one's door

Chapter 724 Meeting

Chapter 724 Meeting
Destinations only have star locations but no specific names.Not even a convenient code name for it.

Zhang Yan's understanding is "too lazy to take".

It's not that the creatures in the world where the star mark is located are too lazy to name their own world, but that the Chaos faction people are too lazy to listen and remember, so they don't bother to name it.

Do you give every piece of braised pork you eat a name?The same goes for the Chaos faction.

As soon as he moved out of the position of the star mark, Zhang Yan saw Li Dianchuan who had been guarding outside the star mark early on, as if he had been waiting for Zhang Yan.

This time alone, Zhang Yan felt deeply valued by the other party.After all, he didn't say when he would arrive in advance.Even if someone along the road reported to Li Dianchuan, there was no need to wait at the star mark.

"Senior Changshi! This junior has been waiting for a long time!" Li Dianchuan smiled and bowed to Zhang Yan from a distance, and then Yukong flew over and bowed again. The etiquette is definitely not a problem.

Even Zhang Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, did the people in Mingyue Valley understand kindness too much?Or is there another picture?
It's not that Zhang Yan treats the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but that the world is difficult, and the same is true for immortals, and the heart of guarding against others is indispensable.


Zhang Yan carried out his guesses along the way, as well as his attitude towards Li Dianchuan in the dazzling storm at that time.

Facing Zhang Yan, he gave a slight "hmm", but Li Dianchuan smiled even brighter.In his eyes, it is extremely rare for a stagnant golden fairy to "obviously" show satisfactory feedback.Li Dianchuan heard that this senior feldspar at the first few star nodes is crazy and always scares passers-by.At first, I was worried about whether the other party's madness would be brought here, but now it seems that there is no such thing.

"Senior, my master knew that you would come, so he is also waiting for you in the car ahead, hoping to express his gratitude to you face to face." Another reason why Li Dianchuan is so respectful is that he didn't expect his master to actually come. will be there.This is too much face.On the other hand, it also showed how much his master valued him, otherwise why would he make such a trip in person for his affairs?
"Oh? Good." Zhang Yan's expression on Fu Bing's face was still rigid, but Zhang Yan's heart was inevitably shocked by Li Dianchuan's statement.

Li Dianchuan's master?Isn't it the golden fairy wind to the crane?
Speaking of which, Zhang Yan had never met a top powerhouse at the first level of Jinxian, and he didn't know how much the other party knew.All of a sudden, the talisman soldiers who were not so sure became a little more hanging.

not see?Not seeing is even more inappropriate.People are here to thank you. You saved someone before, but now you are unwilling to accept the other party's thanks. This cannot be explained by saying "I have committed a mad disease".At that time, even if there is nothing to do, things will come out.

So although Zhang Yan had ups and downs in his heart, his mouth was not empty at all.As the saying goes, "beating a swollen face to fill a fat man" should be similar to this.He didn't even know that in the eyes of Li Dianchuan and other people in Mingyue Valley, he was not only a late stage of the earth fairyland, but a golden fairy existence like the red lotus true fairy Fengyuhe.

They are all golden immortals, who is afraid of whom?It is normal to agree to meet without any hesitation, otherwise it would be extremely suspicious.

Li Dianchuan made a gesture of invitation, and walked half a step to the side to lead the way.

Zhang Yan followed the other party's guidance and did not move. It should be because the distance is not far and there is etiquette in it.

Soon, Zhang Yan saw a spot of light in the distance, and after quickly approaching, he found that the "car driving" that Li Dianchuan just said was really not an adjective, but a real car parked in the void.

Even Zhang Yan couldn't help being taken aback by the size of the car.

Who has seen a car that is the same size as a hall?Zhang Yan's Duanya Mountain couldn't even catch up with the opponent in size.Moreover, apart from maintaining its main structure, the rest of the car is similar to a temple.It's just that the ones driving this car are not cows and horses, but five strange beasts. They are huge and ferocious, like a liger but with a single horn. Their eyes are dark green, and they growl vigilantly when they see Zhang Yan approaching.

As for the five unknown beasts he was seeing, he felt that he had the strength no less than that of an Earth Immortal.This kind of beast is only suitable for pulling carts?

Should it be explained that the top forces in the void like Moon Valley have a lot of ostentation?Or is the strength of the other party shocking enough?
Anyway, what Zhang Yan feels to himself is that he has both.

"Senior, Master is waiting inside."

Li Dianchuan hadn't finished speaking when he saw a door of the huge car drive open from the inside, and a woman in a fiery red dress and her hair combed into a dignified bun came out from inside.Followed by four servants and disciples who looked like maidservants in pink clothes.

Zhang Yan's first reaction was to be strong!Terribly strong!
The greatest crisis that Zhang Yan encountered before was the forty-nine heavenly tribulations he endured when he stepped into the Earth Immortal.Life hangs by a thread and narrowly escapes death.Secondly, he felt that it was time to count this time.

Although there is no killing intent or domineering coercion, it is like suddenly a mountain appears in front of you, and you will subconsciously feel your heart beating faster.Zhang Yan didn't like that feeling very much, and he also understood that this feeling was not his illusion, but a reminder to him that with the strength of his talisman soldier at this time, it would be no more difficult for the opponent to crush him than to crush a bug .

"This is Fellow Daoist Changshi, right? Nice to meet you!" Feng Yuhe got off the car with a smile, and she found Zhang Yan had arrived when she was inside.It's just surprising that she can't see the depth of the other party. As Li Dianchuan said before, the other party is an Earth Immortal in the late stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, not the Golden Immortal they guessed?
Doubtful.Because Feng Yuhe understands that there are only two possibilities in this situation.One is that the other party's cultivation base is far above hers, and the other is that the other party has used some means to cover up the real cultivation base.

Of course, there is also the most unlikely one, that is, the opponent only has the cultivation base of an Earth Immortal.All the golden immortals and the like were guessed wrong by Mingyue Valley.

If it weren't for that weird rescue in the dazzling storm, Feng Yuhe would probably think it was the last possibility.But now, the mere Earth Immortal wants to rely on the Immortal Body to resist the violent erosion in the storm and close to the core area?Let alone earth immortals, even heavenly immortals are impossible.Even a golden fairy like her can't do it so easily and stay inside for a long time.

Feng Yuhe was more inclined to the second possibility, the other party used some special means to cover up his cultivation.And subconsciously, she didn't think that the key person who succeeded Li Dianchuan's disturbance in the entire void world would be a mere fairyland lunatic.

Even if he is a lunatic, Feng Yuhe thinks that Zhang Yan is a mysterious lunatic who is difficult to deal with.

Ps: Nima, this stuff is really annoying!Since last night, I have been jumping up and down between 37 and 39 intermittently, which is uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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