one's door

Chapter 656 Gathering

No matter how good at calculation Xue E was, he never imagined that a chance he encountered on a whim would cause such a big change.

When Lan Qingying broke into the vicinity of Huang Tianyu directly, Xue E was a little caught off guard, but soon he figured out why the other party made such a big move and led almost the top combat power of Tianyue Palace to come here together.And there was no greeting at all in advance, which was quite arrogant.

Even if Xue E didn't want to, he had to stop his comprehension at this time.Of course, this kind of thing made his already icy face even more frosty, his eyes were full of evil, and he looked at the uninvited people in Tianyue Palace without saying a word.

"I don't know what's the business of Lan Gongzhu Dajia? I didn't inform you before, because I think Da Hongtian is not qualified to know or treats the consistent rules of all alliances as a joke. Is it okay to not abide by it?" Fang Shiwen is very familiar with his own family. Due to the temper of the sect master, he took the initiative to stand up and bowed to Lan Qingying in front of him, but questioned sharply in his words.

Because coming uninvited is also a big taboo in pastoralism.After all, everyone is on their own side and has a sphere of influence.It's not only impolite for you to barge in directly, but also very provocative.

But since Lan Qingying has come all the time, she naturally doesn't know what her actions mean this time.Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought four of the five fairyland elders in the door.

I came here to put pressure on Da Hongtian.As for provocation?You also said that it is an unwritten rule, what can you do to me?

In terms of hard power, Tianyue Palace is much stronger than Dahongtian's side.The number of Earth Immortals alone is three more than that of Dahongtian.

"Bold! Fang Shiwen, what is your status, dare to talk to our palace master like this? Are you people in Dahongtian as ignorant of the rules as you?"

There was also no need for Lan Qingying to speak, the elders beside her directly pushed Fang Shiwen back.

rule?Rules are needed only when the fist is big.The fist is small, the rules are not up to you.And Tianyue Palace is here to probe Da Hongtian's bottom line.The inheritance of the Great Desolate World will never be destroyed by their drastic measures.In that case, Tianyue Palace will lose all opportunities.

And the atmosphere in this scene suddenly became tense.Not only is Da Hongtian already contacting for reinforcements, but also the passing companies in the surrounding void are also surrounded in the distance without choosing to leave.The vast majority of them are monks of the Dahongtian Alliance. Now that the sect master of Dahongtian is confronting others, they can't just leave anyway.Even if there are five Earth Immortals who they can't match, they still need to wait and see. If there is a real fight, they will not only join the battle group, but also send a message back to their own world to ask for reinforcements.

The scuffle in the void is like this between one faction and one faction. It is very rare for a world to fight against a world.This is the inevitable result of everyone working together to survive.Once the fight starts, it will be a group battle in several or even dozens of worlds.

In particular, this place is also the center of the formation that Da Hongtian specially strengthened because of the Huangtian Territory.Once you start here, the help of the large formation can also play a great offensive and defensive role.Moreover, the formation was built by the top forces of the Pastoral Sect, and its power was not something that Tianyue Palace could handle easily.

"Master Xue, people don't speak dark words. You know what is hidden in this new world in front of you, and I know it too. Good things should be shared by everyone instead of eating alone, and you want to draw the bottom line to cut off others. The idea. Is this too much?"

Lan Qingying didn't care about the squabbles around her, and turned a blind eye to those "staring tigers" around her.She came to put pressure on Da Hongtian, and it was limited to pressure, not to really fight Da Hongtian.So he cut to the chase and made clear his purpose for coming here.And it also has the meaning of expressing "as a last resort".

You, Da Hongtian, are not kind, otherwise I wouldn't have come here!That's what it means.

How could Xue E still not know that his temporary chance had misunderstood Tianyue Palace, who had long been eyeing the inheritance of the Great Desolate World in the Desolate Heaven Territory.

But even if there is a misunderstanding, Xue E doesn't like being ridden on his face.

"Is there anything in Huang Tianyu that I'm not too busy talking about. But Palace Master Lan really doesn't take Da Hongtian seriously, and he can do whatever he wants. If you don't give an explanation, I'm afraid you need to do something today before you can talk properly. gone."

Xue E has his own judgment.He knew very well that it was impossible for Tianda World to really fight to the death with himself.He didn't think so either.But this time the other party broke into Da Hongtian's sphere of influence majesticly this time, and put on a look of provoking a teacher to inquire about his crimes. This face and heart hurt Xue E badly.So Xue E must be found, otherwise how will Da Hongtian order the alliance of many worlds in the future?

Soft-legged shrimps and cowards are not worthy of being leaders of forces.

Lan Qingying slightly squinted her eyes, a smile appeared on her face, and she was charming with an evil spirit not weaker than that of Xue E, and asked back: "Oh? If Master Xue wants to, you can try it. I just happen to be curious too. Can Da Hongtian's extremely cold rules freeze even my Tianyue Palace's Nine Yin Powers?"

Give in?That's what's under the table.On the table, Lan Qingying also had reasons why she couldn't back down.And she has a lot of confidence.There are five Earth Immortals standing here, including herself, and Dahong Tianguang will do his best to deal with the five of them. How can she be afraid?
"Okay! I just happen to be very curious about Tianyue Palace's methods, so choosing another day is worse than hitting the sun!"

"Master Xue, please!" Hearing Xue E's words, Lan Qingying also understood Xue E's plan.This is to shrink the struggle between forces directly on the two of them.In this way, there can be an explanation, and the problem will not get out of hand.

Both of them have a tacit understanding.This method is the most suitable if you don't want to tear your face directly.

Of course, if you lose, the face of the loser will be ugly.But both of them are in the late stage of the Immortal Realm, even if they lose, it won't be too ugly to lose.

"How about going over there?" Lan Qingying pointed to the turbulent void with splendor in the darkness in the distance.


After a question and an answer, the figures of the two flickered, and disappeared from the spot in an instant. When they reappeared, they had crossed the range of the Desolate Sky Territory and were far away from the envelope of the Dahongtian Magic Circle.

On the edge is the terrifying void turbulence.

In fact, Xue E and Lan Qingying had only spoken a few words, and no one thought that things would not go in the direction of "wrangling" or "mutual abuse".The king on both sides directly chose to "do a game", using strength to judge right from wrong.

But where the two chose is interesting.Close to the turbulence of the void.Not to mention that monks dare not approach, even immortals have to hide far away.Only Earth Immortals dare to get close to watch the battle.This reduced the audience of the competition by ninety-nine percent.

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