one's door

Chapter 694

Chapter 694

A crisp cracking sound sounded from Lin Yumei's heart, which made her frown deeply, and at the same time, a stern look flashed in her eyes.

Immediately, he turned his palm over, and a jade tablet appeared in his palm, with a name engraved on it, it was Liu Yueyue.

This is fate.There is a trace of Liu Yueyue's life and soul entrusted on it.

Now the fate card that belonged to Liu Yueyue was broken.It also means that Liu Yueyue herself died just now.

The old man who had been following Lin Yumei noticed her strangeness, turned his head and looked over, just in time to see the broken fate card lying in her palm.It also changed with his face.

"who is it?!"

"Liu Yueyue, dead."

"Liu Yueyue?! Desolate Heaven?"

The old man immediately thought of the reason for the incident.Liu Yueyue is Lin Yumei's favorite disciple, because she looks very similar to Lin Yumei's deceased sister, so she is favored.Lin Yumei went to the Dahongtian Alliance this time to bring Liu Yueyue in order to flatter her.Before, he was assigned by the task to go to Huangtianyu to clear up possible troubles, and to make up for the big action that is about to be officially started.Accompanying him was a member of the Yanshan Alliance who had the same level of cultivation as Liu Yueyue to assist him.

This task is not difficult.

Because the most powerful force that Huangtianyu, as a nascent world, can accommodate is the late stage of the fairyland.And Liu Yueyue and the Earth Immortal of the Yanshan Alliance are the cultivation bases of the late Earth Immortal Realm, and they can be called the strongest existence in the Desolate Sky Territory.How can encounter danger?Even if the inheritor of the Great Desolate World has the ability to "combine the way", it won't make it impossible for two immortals in the late stage of the fairyland to escape by crossing two small realms, right?
In the old man's cognition, this is almost impossible.

"Could it be that those onlookers made the move?" The old man's first reaction was that the same forces as Qingshan Wonderland made the move.And the odds are high.

"It's possible, but it's not justified." Lin Yumei shook her head.For Liu Yueyue's death, anger was inevitable for her.After all, she spent a lot of effort to cultivate and valued the apprentice most.No matter who killed Liu Yueyue, Lin Yumei would have to pay the corresponding price.It's just that this anger was well hidden by her, and she didn't show it even in private.

In addition, from Lin Yumei's point of view, there are not many people in the Huangtian Territory who can kill Liu Yueyue.In addition to the top forces in the pastoral faction that the old man said just now were also staring at the Huangtianyu matter, the eyes of the Chaos faction were also attracted.

Compared with the forces in the Pastoral Sect, Lin Yumei was more inclined to kill Liu Yueyue from the Chaos Sect.Because the former has no need to suddenly kill the killer so far.Because there is very little to gain by doing so.The wise don't do it.

But those lunatics from the Chaos faction might kill Liu Yueyue.There are also those lunatics who will be reckless.Regardless of gains and losses.

"Ask Elder Wang of the Yanshan Alliance to see if their disciple is...No! There has been a change in the Huangtian Territory!" Lin Yumei was thinking about how to deal with this matter in the future, and even made up for Liu Yueyue's death. The power gap that the mission presents.But as soon as the arrangement was started, there was a sudden surge in her divine sense, and the induction magic circle that she had arranged in advance and hidden in the big circle around Huang Tianyu suddenly came back.

The content of the feedback caused Lin Yumei, who was very deep in the city, to bounce off her chair, and then moved away from Dahongtian without stopping, and then moved to the "storm center" that she didn't want to go so quickly. "Desolate Heaven Territory.

As soon as Lin Yumei moved, the old man beside her also moved over immediately.It even came later and arrived first, and Lin Yumei arrived outside the barren sky in one step.


In front of the dark and vast void scene, only the turbulent stream in the void far away and the three nearby nodes of the large formation are still shining with light, and there is nothing else in other places.

And in front of Lin Yumei, there should have been a purplish mist, which is where the huge barren sky region is located!
But now, where did Huang Tianyu go? !

Lin Yumei's expression was hardly as indifferent as usual.At least she never thought that Huang Tianyu would disappear from under her nose.

What plan?what's the plan?How many calculations?What kind of bright and dark methods are divided?
This moment is like a joke.And Lin Yumei herself is the absolute protagonist in this joke.Even though he was determined and determined, he was also defeated by his disciple who died first and then planned to lose everything. Under the impact of such emotions, his face was unavoidable, and his breath could not be stabilized at all.

"My lord, come back to your senses! The trouble is not over yet! Pull yourself up!" Although the old man was also shocked and suspicious of everything in front of him, his cognition was subverted and he had no clue.But at this time, his state of mind showed that he was more resilient than Lin Yumei, and he was also much more stable.At this time, he noticed dozens of large teleportation fluctuations around him, as well as various terrifying coercion. Knowing that the troubles in the future had just begun, he quickly reminded Lin Yumei to recover from the blow.

Lin Yumei came back to her senses immediately after being reminded by the old man beside her.At that moment just now, she was really in a daze.But not entirely because of the emotional blow.What's more, it was because of "how could Huang Tianyu suddenly disappear" that he got into a dead end, which caused his expression to go wrong.

Now that she came back to her senses, Lin Yumei saw dozens of figures moving out of the surrounding void.

Earth immortals, heavenly immortals, no golden immortals in person.For Lin Yumei, this is rare good news in the current situation.This shows that even at this time, Qingshan Wonderland still has not relaxed in the awe of the top power, which is the greatest support for her in disguise.It also said that Qingshan Wonderland didn't mean to push her out to the tank to attract conflicts.If this is the case, the result will not be too bad.

In an instant, Lin Yumei, who regained her composure, understood her current situation.

"Fairy Lin, where did Huang Tianyu go?"

Although the situation is not the worst, it is not very good.Lin Yumei became the target of public criticism at this time, and dozens of pairs of earth immortals and heavenly immortals who moved out stared at her unkindly.Some have even revealed their magic weapon. Although they are not in a posture, their attitude is very clear, and they mean to fight if there is a disagreement.

"Deacon Ma, the sudden disappearance of such a large world in Huangtianyu is also a question I am curious about. What? Could it be that Deacon Ma thinks that I have hidden Huangtianyu?" The questioning by the top forces is not at all flustered.Besides, she did not know anything about the disappearance of Huang Tianyu.

Another voice from the side said: "No way? Qingshan Wonderland has been arranged for Huangtianyu for a long time. Haven't you figured out what's inside and outside? Now that Huangtianyu is gone, you just say "I don't know" and plan to perfunctory it? Lin Yumei, do you think you have such a big face?"

(End of this chapter)

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