one's door

Chapter 679

Chapter 679

A bell rang from the square on the left side of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen, and the bell sounded dull and soul-stirring.

The disciples who were close to the big clock could see that the big clock was swinging by itself and emitting a dark green light at the same time.

At the same time, several disciples stationed at the sentry booth next to the big clock were holding a magic weapon to compare the light overflowing from the big clock, and soon they came to a conclusion.Then, not daring to stay in the slightest, he threw out a jade sword. The jade sword moved through the air, and the next moment it was in the hands of the elder on duty who was in charge of external defense.

Afterwards, the rotating elder continued to report to the sect master Xue E.

This series of changes may seem cumbersome to say one by one, but in fact it only takes half a cup of tea.

In addition, the nerves of the upper and lower levels of Haoxuemen have been secretly tightened, not only the three elders on duty are fully motivated, but the remaining six elders who should have been in retreat at this time were also forced to retreat from the hidden cultivation. Been out for a long time.So after the alarm bell rang in the mountain, all the elders consciously left their place of meditation and rushed towards the mountain top hall.

As for those "distinguished guests" in the back mountain courtyard.For the time being, no one wants to talk to them.After all, it's not flattering, so as not to "collide", isn't it?
"Master, this is the warning of the Beiyuan world. The situation is reflected as first-class, which means that it is basically determined that the Chaos faction is attacking the Beiyuan world, and has effectively destroyed the nodes of the magic circle.

According to the alliance's plan, the first batch of reinforcement disciples are already gathering, and they are expected to set off within half a stick of incense.Also ask the door master to show me! "

Nine elders gathered in the hall.None of them took their seats, but stood in three rows tacitly, waiting for Xue E's order with serious faces.

Even the eyes of several of the elders were eager to try.No panic at all.After all, it was not the first time this kind of bell sounded in Haoxuemen, every time it meant the coming of war.Isn't it just the time to hone your Dao heart and skills through life and death?As for danger?This danger has long been used to.

"Beiyuan world?"

As usual, Xue E picked up the jade sword sent back from the alarm bell and looked at it.But his brows raised slightly.Because the Beiyuan world has been peaceful for many years.The previous battles between the Dahongtian Alliance and the Chaos faction did not substantially affect that side.And that is not an important position on the defense line of the entire Dahongtian Alliance.What are you doing attacking there?
The following nine elders were waiting in full force, and no one interrupted.

After being silent for a while, Xue E said: "Let the first batch of disciples gather and then set off. Li Yan, you lead the team this time."


"Observe the movements of the Chaos faction carefully after you go there. Report back with details as soon as possible."

"Disciple understands!"

Li Yan took a token from Xue E, bowed and hurriedly turned and left.She didn't ask why she was the only one leading the team this time.In the past, vanguard reinforcements required at least two elders from the late stage of Immortals to lead the team, plus the disciples below and two from the middle stage of Immortal Realm to form the lead of four Immortals.

After Li Yan left, Fang Shiwen, as the elder in the main hall, was the first to ask questions.Said: "Sect master, will Elder Li lack strength to lead the team alone?"

However, Xue E shook his head and said, "No. Two disciples from the Immortal Realm, plus Li Yan, and dozens of disciples from the Tongxuan Realm, are enough for the first batch of reinforcements and explorations. Don't forget that the Beiyuan World There are also three magic circle nodes on the side, even if the Chaos faction guys send the Earth Immortal over there, it won't be able to break through in a while.

And this raid by the Chaos faction was too unusual.Pick at this point in time.Don't you think it's strange? "

How could the rest of the elders not find it strange?But the alarm bells sounded, and according to the plan, a timely response was required.This is not only related to the most basic structural foundation of the Dahongtian Alliance, but also the most important defense within the Pastoral Sect.All they need to think about is dealing with the crisis.As for the behind-the-scenes matter, if Xue E didn't open his mouth, they would actually look for opportunities to mention it.

"Master, are you worried that the warning from the Northern Plains World is actually a trick by the Chaos faction? Is the purpose still in the wild world?"

No need to remind, since Xue E mentioned "there is a problem", it must be aimed at the matters related to the Huangtian Territory that has caused people's unrest in Dahongtian recently.

As said before.It is definitely not just the forces of the Qingshan Wonderland who are paying attention to the Huangtianyu.Other forces within the pastoral faction are definitely watching in secret and making preparations.Similarly, people from the Chaos faction will not turn a blind eye, and will definitely find a way to get in.

Perhaps the people of the Chaos faction may not be aware of the inheritance of the Great Desolate World behind the void catastrophe outside the Desolate Sky Territory for the time being, but as long as they get involved, they will soon be able to detect the clues.At that time, their choices will actually be more than those of the Pastoral School.Either grab it, or destroy it directly.As long as the pastoral faction is not allowed to get it as a priority.

"There is a possibility. After all, the Beiyuan World is not an important position in our Dahongtian Alliance's defense line. It is of little significance for them to raid the Beiyuan World. And once they are dragged by the Beiyuan World, they will face the possibility of being surrounded by us.

Conversely, the distance between Beiyuan World and Huangtian Territory is too far.Once we turn all our defenses away, the direction of Huangtianyu will inevitably be empty. "

Xue E's worry is indeed that the Chaos faction is making a fuss.He needs a careful handling at the level of the entire Dahongtian League.

Although Fang Shiwen also agreed with Xue E's worry.But he still tried to tell what he could think of as a reference.So he said: "What the sect master said is reasonable. But Dahongtianli is no longer the main combat force used to target the direction of Huangtianyu. Instead of thinking about it, it is better to use the plan and let the Chaos faction think that the trick has succeeded, and then Wouldn't it be more appropriate to compete with those distinguished guests from the Houshan Bieyuan?"

Xue E understood what Fang Shiwen meant.Even when he first heard that the Chaos Faction had attacked the Beiyuan World, he had considered Fang Shiwen's idea of ​​dragging those distinguished guests back into the water.After all, in this way, the actual power of the Great Hongtian Alliance will increase by ten or even dozens of times.Responding to a crisis has become very simple.

But Xue E has his own persistence.

"The affairs of the Dahongtian Alliance are our own affairs. Can you and I officially meet those distinguished guests?" Xue E shook his head while talking, let alone meeting.Those distinguished guests probably didn't even pay attention to the word Haoxuemen where they are now.

"So when it comes to life and death matters related to the Dahongtian Alliance's own defense line and allies, it is impossible to easily count those distinguished guests. They are them, and we are us."

(End of this chapter)

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