one's door

Chapter 700 Rune Soldiers

Chapter 700 Rune Soldiers
After all, Zhang Yan is also an Earth Immortal. Although he is only at the initial stage of cultivation, the immortal energy in his body has been continuously accumulated, and the reserve is quite abundant.But in just one day, his immortal essence was quickly consumed after using the "balls" as consumables, and now only [-]% of his prime state is left.

It was beyond Zhang Yan's expectation that the consumption would be so large.You must know that the [-]% of the immortal yuan he consumed was only used as the "suture thread" for sewing.One can imagine the difficulty of this matter.

Even Zhang Yan was lamenting that if he didn't have the treasure "round ball" in his hand, it would be impossible for him to repair the corpses of the two earth immortals.

However, although there was some discrepancy from the previous expectation, the final result was still in line with Zhang Yan's expectations.The corpses of the two earth immortals were perfectly repaired by the "ball".So much so that there is not even a trace of a fracture on the neck, as if the head and the neck were reconnected from the inside to the outside, and it was restored to [-]% of the state before it was cut off.

Zhang Yan was very satisfied.

"Yuanqiu" was exhausted, and immediately retreated to the "dwelling house" to sleep after finishing the job.

Zhang Yan had to do the rest by himself.

According to Zhang Yan's plan, he planned to refine the two earth immortal corpses into talisman soldiers.

The so-called talisman soldiers are actually a way of practice that can be counted as "leftist".A word "fu" can tell where its roots are.It's just that the "soldier" in the back does not mean a simple weapon, it should be the interpretation of "corpse soldier".Together they are "corpse soldiers driven by talismans".

In the beginning, Zhang Yan saw similar methods when he first stepped into the Profound Vein Realm, almost at the initial stage of his cultivation, he found it on the first floor of the Wanxiangzhu Book Collection Hall.At that time, Zhang Yan had a lot of techniques and formulas to choose from, so he naturally looked down upon this "dirty" method of dealing with corpses, so he was simply curious for a few times, and then No more attention, let alone practice.

But when Zhang Yan entered the second floor of the Wanxiangzhu after he became a fairy, he also saw the practice of talisman weapons there.This shows that the heretical method that Zhang Yan abandoned like a shoe is not a flash in the pan, but can support a monk with enough talent and fortune to become a fairy all the way!

Can you become a fairy by dealing with corpses?

With this kind of curiosity, Zhang Yan went through this method roughly again at that time.Although I don't have the idea of ​​learning, I can still figure out the power of this method.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the corpse as a weapon, and inherit part of the means of life.

As the cultivation of such methods deepens, the refined talisman soldiers will become more and more powerful.In the end, the talisman soldiers can even carry the soul and consciousness of the caster, becoming a temporary carrier.Not only can it be used in ghost tactics, it can even be used to deal with catastrophe!

Yes, you read that right.Rune soldiers can indeed be used to deal with Heavenly Tribulation without being regarded as an "external force" to annoy Heavenly Tribulation.

The reason for this should be the close connection between the rune soldiers and the refiners.It's somewhat similar to Zhang Yan's reason to confuse Tianjie by relying on "false harmony".

However, according to some miscellaneous notes, this supposedly powerful sect is actually quite withered, and it is in a situation where it can only be preached secretly, and even after several catastrophes, it almost completely cut off the inheritance.

Why?Because of the corpse.

The root of cultivating this path is to look at the quality of the corpse in your hand to measure the cultivation realm that the practitioner can finally reach.

For example, the corpse in your hand is a cultivator who can only cultivate to the Dao Alchemy realm, with only these talents and potentials, then the strength of the talisman soldiers can only reach the Dao Alchemy realm, at most the late stage of the Dao Alchemy realm.It also means that you can only reach the level of Dao Dan, and there is little room for improvement.

Therefore, cultivators who cultivate talisman soldiers need to choose the corresponding corpse according to their own strength.Even if the corpse is well selected, it can reversely increase the potential of the practitioner.

But how can a high-class corpse be so good?Cultivation geniuses are mostly the treasures of the sects, how can they let them fend for themselves before they can take care of them?Even if he dies by accident, he still has to be buried. How could he agree to hand it over to others to refine into talisman soldiers?

Contradictions were born.

On the one hand, he wants to get a better corpse to seek a breakthrough in his own strength.It is impossible to agree on one side no matter the reason or reason.

What should I do?
Naturally, you can only use unconventional means to obtain the corpse you want for refining.Like stealing and robbing.

This is not bad, although there will be a big hatred, but it will not easily rise to the point of life and death.And some rune soldier practitioners who went to the extreme not only steal or rob, but also take the initiative to kill those potential monks they fancy directly with secret techniques, and then take away the corpses.

Over time, public outrage broke out uncontrollably.The talisman soldiers were once classified as sorcery, and the practitioners of talisman soldiers were regarded as evil cultivators.

What is evil cultivation?Seeing people beating others, killing you and treating them as doing good deeds is the fate of evil cultivators.

Under such encirclement and suppression, in just over a thousand years, the talisman soldiers withered to the brink of extinction.Even for a long time, it was regarded as the last generation.But it appeared in Wanxiangzhu's library hall.

The Way of Fu Bing is now remembered by Zhang Yan, and he regards it as a method that can open the gap in the situation he is currently facing.

It is necessary to break the situation, and you cannot always sharpen your guns just before the battle.

The biggest shortcoming of Huang Tianyu now is that it takes too little power to take it out and put it in the void world.It's all about Zhang Yan now.Although the three apprentices under his command were all on the verge of breaking through, none of them could find an opportunity and were kept outside the door.Can't count on it in a short time.

And if the corpses of these two late-stage Earth Immortal Realms were used to refine talisman soldiers, at least Zhang Yan could truly be able to leave the Desolate Heaven Territory without fear of all the opponents under the Celestial Immortals.

It's just that if you want to successfully refine the corpses of the two earth immortals, repairing the two corpses is only the first step.It takes Zhang Yan a long time to learn and practice at the same time. It takes time and means.Anyway, he wasn't going to take half a step out of the Huangtian Territory before the two Earth Immortal Talisman Soldiers were completed.

When Zhang Yan was busy thinking about the goals he had set for himself, Huang Tianyu was also not idle.

After leaving the strength range of the Pastoral School, which is always "supervised" by the large formation nodes, Huang Tianyu seems to have returned to its former state when it was still incomplete.It began to float in the void.At the same time, it picked up the energy spilled when the world died piece by piece, and put it on itself, slowly covering up its own traces.
(End of this chapter)

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