one's door

Chapter 747

Chapter 747
"Disciple sees Master, although things have twists and turns, but overall it is going smoothly"

In the villa, Zhou Min carefully told all the things that happened when he temporarily split up a world in the Yishizong's territory and fulfilled his promise to walk alone with Changshi, and reported it to the sitting Master Feng Yuhe, who is at the top of the main hall, knows.

As Feng Yuhe's personal servant disciple, Zhou Min's loyalty is beyond doubt.She also knows that her talent is nothing in Mingyue Valley, and she can only hope for a future by following her master.Therefore, all angles to look at the problem are to start from the position of Master first.Even if there is too much imagination sometimes, it does not hinder her thinking mode.

"Changshi taught Fang Han of Shizong a lesson in front of you? Then did you see anything?" Feng Yuhe's voice was a little surprised, she didn't expect that such a change would come after she had never experienced it. .People from Shizong came to find fault, but was dealt with by Changshi.

"Yes, Master. Changshi shot, using the method of internal attack, and made Fang Han submissive. He didn't dare to say the last ruthless word and turned around and left. But although it seems that the injury is not serious, But it won't hurt the root cause, it's obvious that Changshi was merciful when he interrupted the internal attack on purpose."

Speaking of this, Zhou Min's tone was quite regrettable.Changshi Beiyou hit Fang Han heavily and even killed him. This was not the most favorable outcome for Mingyue Valley.Even if feldspar made a move to help Mingyue Valley.

That's how people are. If you help others well, you think it should be better.The heart of insufficiency swallows the elephant.Good or bad depends on preference, if you say hello now, it may become evil after a few sentences.

Feng Yuhe was noncommittal about Zhou Min's tone.She didn't care if Changshi was tied tightly to the chariot of Mingyue Valley.What she cares about is that Mingyue Valley can always be by the other party's side, and get the first wave of bonuses when luck changes or the curtain is raised.

Step by step, step by step.Feng Yuhe has confidence in Mingyue Valley. As long as he can take the first step, even if the void world undergoes major changes, when the dust settles, Mingyue Valley will still be the top power in the void world and will not be changed. throw it down.

"It's reasonable. But this incident also shows that there is no way to hide the matter about feldspar. This time it is the first sect, and next time there will inevitably be other forces who probe their brains to test the depth.

The key lies in the business relationship.Others only know to look at us and react, they will not know the value of feldspar.So don't care too much about other people's reactions, but we must do our own thing well.As for feldspar, it can be regarded as asking for help from others, as long as you keep Mingyuegu's face, you must grasp the proportion.Any changes must be reported as soon as possible.

Understand? "

"Disciple understands. Disciple must manage the relationship with Changshi well. But you also know the temper of death and solitude. It will take more time to make a deep friendship."

"Well, don't worry, just go in the right direction. By the way, what about Li Dianchuan? Is there anything extreme about his emotions?" Feng Yuhe still pays attention to the apprentice he once valued the most, but this At that time, the attention was very different from before.

Zhou Min replied: "Back to Master. Brother Li Dianchuan was still a little excited, but he didn't show any extremes in front of Changshi or when Fang Han came to find fault behind him. He just expressed some grievances in private. It is only aimed at a few disciples."

"Resentment? Hehe, it's not surprising. As long as he gradually transfers his personal relationship with Changshi to Mingyuegu as required. Everything else is trivial, so you don't have to pay attention to him."

"The disciple understands."

"Well, it's good to understand. That's it. You go down."

Although he is a personal attendant, he does not really need to be by Feng Yuhe's side anytime and anywhere.The dignified Elder Jinxian doesn't need his disciples to follow and serve him in everything.And there are some things that even a loyal disciple is not qualified to know.

Zhou Min bowed and stepped back.Feng Yuhe in the main hall did not stay in the hall any longer, and appeared at the gate of Zhengtian Yuezhuang in the valley.Just like Zhou Min needs to report the situation to her in time, Feng Yuhe also needs to report the situation to Xie Wei in time.

Still in that chair, still in that posture, Xie Wei was the same as before, motionless, and received Feng Yuhe in the main hall.

"Gu Master! The disciple has something to report."

"About the fateful man feldspar?" Xie Wei signaled Feng Yuhe to sit down and talk.A smile on one side of his face.

"Yes, Guzhu. It seems that feldspar's luck is still rising. It seems that there is no end to it. And it is obvious that the more times he contacts us, the faster his luck rises. All three times So. This shows that the benefits obtained by the feldspar in the World Exterminating Formation must be of no small importance.

In addition, according to the previous plan, Li Dianchuan, a former man of luck, has been deliberately left out by me.He had acted perversely before, and many disciples in the sect had a grudge against him.Now that he has lost power, someone is already punishing him.After more than a year, he probably couldn't bear it anymore. "

"Hehe, are you so sure that Li Dianchuan will move closer to Changshi?"

"Yes, Master Gu, this disciple is very sure. Because the disciples of Li Dianchuan's fate have been counted for hundreds of years, and it was hundreds of years with the help of the Tianji Pillar. Therefore, the disciples of Li Dianchuan's behavior can be accurately calculated to [-]% above.

According to the results calculated by the Yan technique later, Li Dianchuan will seek changes due to the gap in status within the sect.But this person likes to take shortcuts, and after seeking help from inside the door to no avail, he will inevitably look outside the door.

And there are very few people outside the door who can help Li Dianchuan.Among them, feldspar is definitely his first choice.It's just that feldspars can't be counted, so I don't know how to react to Li Dianchuan's appeal.

However, with Changshi's shrewdness, he should not give up such an opportunity to spy on our Mingyue Valley information.After all, our contacts with him are too coincidental, and the only way to dispel his doubts is Li Dianchuan.It was the same for him, and it is the same for us. "

"You can know it yourself. But what you leaked to Li Dianchuan, you must grasp it well in the follow-up, and you can't go too far.

Moreover, although the Diffraction Technique is strong, its potential is unlimited.But not everything is right.What's more, it is a person who is not in the secret, so you should leave a three-point margin for people and things related to him, and you should not be too full, so as not to be unable to remedy if there are variables that contradict the results of your calculations.

Our main purpose is to get on the boat of luck, not to really count a person who is not in the sky as docile.Putting the cart before the horse is not enough. "

(End of this chapter)

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