one's door

Chapter 698 The New Land

Chapter 698 The New Land
The two copies of the remnant souls collected by Zhang Yan were finely divided, and only now did he have time to take them out and extract the memories that could be anchored bit by bit using a technique similar to seizing souls.

For example, it includes the memories of the "Five Great Powers" and "The Great Desolate World", including the memories of the fragments of "Master" and "Patriarch", etc.

Of course, the purpose of anchoring is to search for those useful memories better, faster and more accurately, instead of wasting time in scraps.Therefore, before Zhang Yan ran to the boat to meet Liu Yueyue and the two of them, and exchanged a few words, it was to be used as a search anchor for memory at this moment.

Now that the Huangtian Territory is temporarily stable, according to what it said, it will first look for a trace of the world that can be used to devour it, and then do it.In the meantime, it will collect the overflow energy of those dead worlds along the way to disguise itself.This process takes about one to two years.As long as you walk along the edge of the Chaos faction and the unknown domain, the possibility of being discovered is not too high.It can last for two years.

Zhang Yan is also planning to use this one to two years to sort out the things in his hands and plan the way he should go next.

"Flame Mountain Alliance."

The first remnant soul that Zhang Yan took out for screening came from the Earth Immortal of the Yanshan Alliance.In other words, Zhang Yan didn't choose deliberately, but just picked out a soul fragment belonging to the earth immortal of the Yanshan Alliance from a pair of scattered soul fragments.

Most of this piece of memory is the memory fragments of this Earth Immortal before he became an Immortal, as well as complicated information.For Zhang Yan, most of these things are waste products, and the useful things inside are like broken gold in the sand, which need to be picked carefully, and the quantity is very small.

Use divine sense to flash past.All the anchored memories were carefully screened by Zhang Yan.In the end, there are three usable items left.The rest completely dissipated after use, returning to the original source of the Huangtianyu, and it was regarded as nourishing for the Huangtianyu in a disguised form.

The first remnant soul will not make Zhang Yan slow down, or stop to taste.His movements gradually accelerated, pieces of remnant souls were taken out by him and quickly dissipated.

This process lasted several days.Until the last remnant soul in Zhang Yan's hand disappeared into the world, Zhang Yan did not re-conquer his enlightenment state, but continued to maintain it.He is currently rearranging the information he has obtained.The content inside will be listed by him in different categories.He even plans to share some of them, so that his disciples can get acquainted with them, and at the same time, he will also let Huang Tianyu's main consciousness understand.

This is the first time that Zhang Yan has experienced such an explosive growth in cognition.What increases is not "truth" or "mystery" but the most basic, basic common sense, which belongs to the void world.

During this period, Zhang Yan's understanding of the Void World only rested on the most superficial understanding of the two lineups of Da Hongtian and Void.

This time, Zhang Yan obtained a lot of information from the memories of two immortals from the upper echelon of the Pastoral School.And successfully built a concept about the distribution of forces in the void in his own cognition.

Castle Peak Wonderland, Guishi Domain, Cloud and Misty Domain, Wind and Thunder Sky, and Qingxi Sky.These five forces built the top level of the pastoral faction.Then go down to build a middle and upper level like the Yanshan Alliance.Further down are the middle and lower levels such as Yuhao Great World Alliance and Dahongtian.

And each force has a clear sphere of influence.There are mutual mergers but large-scale killing is not allowed. It needs to be slowly eroded and finally merged by boiling frogs in warm water.Moreover, such mergers are often not forced, and most of them are even requested by the weak side.

The reason is that "autonomy" is exchanged for "the way forward".

Of course, there are also forces that don't want to make wedding dresses for others, but life will not be easy.Whether it will be annexed in the end depends on the mood of those big forces.

The law of the jungle remains the same.There has not been any change because of the power level of these big forces.

Now Zhang Yan understands why Xue E of Dahongtian would willingly take the risk of "deception and concealment" to conceal the news of the inheritance of the Great Desolate World. this side.This is clearly a trade-off.I would rather offend the dependent forces above, but also try to get some benefits first.Perhaps it was because Xue E knew that once he reported honestly and immediately, there would be a big question mark in Da Hongtian's hands regardless of the final benefits.

And this time, Qingshan Fairyland took the lead, and the rest of the forces waited for the opportunity to move, and what was most likely to happen was a big melee.And Zhang Yan, who represents the inheritance of the Great Desolate World in the Huangtianyu, is the target of the competition.

When Zhang Yan learned about the plan of Qingshan Wonderland, he couldn't help but sweat secretly.

Cruel!This is Zhang Yan's evaluation to Fairy Lin Yumei who appointed the plan.The only consideration is to complete the task.As for who will be affected by this, or what negative impact it will bring, it is all second.Even from the beginning to the end, she didn't pay any attention to Huang Tianyu itself and Zhang Yan, the inheritor.

This reminded Zhang Yan of a passage in a novel on Earth: What does it have to do with you if you are destroyed?
But if Zhang Yan walked a little slower at that time, the Huangtianyu at this moment might have been cut into pieces, right?And even if he, Zhang Yan, has the means of "false harmony", he can't stop the terrifying means in the later stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm. It will also fall into the hands of the opponent.

But maybe at that time, Qingshan Wonderland may not be able to get what it wants.Because the inheritance of the Great Desolate World is only part of Zhang Yan's mind.He only knows about the Earth Fairyland and the previous inheritance.And he didn't learn everything, after all, Zhang Yan didn't have the energy and time to practice all of them in the huge hall of books and ocean of knowledge.Not to mention the things on the upper level of the hall that he can't touch now.

Although he couldn't tell the reason, Zhang Yan was sure that even if he died, the Wanxiang Pearl on his body would not be taken by the people of Qingshan Wonderland.

In addition to the information about the Pastoral Sect, Zhang Yan also focused on learning a lot about the internal situation of the Chaos Sect.I don't know, I don't know, the environmental rules of the Chaos faction are completely different from those of the Pastoral faction.

The pastoral school pays attention to the clear territory between forces and forces, and what they compete for is the resources generated in these territories.

The Chaos faction hardly disputes these, and they hardly even have the concept of "turf".

This made Zhang Yan subconsciously compare the factions in these two void worlds to the kingdom of the human race and the tribe of the monster race in the wild sky, and felt that they had many things in common.

(End of this chapter)

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