one's door

Chapter 704

Chapter 704
It is easy to directly compare the climate storms in the normal world just by hearing the word "storm".In fact, flare storms are quite different from climate storms.

First of all, the biggest difference is that the scope is very different.The scope of the dazzling storm can cover dozens or even hundreds of areas the size of the entire Dahongtian Alliance.

Secondly, the "storm" here actually has wind, not because it appears in the void, it will not be swept by wind like a climate storm.It's just that the wind here is not the flow of air, but the flow of those violent erosion forces in the void.Like a round of winches with sharp teeth, they overlap and bite together tightly, and stir in different directions, forming the unique "wind" feeling here.

It is also this ferocious "wind" that makes those incomplete worlds that were lured by the breath of the world's original energy emanating from the center of the storm sink deeper and deeper, and finally be torn into pieces, and then the pieces will slowly follow these "winds". converge toward the center.

The most important reason why Huang Tianyu asked Zhang Yan for help was to use the strange scarlet energy that Zhang Yan had shown to protect the creatures in the domain when he was fleeing in the void before. A root that stops erosion without even trying.

We must know that this kind of "wind force" will become stronger as it gets closer to the central area. Although Huang Tianyu can withstand the edge of the storm, but the edge area has no head and must go inside, and it will definitely face fierce wind. strangle.It must not be able to bear it by itself, but with Zhang Yan as an anomaly, it will be different.

In fact, Huang Tianyu agrees with one point.It calls Zhang Yan an odd number, and Zhang Yan also said that it is also an odd number in the world.Two different numbers together may really have very different evolutionary results.

Therefore, it seems that the huge world of Huangtianyu is doing "exploration" things, which seems awkward, but in fact, in this storm, this is the safest situation.

Because relying on Zhang Yan alone or Huang Tianyu alone, they can't go far in the storm.A combination of the two is possible to explore.

Along the way, Huang Tianyu even threw out the slightest breath of the origin of the world on his body, as a sign, in case he encountered a danger that he could not move forward or had to avoid, he could retreat along the road, so as not to be in the vast void without stars. Get lost in the target situation.

"The wind here has suddenly become much stronger!"

It has been a month since Zhang Yan agreed to Huang Tianyu's request.In the vast void, it is impossible to feel the distance they have traveled in this month.Only the large meteor-like storm core in the distance is still hanging in front of it as usual. If you carefully distinguish it, you will feel that it seems to be a little "bigger" than before, and it is easy to ignore the change if you look at it.

The only thing that can prove the right direction is the increasing "wind".Zhang Yan is very sensitive about this.

"This is the turbulence in the storm. It won't blow all the time. It will return to normal after passing this area. It is impossible for the wind to grow so fast at our forward speed under normal circumstances."

"Hmm. The information you've woken up is detailed enough. It's as if you've carefully studied this void disaster. How could this be?"

This is the biggest question in Zhang Yan's mind since this month.Or curious.

as a living being.Even the innumerable life spans in the current life-level area still stay at the level of creatures, but it's just a higher level.Most of the body and consciousness will undergo huge changes, but there is one thing that is consistent, that is, "enhancement" in all aspects requires active acquisition to achieve.In other words, there is no such thing as something cheap and innate.

In Zhang Yan's cognition, all the gains are due to the "seeds" planted before.But now this cognition is not so suitable for Huang Tianyu.

For a month, Huang Tianyu moved forward cautiously, while exchanging information about the "Bright Storm" with Zhang Yan who was in a state of "false harmony".At first, Zhang Yan thought it was just a general outline, and would not involve any details.

But soon Zhang Yan found out that he was wrong.Huang Tianyu not only knows the surface of "Glorious Storm", but also knows almost all the details and deep reasons under the surface.

Just like the sudden increase in wind power just now, Huangtianyu can quickly give an explanation.It's like a profound scholar or explorer who has studied this disaster in depth many times.

This made Zhang Yan full of curiosity and admiration for their "innate" cognitive reserves inside the world level.

"These are messages that only appear when triggered. As for how they come, I don't know. It's like you can breathe and blink by yourself. Maybe it's the instinct of the world?" Huang Tianyu has answered Zhang Yan more than once. .

But this time it seems that Huang Tianyu's answer has not been confirmed to be correct as it was along the way before, but some deviations have appeared.

The unusually rapid increase in strength of the wind did not disappear quickly and returned to the previous increase, but did not disappear or weaken, maintaining a fixed intensity, blowing from the side all the time, as if suddenly falling into a vortex A piece of iron, which more than doubled the danger of the vortex.

"Hiss, I don't feel right! The wind doesn't look like a turbulent flow, but it seems that there is a wind blowing towards us!" Although Zhang Yan didn't know that Huang Tianyu's mistake just now was misleading and mistouching the information in his cognition , or another reason.But he didn't completely stop using his brain, and still maintained his own judgment in danger.From the direction and constant force of the wind, he immediately thought of the situation similar to the cold wind blowing in from the crack of the mountain wall.I just don't know if my guess is reliable or not.

"It's not right. But it's still caused by the turbulence. It's just that we are so close to the beginning of the turbulence that this happens."

Unlike Zhang Yan's guess, Huang Tianyu did not change his mind.Instead, it was further determined that the abnormality that appeared at this time was still a type of turbulent flow.

Without waiting for Zhang Yan to ask, Huang Tianyu continued: "The formation of turns is like big rocks in a river. Because of the blockage of big rocks, countless changes in the details will appear in the water flow that was originally able to flow smoothly. If the big rocks are big enough, then The changed water flow will become more prominent and form turbulence. With this analogy, can you understand the situation in front of me?"

"You mean there is a "big rock" in front of you?"

"Yes. It should be a big one. Otherwise, such a large turbulence would not be formed, and the impact would not be so wide."

(End of this chapter)

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