one's door

Chapter 729 Time

Chapter 729 Time
From the perspective of the world, the "silk thread" representing the rules of time has a very special colorful appearance.And there is a glare flow on it that other rules do not have.In the vast variety of rules, it appears to be different.

When Zhang Yan first unilaterally tried the state of "pseudo harmony", he discovered the power of "time", which seemed to be a different rule, and since then he has tried every means to comprehend it.

It's a pity that the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.No matter how hard Zhang Yan tried and tried all the methods, this seemingly beautiful "time" rule did not move him at all.

I thought it was because the cultivation base was too low, not enough to pry the first "brick" of the time rule, as long as the cultivation base was higher in the future, it should be able to do it.

This idea has been from the time when Zhang Yan became a fairy until now.He thought that there would be a breakthrough after stepping into the late stage of the Earth Wonderland this time, but the facts told him that it would not be as he wished, let alone that simple.

"It stands to reason that the power of rules has a depth, and the more potential the power of rules, the greater the depth. It's like "space rules". At the monk stage, you can get in touch with the beauty of it, and then keep digging deeper, so that you can grow with your cultivation. grow and become stronger.

But the time rules are too firm, right?It belongs to the same level of big rules as the "space rules".There's no reason why the difference is so far away, right?Isn't it enough for two immortals to reach the realm?It's impossible to touch it until you enter the fairyland, right? "

From the early stage of Human Immortal Realm to the current late stage of Earth Immortal Realm, the span of the two great realms, if it has not reached the threshold of the initial comprehension of the time rule, Zhang Yan absolutely does not believe it.Because the level of rules determines that the time rules and space rules will not be so far apart, and there is no reason for such a big difference.

Then there is only one explanation: Zhang Yan's previous enlightenment simply went astray.

In the past, Zhang Yan thought that comprehending the rules of time required the accumulation of cultivation. It wasn't until this time that he broke through the Earth and Immortal Realm that he was blocked in the later stage, so he realized that he was wrong on this road.

"Where is the mistake?" Zhang Yan suddenly became interested.While continuing to sort out the gains from this breakthrough, he continued to understand whether there are any details in the body after adding two new primordial purple qi that he failed to notice.At the same time, I am also looking back and re-determining my original way of comprehending the rules of time.

So far, Zhang Yan's way of comprehending the rules is similar.It is all based on the "reasons" that I have learned and then dig deep, and finally touch the level of rules, and then use these "reasons" related to rules as a stepping stone to pry open the first breakthrough, and then dig deeper.

For the time rules, Zhang Yan did the same.

"The comprehension strategy I have decided is based on Taoist scriptures. The Taoist scriptures say that comprehension of all the rules is dead. You need to have the most basic understanding of "reasons" first, and you can continue after reaching a certain level. This is not possible. Wrong. But why is it wrong to use the time rule?"

Zhang Yan's "return" was extremely difficult from the very beginning.He sorted out and studied and judged repeatedly, but finally he didn't feel where his problem was.

I know there is a problem, but I can't find it at all.This is the most frustrating situation.

"What do you think of time?" Zhang Yan sat cross-legged on the terrace behind Dengyun Hall, looking at the empty clouds and mists in the distance, and asked questions towards the ubiquitous Huangtianyu.

Now the only one who can communicate with Zhang Yan on the cognitive level is Huang Tianyu's main consciousness.

After the period of time in the previous shining storm, the consciousness of the Huangtian Territory Lord no longer "plays dead" at any time as before.Although it is not enough to be on call, but I am willing to do more verbal communication with Zhang Yan other than "exchange".

So when Zhang Yan hit a wall in front of the time rule this time, and really couldn't find a way to crack it, he also wanted to hear Huang Tianyu's explanation.

It's not that Zhang Yan didn't use Huang Tianyu's help to comprehend the rules of the world before.In many cases, he directly comprehends the rules of time from the "perspective" of the world like Huangtianyu through his mysterious connection with Huangtianyu.But direct verbal communication is the first time today.

"Time? It doesn't matter to me."

"Why is it irrelevant? You have evolved all the way, and you have tried your best. If you slack off a little bit and waste time, you will not make it to this step. How can you say that time is insignificant to you?" Zhang Yan was surprised by Huang Tianyu's answer.This is even different from his previous starting point when he used the world perspective to comprehend the rules of time.

The starting point of comprehending the rules of time from the perspective of the world is so different from the consciousness of the Huangtian domain master?This was something Zhang Yan never expected.

"What is the relationship between my evolution and time? What is the relationship between my destruction and time?" Huang Tianyu did not answer Zhang Yan's question, but threw out two rhetorical questions.

This time, Zhang Yan was taken aback by the question.I didn't know how to answer on the spot.

"Whether my evolution is successful or not, or whether I am destroyed or not, has nothing to do with time. Your so-called "urgency" and "slack" are nothing but preconceived dimensions." Before Zhang Yan could slow down, Huang Tian Yu asked and answered by himself, and directly threw the answer that belonged to Zhang Yan in front of Zhang Yan.

"Size?!" This is another adjective that makes Zhang Yan a little dizzy.Is this used to describe time?It's not strumming. Time itself does, it seems?
At first, Zhang Yan thought Huang Tianyu's answer was nonsense.But if you think about the other party's words a little bit, you will find that it is not unreasonable.

Just like a piece of grass, they grow in spring and disappear in winter. In fact, they are not changing with time, but are following their own life instincts and reactions to objective reasons such as the surrounding temperature.It's just that the climate change has been taken as spring, autumn, winter and summer, so the term has gradually changed, and it is habitual to use time to reproduce the phenomenon of vegetation withering and flourishing.Over time, even Zhang Yan unconsciously equated time with the changing nature of things.

If time is just a "size", a dispensable thing artificially added, then why does it appear in the world vision in the form of the power of rules?Doesn't this mean that time rules exist?But wouldn't this contradict "time is meaningless" again?

When Zhang Yan asked this question, Huang Tianyu said disapprovingly: "Since it is a "size", it naturally needs to exist. Otherwise, how to measure things?"

Zhang Yan's heart was shocked when he heard this, as if the clouds suddenly cleared and the fog cleared, he finally grasped the essential problem that Huang Tianyu said.Everything is not that complicated.It's just that he made the problem more complicated.

Even water, fire, clouds and fog can have rules, why can't a "size" that can measure everything in the world have rules?

PS: The third shift should be restored tomorrow.I will make up for what I owed.

(End of this chapter)

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