one's door

Chapter 721 Invitation

Chapter 721 Invitation

The seal of the mountain, the seal of Zhoushan!
Cover it down, let me care about your gods and devils, and you will be wiped out in ashes!

In fact, Zhang Yan had a lot of opinions on the design of the magic circle of this mountain seal.He even stamped some magic circle lines and seal formulas himself, otherwise Wang Nian alone would not know how long this fairy weapon would last.And Zhang Yan also has something to learn from, and moved it to use it on the mountain seal. Although it is not perfect, for an immortal artifact, it has indeed reached its limit.

Later, wait for Wang Nian's crafting skill and cultivation level to be further improved, or Zhang Yan himself has gained new insights, and then he will come to Shanyinjia for the second round of refining.

At this point, the Cliff Mountain finally had a deterrent artifact in his hands.

Although it is only a fairy artifact, because of the characteristics of Zhoushan Mountain Stone, and Zhang Yan's reference to the internal magic circle structure of another seal-type spiritual treasure that was also refined for Zhoushan Mountain Stone in the Great Desolate World, the power of the Mountain Seal has already Faintly overflowed the scope of the fairy weapon itself.

It's not a spirit treasure, but it has some powers that a fairy weapon shouldn't have, and it's so strong.

To be more specific, if Wang Nian now controls the mountain seal and fights against Da Hongtian, the elder Li Yan who is in the late stage of the fairyland, if Li Yan can't come up with any magic weapon that can compete with the mountain seal, she can only rely on her own strength. If the strength is strong, there is an [-]% chance that she will be killed by Wang Nian on the spot!

In other words, even in the territory of the Chaos Sect, the corner forces may not necessarily pose a substantial threat to the Huangtian Territory.On the contrary, if Huang Tianyu wanted to do something, the general bottom forces might not be able to stop it.

The thing has been refined, but it still needs more practice to use it smoothly and proficiently.And Zhang Yan also hoped to take this opportunity to let the three apprentices who had never been out of the Huangtian Territory see what the Void looked like.

The Immortal Body Protector, Duanya Mountain, has long been able to be refined.

The prototypes of these amulets came from the Changming World, which had previously cooperated closely with Duan Yashan on talismans.Back then, based on curiosity about the void world and preparations in advance, as soon as Duanyashan saw these foreign visitors, he tried every means to obtain the opponent's weapon to travel through the void.Then I started to study refining by myself.

Unfortunately, it has not been used since it was refined.

However, the feeling and process of using means and immortal weapons in the void are very different from those of doing the same thing in the normal world.

In the past, except for Zhang Yan, the strength in Huangtian Territory was too low. Now that the strength has been reached and time permits, Zhang Yan let go of the barrier, and took the opportunity to let the three apprentices rely on the body protection fairy to fight in the void outside the domain. , and by the way, each of them must master the newly refined Zhenshan Immortal Artifact "Shanyin".

After only going in and out three or five times.In Wang Nian's words, he even felt like a baby learning to speak in the void, almost all the means and spells he was proud of before lost their due power in the void, and even many even It becomes very difficult to display it.

Then Wang Nian and the three began to think about a further plan.Even if the three human immortals looked weak in the void, what about the half immortals in the gate?Why not even worse?

And with the help of the body protection fairy, the half-immortal can also enter the void, and when he was in the Dahongtian Alliance, the half-immortal also served as the lowest power in the void.For example, in the large formation set up by the Pastoral Sect, the nodes in the formation were staffed by the half-immortals of the Tongxuan Realm as the basic staff.

The three of Wang Nian felt that since Dahongtian couldn't do without the half-immortal in the void, Huang Tianyu, a new force that had only really started to touch the void, should also learn a little bit.Although it is not necessarily "more people, more power", but in many cases, momentum does have an effect.Moreover, the art of joint attack is not a display. If there is any conflict, human immortals vs human immortals, earth immortals vs earth immortals, then in the same way, a half-immortal will have to deal with the opponent's half-immortal, and this piece of the puzzle cannot be missing.

The three apprentices in the mountain gate began to pull away the first step towards the void from the cliff mountain.At the same time, it is also the first step in the natural evolution of life force in Huangtian Territory to go to the void.

At this point, the "false height" brought by Zhang Yan has truly seen the signs that the bottom layer is gradually being consolidated.

Zhang Yan didn't intervene in all this, and didn't even ask.Just like in the previous years when Wang Nian and the three were in charge of the Desolate Heaven Territory.They don't need anyone to take care of them, they can manage the cliff mountain well according to the existing information, they will actively adapt to the new changes around them, and actively adjust their psychological imaginary enemies.

Zhang Yan is like a hands-off shopkeeper, assigning tasks to the shop assistants, and turning his head away from the rest.

Of course, what Zhang Yan needs to do is stare at the outside world.There is no need for him to be distracted inside Huangtianyu.

Not long after the refining of Shanyin was completed, Zhang Yan received the jade sword from Li Dianchuan.The message on the jade sword was exactly what he had agreed with Zhang Yan before.Mingyue Valley has already found a suitable world, and I hope Zhang Yan will go there as soon as possible so that he can fulfill his promise.And attached an extremely complicated star map.

This is the first time Zhang Yan has seen something like a star map.But heard.

The origin of the name of the star map is actually the literal meaning of "star map".Zhang Yan can identify a general direction in the void based on this star map.

Yes, it is "general direction" rather than precise direction.

Because the void is simply too great.Even though the star map in his hand looks complicated and detailed, there are too many worlds or paths between the two dots on it that have not been drawn.I can't draw it either.The truly detailed star map also has a carrier like a jade slip, and it is confidential information in the hands of various forces, so it will never be seen at all.

After Zhang Yan got the star map, he quickly confirmed his position on it.Because the starting point marked by Li Dianchuan on the star map is exactly the location of the previous flare storm.Even if more than a hundred years have passed, the location of the Yaoguang storm is no longer where Zhang Yan is now, but based on this, if you compare it to the direction of the storm, you can still find the approximate area. If there is a turbulent flow of void, then nothing will go wrong.

Then, using his own position, he asked Li Dianchuan to mark the place he wanted Zhang Yan to go to.

"It's so far!" Zhang Yan estimated that even if he took the star map and moved all the way without any accidents or delays, he would still have to travel for more than half a month.If you actually take a trip, you can get there in a month, which is not bad.

But no matter how far you have to go.Zhang Yan couldn't afford to miss the new way of Hongmeng Ziqi.At the same time, this is also a great opportunity to get in touch with the big forces in the Chaos faction.Just want to go but still can't go to the real body, the risk is too great.The most suitable thing is to use talisman soldiers as tool men and carry Zhang Yan's Yuanshen like the last time on Zhoushan.And the Fu Bing at this time has long been different from when they first met Li Dianchuan.

(End of this chapter)

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