one's door

Chapter 714 Flowering

Chapter 714 Flowering

When you are just an ant, you don't know what kind of "magnificent" life the rabbit passing by will have.

And if you are a rabbit, when you are hunted by an eagle, you also don't know how wide the mountains and rivers are in the eyes of the eagle.

And the gap and vision between people will be even bigger than the above example.

Ordinary people don't know the world of monks, and there is a huge gap between monks and monks, not to mention that there are immortal families above monks.

If you want to know more and see farther, you can only keep climbing and seek the leap of life.


The thunder sounded from the cliff mountain again.It was so dull that people didn't dare to look up, feeling that there were two eyes staring at it with murderous intent.

Cliff Mountain is not an ordinary place, even if the wind and rain are here, it is only gentle and light rain, mainly nourishing, not showing the power of heaven.

Now the thunder is playing rapidly, the power of heaven is imminent, so it is naturally an unusual weather event.It was a long-awaited event by the disciples in the mountains.

Transcend robbery!Such Tianwei coming to the cliff mountain will only be a battle to cross the catastrophe!And such a big one is by no means an ordinary one or two small kalpas.

"Sanjiu, the catastrophe of immortals! Hey, senior brother is still one step faster than you and me!"

Whenever someone crosses the catastrophe, he will definitely choose the rooftop on the top of the mountain.It is the place where the sect master becomes a fairy, not to mention the psychological support and comfort, it has already become the sacred place for the disciples of the Duanya Mountain lineage to achieve cultivation.

Who doesn't want to be on the roof once?That means that you belong to the most outstanding group in the sect, and you are the best in the world!Is the strongest in the world!
Every time someone climbs to Yingtiantai, he will be envied and respected by all the disciples.

Envy achievement, respect strength.

But today is different.No need to understand carefully, the moment Jieyun appeared, the mighty killing intent under the hood already made people understand the extraordinary nature of this catastrophe.

"Eldest senior brother's talent should be the worst among the three of us. But the whole journey of cultivation seems to be reckless and casual, but he has always been half a step ahead of us steadily. I am convinced."

"It seems half a step, but why is it not the distance between heaven and earth?"

"Hehe, junior sister is still fighting for victory with senior brother? Hahaha, don't look at me like that. You just think others don't know about this. I know, senior senior brother also knows, and so does master. But your way is basically That's it, so it's up to you to fight, as long as you can win with your ability. Unfortunately, it seems that you will have to go to the fairyland before you can compare with the big brother."

Liu Rui rarely showed a look of astonishment on her face. She has always regarded the elder brother as the goal of chasing her in practice.I took a deep breath.She wants to be the strongest in the cliff mountain lineage other than the master.It was a secret she had always kept, and she never told anyone about it.

At this moment, Yang Rui suddenly pointed it out, Liu Rui's mood was very complicated, staring at the smiling Yang Rui for a while, she didn't know how to answer.

Yang Rui laughed, he hadn't been so happy for a long time.Junior Sister is now in the mountains and out of the mountains. She is always in charge of her own style. Most of the time, being strong is her consistent style.Coupled with her Taoist nature, the former clever and weak junior sister is long gone.Now Liu Rui's stunned expression made Yang Rui seem to go back many years ago.

"Don't worry, no one will care about this matter except yourself."

"Is it because you all know that I can't beat the senior brother?" Liu Rui has practiced for many years. Although she was stunned for a while, she quickly adjusted her mentality, frowning slightly, and was a little dissatisfied with the second senior brother's words.

Yang Rui didn't care. Feeling the gathering degree of Jieyun above his head, he said with a smile: "This is the difference between Dao Xin. In your eyes, you are winning or losing, but in our eyes, we have our own paths. Different people have different paths. , What’s the point of speed? As long as you keep moving forward, all the process is just a wisp of smoke when you look back, do you need to care?”

Liu Rui's eyes sparkled, and after a while, she bowed to the second senior brother beside her, and thanked her: "Thank you for your advice, senior brother, I was really negligent this time."

"Why are you being polite? The three of us entered the mountain gate almost the same way. Time is merciless but people are affectionate. How could you be indifferent when you encounter bumps in your practice? Didn't you try your best to persuade me to avoid the world in a narrow sense? You even ran to talk to the elder brother Played a "brother and sister cannibalism" drama, forcing me to change myself?"

"Hahaha" Liu Rui also laughed.Recalling the good show that he and his elder brother had teamed up with each other many years ago, and Yang Rui who was stupefied at that time, the gloom in his heart just disappeared.

yes.It doesn't matter if you have a Taoist heart or persist.How can those be compared with Shanmen Qingyi in front of me?
Yang Rui was also very happy to see his junior sister's heart knot opened.He had been waiting for a long time to say this to Liu Rui when the senior brother crossed the catastrophe.It seems to be working fine now.

"Especially the master has wandered too far these years, and the three of us in the mountain gate supported each other and moved forward. We couldn't make any mistakes. I always felt trembling and dared not be careless. Now the senior brother Sanjiu Tianjie finally came In the future, the burden of the cliff mountain should be shifted more on him. You and I will have time to sort out what we have learned along the way, and strive to try the power of the three or nine days for ourselves!"

"Senior brother is right. After the senior brother succeeds in becoming a fairy this time, he should take care of the things in the mountains. We should also rest."

Having said that, both of them knew that no one dared to say that they were safe in front of Tian Jie.It's just that Wang Nian's state of mind has always been peaceful, and his cultivation base is extremely solid.He has a seemingly carefree temper and never misses any details. He really has the courage to face the tribulation.

As for the result, it can only be left to God to decide.


The gust of wind stopped abruptly, and the coercion above the head seemed to have reached a threshold, Yang Rui and Liu Rui exclaimed in their hearts at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the robbery cloud in the sky seemed to have a gap, like a one-eyed eye, and a robbery thunder circled in a circle, then rushed out suddenly, and smashed towards the roof of the mountain!
This scene grabbed the hearts of all the nervous disciples in the cliff mountain who were outside the range of Jieyun.At the same time, it also fell into the eyes of Zhang Yan, who was in a state of "pseudo harmony" with Huang Tianyu at this moment.

Although compared with Zhang Yan's own practice speed, Wang Nian took the last step of becoming a fairy at this time, but it was really too slow.But this is the time consumption that normal practice should have, and even counted it is already very fast.

Even the reason why Wang Nian was able to trigger the Heavenly Tribulation at this time actually benefited from the gains that Huang Tianyu fed back to his evolved creatures after feasting in the dazzling storm this time.It was as if the last grain of gravel had finally helped Wang overcome the last weight.

As for success or not.Zhang Yan was not worried at all.Wang Nian is solid enough in every aspect.Thirty-nine Heavenly Tribulations will definitely not be able to stop him.You only need to wait for a while, and when the robbery cloud dissipates, the first immortal among the second-generation disciples of Duanya Mountain will appear.

(End of this chapter)

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