one's door

Chapter 654 Subversion

Chapter 654 Subversion
Fang Shiwen didn't expect that the sect master would pay so much attention to the report message he added temporarily after hearing it. Not only did he inquire in detail, but he also decided to go outside Huangtianyu to investigate in person after he couldn't figure it out.

Do you need to be so nervous?Fang Shiwen's first reaction in his heart was that the sect master was a little too sensitive.

But since Xue E said he wanted to go and see it, Fang Shiwen naturally had no reason to stop it.Even the matter itself was initiated by him.

It's just that in Fang Shiwen's subconscious mind, the void is inherently mysterious, and so far, living beings only know a little bit about the void.Most people don't understand things.So although he was surprised by the weirdness outside Huangtianyu, he didn't mention the degree of immediate attention.Telling Xue E is also a subconscious behavior, after all, Xue E pays close attention to Huang Tianyu before he mentions it.

I didn't expect Xue E to pay so much attention to it.

In the void, Xue E and Fang Shiwen stood one behind the other.In the distance in the dark void in front of him is a huge turbulent void that is even darker and accompanied by some splendor.

A little closer is a flood of "fog." The true deity of the "fog group" is Huang Tianyu.

There are also three magic circle nodes forming an angle around Huang Tianyu.These nodes are connected together and merged into Da Hongtian's void formation.This is a formation jointly arranged by the top-level forces of the pastoral faction, and it is divided and managed and added by each small alliance.It is also the most powerful barrier for the pastoral faction to consolidate its sphere of influence and resist the chaos faction.

At this time, there are five cultivators of the Tongxuan Realm staying behind in each node of the formation. They rely on the protection of the node formation to protect them from all kinds of dangers in the void.

Of course, there are two human immortals stationed at the node of the magic circle, but at this time they left the node of the magic circle and came outside, relying on the protection of the fairy artifact, to welcome Xue E and Fang Shiwen's arrival.

"Sect Master, you should be able to feel it after entering this range." Fang Shiwen greeted the two immortals stationed here who came up and looked obviously caught off guard, and then directed Xue E.The weird induction he mentioned is within the circle nodes, that is, it needs to be very close to the wild sky to appear, and now they don't feel it in their suspended position.

Xue E hummed and didn't express too much.He also didn't immediately continue to move to the node of the magic circle after listening to Fang Shiwen's words.Instead, it hangs in place.His brows furrowed slightly.

What Fang Shiwen and others didn't notice, Xue E noticed.It seems that there is only a small gap between him and Fang Shiwen, but in fact the gap in strength is measured in tens of thousands of years.Therefore, when it comes to the sensitivity of all aspects, the gap between the two cannot be compared.

When Xue E moved close to the star mark, he already felt that the direction of Huang Tianyu was not right.His impression of the void has never been as subtle as "restlessness".

The void should be a pool of stagnant water, even if there is danger, it will be undercurrents or directly burst without warning.It will not increase gradually and slowly as it is now.

Fang Shiwen said that the feeling will only appear after entering the magic circle node and approaching the wild sky.In fact, it has overflowed, but they didn't realize it.But according to Xue E's perception, the source of this weird feeling is indeed the direction of Huang Tianyu.

After feeling it carefully, Xue E's expression gradually became serious.

Fang Shiwen also realized something, shut up and said nothing.

After a long time, Xue E moved across the boundary of the magic circle and directly entered the defense range of the magic circle, only one step away from the Huangtian domain.

At this time, the weird feeling became even stronger.But as Fang Shiwen said, it is not a feeling that has always been there, but intermittent and irregular.

Seeing that Xue E's expression is meaningful, he was still serious and suspicious before.But when Xue E paused for a long time after approaching the Huangtian Territory, the expression on his face gradually began to change.

Be surprised and curious.

"Master, did you find something?" Fang Shiwen was the only person present who dared to ask questions.Seeing that the expression on Xue E's face seemed to relax, he quickly asked what was in his heart.Based on his understanding of his family's master, he should have judged this strange feeling.

"Fang Shiwen, I remember that in the last battle with the Chaos Sect, you led a few disciples of the Tongxuan Realm to guard a key point of the magic circle. You survived after being heavily surrounded, and you were finally dragged to the rescue by you. At that time Half of your head is gone, and you are also missing an arm and half of your foot. Did you ever feel terrified at that time?"

Fang Shiwen didn't understand why the sect master suddenly asked this.But he still replied honestly: "No. To be honest, I had the thought of dying at the time. But even if those bastards from the Chaos faction can kill me, Fang Shiwen, they don't deserve to make me terrified."

Indeed, it is difficult for an Earth Immortal to feel fear from the mere danger.This is especially true for an earth immortal like Fang Shiwen who has moved all the way through various worlds.I don't know how many times I have encountered all kinds of desperate situations, large and small.When it is numb, the feeling of fear has long since disappeared.

But not being afraid in the face of danger does not mean that Fang Shiwen is really fearless.

Then Xue E asked again: "Then do you remember the last time you felt apprehensive? I don't mean this time here."

Fang Shiwen gave the answer directly without thinking: "The most recent time was when I broke through the Earth Immortal and resisted the Four or Nine Heavenly Tribulations. At that time, the power of the sky was mighty, and the killing spirit was poured into the top, overwhelming I was terrified.
Sect Master, you don’t mean to say that the weirdness here is.”

Speaking of this, it is naturally impossible for Fang Shiwen not to understand Xue E's meaning.It's just that it really subverted his cognition, and he didn't even dare to say the last two words for a while.

The expression on Xue E's face has now completely returned to its previous appearance.cold.Looking at Fang Shiwen, he said, "Do you still remember where you experienced the four or nine days of calamity?"

"It's in Dahongtian!" How could Fang Shiwen forget such a thing.He even remembered that when he crossed the robbery, it was Xue E who personally helped him protect the law at the boundary of Jieyun to prevent outside interference.

Xue E nodded slightly, and continued: "Da Hongtian had already evolved into a big world at that time. I lived through the four or nine days of calamity just after Da Hongtian became a big world. You were behind me.

Therefore, the state of Dahongtian after that time can accommodate the earth immortal, and he can take four or nine heavenly calamities as a test for you.

Then have you ever thought about it.If in a nascent world, breaking through the limit of human beings and hitting the barrier of earth immortals and successfully attracting four or nine heavenly calamities, where will this calamity be overcome? "

The Great World can withstand the breakthrough of the Earth Immortal, and it will directly bring down four or nine Heavenly Tribulations as a test.But for a nascent new world, it is considered the limit to withstand the entry of an earth immortal.It is impossible to bear the birth of an Earth Immortal in it.He also didn't have the ability to use the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation as a test.

Fang Shiwen's eyes widened, his face covered in horror, and he said after a long while: "Sect master, although that Zhang Yan is in the late stage of the human fairyland, when I saw him last time, he was still far away from hitting the fairyland. How long? How could it be so fast?!"

(End of this chapter)

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