one's door

Chapter 726

The harvest rights of the eight worlds must be different in Zhang Yan's eyes and in the eyes of Feng Yuhe and other people in Mingyue Valley.There may even be confusion.

After the start of the World Destroyer Formation, others would wait at the outlets where the original power of the world was filtered out, waiting to "eat a feast", while Zhang Yan sat cross-legged in the air again, as if he was comprehending something.Although there is also absorption, but this is too little "eating", right?
"Eat", from a certain point of view, there are many similarities between the practice of the Chaos School and the strange number in the world like Huang Tianyu.

It's not that Zhang Yan doesn't want to eat, nor does it feel pity or disgust when he sees the misery of the world below.It's that he really can't eat too much.After all, he is just a talisman soldier at this time, where did he refine so much power of the world's origin?The purpose of his coming here is not these, but the majestic purple energy.

Therefore, the crazy and weird "feldspar" walking alone in the eyes of others is even more unpredictable at this time.

You said he was wasting a great opportunity to gather resources, right?He is obviously very serious, and you can feel that he doesn't seem to care about the original power of the world passing away around him.

You said he worked hard?What he was doing, no one knew.Even Feng Yuhe, who is a golden fairy, frowned slightly, completely unable to understand what the other party was doing.

Naturally, Zhang Yan couldn't take the initiative to explain to someone what he was doing.Even he is a bit too busy now.

It was very different from the previous three times when it was pulling the primordial purple qi.In the past, it belonged to the first opening of the world, and the majestic purple energy would emerge from the core of the world, so he would pull one, as long as it didn't cause the world to react.It belongs to "stealing chicken".But this time, there is a sense of contradiction between fighting in the open and "rescuing disasters".

The World Destroying Formation is worthy of the best skill of the Chaos Sect.It is simply a big killer for the world.Not to mention quick and efficient, but also completely eliminated the world's supposedly strong resistance, making it a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

In this case, the world was dismembered inside and outside in the grand formation.Naturally, it also includes the primordial purple energy originally hidden in the core of the world.

Directly shattering the core of the world, isn't this Ming Qiang?
But in the face of the inevitable collapse of the world, Hongmeng Ziqi has no choice. Although they are not instinctive, they still have spirituality, otherwise they would not bring so many magical changes to Zhang Yan.

Therefore, Zhang Yan's originally intended to pull the sheep by hand has directly become a "lifeboat" for those Hongmeng Ziqi who feel the disaster. There is no need for Zhang Yan to work hard as usual, Hongmeng Ziqi swarmed towards him .

This was a surprise at first, but Zhang Yan is only a strand of Yuanshen after all, he can't bear so much relying on the primordial purple energy with his talisman soldiers, only two of them can reach the sky.For the rest, he even needs to get rid of it actively to get out,
Others could only see the seriousness on Zhang Yan's face, but they didn't know the throbbing pain in Zhang Yan's heart at this moment.

Pain!Heartbreaking pain!
Heartache pain!

In the past, every strand of Primordial Purple Qi was extremely rare, and it was an opportunity that could be encountered but not sought after.But right now, this large expanse of primordial purple energy is actively gathering up, but I can't eat it. I can only watch the rest disappear in my field of vision. …

What a waste!shameful!But there is no way.As a result, Zhang Yan's expression unconsciously became more ferocious.

Moreover, after the two primordial purple qi entered the body, they all depended on Zhang Yan's ray of primordial spirit existing on Fu Bing's body as a carrier, and there was no way to digest and fuse them immediately, which made Zhang Yan's ray of primordial spirit extremely difficult.

Zhang Yan gritted his teeth secretly, but the world-destroying formation in front of him continued non-stop.The entire framework of the world soon collapsed completely, which means that the world is officially declared dead.

Pieces of the world were further shattered by the formation, and finally the original power of the world was screened out.

It's like a broken machine, a little bit of your bones or flesh, it's all crushed and swallowed for you!

Zhang Yan was busy collecting the two primordial purple qi into the primordial spirit on Fu Bing's body, and then he was more concerned with observing how the world-destroying formation ended.It was also the first time he had seen such a scene.

Counting the time before and after the official start, it took less than a month from the start of the formation to the complete disintegration of one world at the end.It was so fast that it was extremely cruel.

Destruction is always the easiest, but creation is very difficult.

Zhang Yan could stand on the sidelines, but he couldn't maintain his mental calm.

"How is fellow Taoist gaining?"

The formation ended, one world disappeared, and Zhang Yan also escaped from the state of closing his eyes and comprehending.After standing up, the smiling Feng Yuhe caught his eye.

At this time, Feng Yuhe had more doubts accumulated in his heart than before.Looking at Zhang Yan's expression is also straightforward and curious.She could feel that Zhang Yan's aura was much stronger than before.This is the state where a large amount of gain has been obtained in a short period of time but has not been refined and absorbed.The people around are also similar.

But Zhang Yan didn't gather much of the world's original power, and even the total harvested from the statistics below is worthy of the number.This shows that what Zhang Yan harvested is not the original power of the world, or even the power known in common sense.

Feng Yuhe even keenly realized that this was probably the reason why the other party would become a stage figure in her evolution technique that caused a great change in the void world.The key point may be in this unknown energy.And before the other party showed a new understanding of the right to harvest the world, it was not a polite gesture, but the other party really needed it.

"Well, not bad."

"Hehe, it's good that fellow daoist is satisfied. However, what fellow daoist took is really beyond my knowledge. If there is anything that needs to be adjusted by us or the formation, please don't be polite and tell us."

Zhang Yan shook his head.Did not answer the other party's words.Instead, he took out a jade sword from his arms and handed it to Li Dianchuan who was standing behind Feng Yuhe.

"Next time remember to wait at least a year." After speaking, he turned his head and was about to leave, then paused, and came back to bow to Feng Yuhe before moving away.

As soon as Zhang Yan left, Li Dianchuan waved to several Mingyue Valley disciples to start working.It will collect the information of each star node, and want to use this to determine the whereabouts of the other party.At least the general direction.

Because getting the benefits will inevitably require digestion and absorption, you need an environment that you are relatively familiar with, and you can find the area where the other party's daily activities are.Li Dianchuan still has confidence in this point, and the top forces of the Chaos faction can't find out about this?
While Li Dianchuan was busy, Feng Yuhe flashed back to the car, and then greeted his attendant disciples. The car started, broke through the void space, and formed a huge precursor to teleportation. The next moment, he disappeared on the spot and returned to Mingyue Valley.

This time they met, Feng Yuhe didn't feel that he could find the root of the feldspar as easily as Li Dianchuan thought.Such a mysterious and weird person must not be easy to get along with.She also wants to report the news here to the owner of the valley as soon as possible.

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