one's door

Chapter 696 The Round Table

Chapter 696 The Round Table
In the depths of the void, there is a very strange small world, which is only as big as a bamboo forest with a radius of less than ten feet. In the bamboo forest, a round table made of bamboo is set up, and five people sit around the table. teapot.

This place is called "Xiao Mi Tian".

Not a naturally generated world.Rather, it was produced by humans.Although it is not big, and has not evolved a complete rule, it can even be said that the energy it contains is far less than a piece of world fragments of the same size.

But it is such a place that is only the size of a small bamboo grove, which is not even a complete world, but it can accommodate five Da Luo Jinxians at the same time, and it will not be broken by such a huge individual energy like a normal world.

And the driving force behind the birth of such a small world is not one person, but five.

The strongest of the top forces in the five void worlds teamed up to open up such a strange place.As for why it is so, maybe it is to try some means, maybe it is just to have a place where everyone can sit together and drink tea.Who knows?
"Yu Xiao, have you taken care of yourself this time? Hehe, this embarrassment is completely embarrassing!"

There are five people at the round table, and the scenery behind them is generally the same, and there is no direction in this world, so every position is absolutely equal.

One of the men with white hair and childlike face put down his teacup, looked at a long-bearded middle-aged man diagonally opposite with a half-smile on his face, and said a few words, the ridicule in his words was almost obvious.

The expression on the face of the middle-aged man named Yu Xiao remained unchanged.Picking up the teacup, he took a sip, then cast a glance at the person who had laughed at him before, and said, "Did you save the face of Master Huanxi this time? It's not the same as being swayed by the inheritor of the Great Desolate World." together?"

Yuxiao present here is the master of Qingshan Wonderland, and Master Huanxi is the master of Qingxitian.Just like the disciples abroad, even when the two titled Luos face each other, they are still tit-for-tat and do not look at each other in the slightest.The reasons are the same.

The other three people, two females and one male, are Chong Lan, the master of the Misty Cloud Realm; Shi Jue, the master of the Guishi Realm; and Lei Tian, ​​the master of the Wind and Thunder Sky.

These five people are the five strongest pastoralists in the Void World today.They are also the five strongest Da Luo Jinxians in the Pastoral School.

Ordinary things will naturally not bring them together.It's not been a long time since the five of them sat drinking tea together like this.

"Okay, okay, some trivial matters, why get angry?
Drink tea, drink tea!This tea is new to me.Cooked in a special secret method, the aftertaste is endless, and it is of great benefit to peace of mind.By the way, Venerable Thunderstorm can drink more, it will help to calm the unknown fire in you. "

"Small matter? Hehe, old man Shi Jue, isn't Nigui Shiyu ready to go all out this time? Don't think I don't know that you sent all the nine golden immortals under your command. If things didn't change too quickly , you were the first to attack that little girl in Qingshan Wonderland, right? Are you pretending to be a good person now? Tsk tsk, just like this tea, it’s unscented!"

The Lord of Guishi is not like a stone, on the contrary, he is the longest-sleeved and skilled dancer in this small circle.Even Master Huanxi, who had spoken against him just now, actually had a lot of contacts with him in private.Let Shi Jue hold the most powerful and largest medicine pill in the void world?Even if Da Luo Jinxian doesn't need those pills, the mouths of his subordinates are still open and waiting.

On the contrary, the two women, Venerable Thunderstorm and Chong Lan, seemed very quiet, holding tea and did not participate in the dispute between the three men.They even think that Shi Jue's self-talk is second, and the tea in this cup is really good.

Shi Jue, who was reprimanded for a few words, was not angry at all.These are small scenes.The five great Luo Jinxians are already the pinnacle of life force in the void world.If you are rude in your words and don't deal with it, it comes from your heart, and there is no need for restraint and patience.And because there are only five people talking, some sharp words will not make anyone really turn their faces.

What's more, Shi Jue has always played the role of mediating all parties among the five.He himself is clear and happy, and the other four are also happy to see the result.Otherwise, a few or two sentences will blow up the scene, and nothing can be discussed.He has to be maintained and dealt with.

So Shi Jue laughed and said: "If the Great Desolate World is still there, who else here would dare to say that he is the most powerful in the Void World? Don't you?

Hehe, you all have witnessed the demeanor of the Great Desolate World like me, and even personally suffered a lot from its edge, and had to back away from it and dare not provoke it.

To put it bluntly, if the prehistoric world was as rampant as those lunatics from the Chaos Sect, the entire Void World would probably be dominated by their family. "

After a pause, Shi Jue smiled and saw that the four people around him were all silent, and he knew that his words had calmed them down.At the same time, it was helpless that even after such a long time, the prestige of the Great Desolate World still shocked them.including himself.

Then, Shi Jue continued: "The Great Desolate World suddenly disappeared. You must have been confused about this matter, right? But they left too little information. It is almost impossible to check.

Moreover, the disappearance of the Great Desolate World seems to coincide with the path they are pursuing.It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the biggest suspense in the void.

Otherwise, things in the newborn world of one side would not make our families so nervous.The five of us will never have the chance to sit down and drink tea.

So, let me say, rather than waste your time here.It's better for everyone to talk about their thoughts, where did the disappearing Huangtianyu go?Wouldn't it be the same as the Great Desolate World at the beginning? "

Shi Jue officially put aside the topic.It also means that he is not in the mood to argue with the people present about the past that has been completely lost.It's what's behind that matters.

And from this moment on, everyone is on the same starting line again regarding the inheritance of the Great Desolate World.Looking at it this way, it might not be a bad thing for the other four families to miss Qingshan Wonderland.

"It won't disappear like the Great Desolate World. The mere early stage of the fairyland will definitely not be able to reach that share. Otherwise, the Great Desolate World would not be struggling to find those countless years.

In fact, it looks like that Huang Tianyu fled away.

You should still remember the method sometimes used by some incomplete or nascent worlds to escape the dismemberment of the Chaos faction at the beginning of the world's melee, right? "

"Yeah. I think so too. But where did you go?"

"Where else can I go? Escape in the void. If you want to escape the search of our five spiritual senses, you must leave the sphere of influence of the Pastoral Sect."

"Did you go to the place where the lunatics from the Chaos faction went? Or did you go directly to the unknown domain?"

(End of this chapter)

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