one's door

Chapter 688

Chapter 688
Liu Yueyue's words received an affirmative answer from the Earth Immortal of the Yanshan Alliance beside her.

"Yes, according to the normal power development trajectory of a nascent world, Cliff Mountain should collect most of the resources in the Desolate Sky Territory as reserves at this time, instead of not managing them scattered at all like now. And Also staring at the main combat parts of various scattered forces.

This clearly shows that they want to form combat power as quickly as possible first, followed by complete dominance.It means to be in a hurry.

However, Da Hongtian's foreign enemies are not prominent now, and he has been generally stable over the years.And Da Hongtian is relatively peaceful to the worlds in the alliance, and rarely takes action.It would not be possible for Huang Tianyu to take such an active preparation for the battle.

The only explanation should be that the inheritor of the Great Desolate World had a premonition or received some hints, telling him to hurry up and prepare.

And what we have seen in this short period of time should be the easiest means of combat preparation that can be thought of.Although these preparations are ridiculous compared to Lin Xianzi's plan.But it also shows that the inheritor in Huang Tianyu is not ignorant of his current situation. "

Although this is just a guess, it is not aimless.

If the guess is true, then what else will this inheritor in Huang Tianyu do?Just relying on these scattered monks like ants, not to mention turning up waves, a fairy who came to the fairyland casually could wipe out all the living things in this world with a wave of his hand.

"This news must be reported immediately!" Liu Yueyue made a prompt decision.He took out a jade sword, and quickly wrote down the news the two of them had gotten from Huangtianyu, what they had done, and what speculations they had finally drawn in the past few days.Then with a wave of his hand, the jade sword disappeared through the air.

"This matter depends on what the master will do. Huh?"

Liu Yueyue was about to tell the companions in front of her about the problems that they needed to pay attention to and solve urgently.But she had only started the conversation before she was interrupted by the sudden feedback in her heart.

The companion on the opposite side was also a little surprised.But before he could ask a question, he saw a small space ripple spread out, and a jade sword came out of it.

Isn't this the jade sword that Liu Yueyue threw out just now to summon Da Hongtian to report the situation to her master? !

Why are you back?

The one who was even more surprised by this had to be Liu Yueyue who sacrificed this jade sword.Just now, her primordial spirit fed back the reason why the jade sword went back and forth, and it turned out to be "the failure of the great teleportation".

"Is there a problem with the jade sword? How about I pass it on once?"

"Hmm. Give it a try. My jade sword doesn't seem to be able to perform large teleportation. I don't know if there is something wrong with the magic circle or something." Liu Yueyue has never encountered such a problem before.Although she said that there might be something wrong with Yujian, but there was already a haze in her heart.

The jade sword is a fairy weapon, although it is an auxiliary fairy weapon, but a fairy weapon is a fairy weapon, so why is it so easy to go wrong?Even if a hundred fairy artifacts have been used frequently for 10 years, there may not be a problem with one of them.This one may be too small.

Waiting for the companions of the Yanshan Alliance to sacrifice his own jade sword to send a message, but also returned after a few breaths.The problem is not simple.

The two of them didn't need to discuss, they would almost use Teleportation to leave Huangtianyu together.Even from just now to now, their divine thoughts still haven't found any strangeness or obstruction at the spatial level, and the space conditions for moving and large-scale moving anytime, anywhere are good.But in the face of such a weird situation, they still seek stability at the first time, and leave Huangtianyu first.At least go out and send the jade sword away first, right?
But something frightened the two of them.Their figures were still sitting on the painting boat, and they did not move at all.

"This is."

The Earth Immortal from the Yanshan Alliance stood up from his chair with a puzzled face.In his understanding, the obstruction of movement can only be a problem at the spatial level.But now the space level is completely normal, he can even clearly discern the power of the space rules here, but the movement just now is completely motionless.

This feeling is like standing by the well at night and looking at the moon shadow in the mirror. It looks like there is a moon in the well, but when I reach out to fish it, I find that there is nothing at all.

"It's not right. The space rules here have been tampered with. It seems normal, but it repels us. No matter how it is affected, the power of the space rules here is as close as possible. It seems to respond to our traction, but it is in fact. cheat?"

Liu Yueyue did not expect that one day she would put the word "deception" on the power of rules.

But this is how Liu Yueyue feels at this moment, being deceived by the seemingly ubiquitous and docile power of space rules around her.

"It must have been done by the inheritor of the Great Desolate World. The cover-up methods in our hands have not fooled him. Now he seems to have trapped us here by means of "harmony." Although Liu Yueyue didn't see panic , but also quickly judged the current situation of the two of them.Although I haven't seen the danger for the time being, the situation has slipped into the opponent's rhythm.

"What should we do now? If the news cannot be spread, it will definitely bring great changes to Fairy Lin's arrangements. The successor in Huangtianyu is much more troublesome than we judged."

After being silent for a moment, Liu Yueyue said decisively: "The plan for now is to arrange the formation immediately and open it directly. Together with the formation, even if it is blocked by this world, Master will still be aware of it because of the formation. At that time, she will understand that there will be a big change here, and there should be."

Liu Yueyue's words were interrupted by herself again.

Not only Liu Yueyue, but also her companions were the same as her, but they were slow for a moment, and turned their heads to look at the lake outside the boat almost at the same time.

I saw a small boat floating in the distance from the Broken Lake at an unknown time. The boat was small, and there was a man standing on it, with his hands behind his back, wearing a white robe, a white jade hair crown on his head, and a gold-covered golden dragon hanging around his waist. patterned red gourd.

"The two distinguished guests came from afar and didn't go up the mountain to stay for a few days, so that I could fulfill the friendship of the landlord, but they stopped here. It seems that I, Zhang Yan, don't know how to entertain guests."

Seeing the seemingly slow but fast boat sliding on the mirror, within a few breaths, he came from a very far distance to the front, and the man in the white robe on the top greeted Liu Yueyue and the two on the painting boat with a smile.It seemed to be complaining that the guests were too polite, but these words were full of irony in the ears of Liu Yueyue and the others.

When she heard that the visitor really called herself "Zhang Yan", Liu Yueyue and her companion subconsciously looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes.

The other party dared to appear directly in front of the two of them in the late stage of the fairyland.Even if there is a "common way" means.Can it really be so rampant?
(End of this chapter)

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