still in progress.

Including the flesh and blood that has not been completely reconstructed after being torn apart like a grid of crystalline frost flowers.And although the meridians are fragmented, several large nodes have not been completely opened up.These are the difficulties Zhang Yan felt, or the threshold.

Zhang Yan tried to attack those difficult points, trying to complete the evolution of the physical body in one go, but unfortunately failed several times.It can even be said that there is no progress.

In the end, Zhang Yan suddenly realized that perhaps these nodes were not levels that could be overcome by self-evolution, and needed external force.He's just speeding up the process now.

With what external force?
Naturally, it was four or nine days of robbery.Just like when he achieved the fairy body before, the bombardment of Heavenly Tribulation played a key role, allowing Zhang Yan's physical body to complete the leap from mortal to immortal.

However, compared to the "no need to worry" that the physical body actively evolved, Zhang Yan felt much more difficult at the level of primordial spirit and consciousness.

The key to enlightenment lies in the word "enlightenment".And "enlightenment" is a very empty thing, no matter what you get or what you give, there is no definite number.

Maybe you have learned nothing for a hundred years, but in an inadvertent moment, you have a clear idea.And if the enlightenment is in the heart of Dao, then enlightenment can get twice the result with half the effort, otherwise there will be no explanation, it all depends on luck and time.

Of course, the level of personal understanding will also reflect a big difference at this time.

Zhang Yan's comprehension is extremely high, and he has never felt difficult in this regard.But what makes him different from others is that even though he has touched the threshold of the fairyland, he still hasn't found his heart.

This also caused Zhang Yan to have no focus at all to reduce the difficulty of enlightenment.

But in the same way, Zhang Yan does not have any fixed path of enlightenment.He can comprehend whatever interests him as he pleases.

This relieved Zhang Yan of many constraints when he used the "world perspective" to realize the Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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