one's door

Chapter 690 Flying Knife

Chapter 690 Flying Knife

Zhang Yan untied the red gourd from his waist and put it on the coffee table at hand.The golden lines on the gourd flickered as if breathing.

For some reason, Liu Yueyue and the two of them suddenly felt that the red gourd, which was only half a foot high, had a murderous intent lingering on it, which made their backs feel chills.

They were secretly on the highest alert and at the same time guessed what the red gourd on the coffee table was.

Let's say it is a fairy weapon, why is there no shelf for a fairy weapon.It's not a fairy weapon, so why would you give them such a deterrent?What is even more incomprehensible is that Zhang Yan, a mere immortal in the early stage of the fairyland, has such a treasure by his side.Is it also an object inherited from the Great Desolate World? !
"It seems that you two don't want to leave room for me. The inheritance of the Great Desolate World is my chance. Since I got it, it means that there is God's will in the dark. How can you hand it over in a few words?

Besides, even if I do, you won't let me go, will you?

Oh, no excuses.You should have no intention of contacting me and listening to me from the beginning.Today's words are just quick wit, and they are not counted.

In fact, I am the same as you.I didn't want to, and I didn't think it would be useful to reason with you or talk about exchanges.You are not a small force like Da Hongtian, so you will definitely not do business with me.

I'm here today to touch your roots and get a general idea.Otherwise, it will be difficult to find what I want when I search later.

Therefore, it is the end after doing one. "

Liu Yueyue didn't move when she heard the words, and suddenly there was a multicolored glow behind her, spreading out like a feather fan, with scorching power, just appearing would stir up all the surrounding rule powers to vibrate, and even purged the surrounding rule powers.

The Earth Immortal from the Yanshan Alliance also felt the murderous intent revealed by Zhang Yan's body and words.It is not afraid to be afraid of nature, and I have even been impatiently waiting for this to come out.So he couldn't move, and a group of turquoise flames appeared on his right hand as clear as jade.The moment it appeared, the surrounding rules about the word "fire" seemed to be affected by it, causing inexplicable changes.

This is the first time Zhang Yan has seen the methods used in the late stage of the Earth Wonderland.Or is it a magic weapon?
Anyway, whether it was the turquoise flame or the colorful glow, they gave Zhang Yan great pressure.It also opened his eyes.

In the fairyland of the past, the methods were still competing, who could control the power of the rules, which was stronger, deeper, and more freely used.Like a competition of brute force, there are not many bells and whistles.

But now that he stepped into the Earth Immortal, Zhang Yan's understanding and use of the power of rules is not what it used to be. At the same time, he is also curious about the changes in the immortal methods of the Earth Immortal.Is it the same way as those methods passed down in the Great Desolate World?

As a result, the scene in front of him broke Zhang Yan's guess.


Because although Zhang Yan obtained the fairy art from the third floor of the palace in Wanxiangzhuli, although it is different from the second floor of the human fairyland, the general direction has not changed.It is to continue to dig deep on the basis of the human fairyland, to find out the essence of the power of rules in the deep layer below the surface, and use these essences to endow the power of rules with new vitality and new ways of application from the inside to the outside.

There are even some methods that can produce wonderful transformations and fusions that are impossible after touching the deep essence.

However, other forces in the Void World do not seem to like the Great Desolate World as much as they like to cultivate and continue to dig deep on the same road in order to break through.Most of them are unable to walk on one road, so they just go on another road.

Although Zhang Yan has no more detailed evidence for the time being.But some signs can be seen from the power of the magic weapon sacrificed by the two of Liu Yueyue.

Regardless of the turquoise flame or the multicolored glow, the path to take is the same.

Strengthen yourself and clear the scene.

Strengthen the power of rules that you are good at, and at the same time squeeze out all other powers of rules within the range.Form a regional power structure dominated by the rule force with the strongest control and the most confidence.

This is somewhat like an independent "field" in disguise.

It can be seen from this that starting from the Earth Fairyland, the actual path taken by the Great Desolate World has begun to diverge from the path chosen by other forces in the void.

It's not about who is strong and who is weak.There is no right or wrong in power.

Look at the size of the potential.

Perhaps this is why the Primordial Great World was able to stabilize the Pastoral and Chaos factions with the power of one world.Perhaps the great ancestors joined together and the birth of the six saints also benefited from the potential blessings brought about by different paths of practice.

Faced with such a magic weapon, its power is only one aspect.In the late stage of the Earth Fairyland, the coercion of the Immortal Origin itself was like a monstrous wave, and it was directly suppressed towards Zhang Yan.

After becoming an immortal, a small realm is as far away as heaven and earth, not to mention the gap between the two small realms of the earthly immortals, you can know a thing or two by seeing how oppressed Zhang Yan will inevitably turn pale in an instant.


Zhang Yan sighed sincerely in his heart.Perhaps in other places, he has nothing to do in the face of the oppression of these two in the late stage of the fairyland, and it is even difficult to escape.But this is Huangtianyu, the "Original Realm" where he and Zhang Yan have reached a "false union" and have cooperation and exchanges.Crossing two small realms seems like a fantasy, but here, it is not a joke, but what Zhang Yan will do next.

Zhang Yan's figure suddenly became blurry, as if he had been splashed with a ladle of water just before the ink was dry, and his whole person suddenly became unreal.

"This is.?"

"It's the space overlapping. He keeps folding the space in front of him, trying to have a defensive effect!"

Seeing this, Liu Yueyue's heart tightened.This use of spatial rules was again something they had never heard of.Can the power of rules continue to fold like origami? !
But now we have to fight.Otherwise, with the current locked state of space rules, they really have no way to leave.Either take down Zhang Yan, or force the opponent back and wait for the opportunity to open a large formation to notify the strong in Dahongtian.

However, they soon discovered that both of their options were blocked.

Although Zhang Yan couldn't kill the two Earth Immortals with his current abilities.Whether it's the body or the soul, he can't kill the vitality of the immortals in the earth fairyland.

But Zhang Yan can trap the opponent, making the opponent unable to move for a short period of time, unable to use the most fundamental defense methods such as space rules.

Then the next ultimate move will rely on "external force" to help.

Zhang Yan picked up the red gourd on the table, unplugged the gourd mouth, and then a white glow flew out and pinned the earth immortal mud palace of the Yanshan Alliance, making it immobile.

Then Zhang Yan bowed slightly to the gourd and said, "Please turn around, baby."

(End of this chapter)

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