one's door

Chapter 753 Information

Chapter 753 Information
Zhang Yan went around a long way before arriving at the meeting place that he had agreed with Li Dianchuan.This is the second time he has met privately with the other party.Initiated by Li Dianchuan, and said the news is urgent.

This was actually the first private meeting between Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan after they reached a "cooperation".Some news should have been conveyed with the jade sword.But Li Dianchuan said that he could explain in more detail when meeting.And judging by his tone, it seems that something big has happened.

Although Zhang Yan cherishes his identity as "feldspar", he also cherishes the two talisman soldiers in his hand.But the matter of meeting Li Dianchuan under the choice still cannot be avoided.

"Senior, are you safe?"

"Well. What's the matter?"

"Senior, it's a big deal for this junior to look for you this time. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to disturb senior Qingxiu." Li Dianchuan went to the place first, and hurriedly greeted Zhang Yan when he saw Zhang Yan appearing.At the same time, he first explained that it was a special situation for him to meet Zhang Yan, and he was worried that Zhang Yan would be disgusted with him for "too many things".

Zhang Yan didn't make a sound, looked at Li Dianchuan and listened.Fu Bing's expressionless face made Li Dianchuan unable to see what emotion it was.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Li Dianchuan felt that this time when facing this dead lone walker, he felt more oppressive about his points.It seems that the other party is no longer pressing down on his cultivation as before?Instead, some spilled out?
Without daring to guess, Li Dianchuan quickly explained the reason for the meeting.Don't dare to talk nonsense, I'm talking concisely.Knowing that the higher the cultivation level of the immortal, the tighter the time. If he dared to babble, he was worried that he would be slapped to death by the lifeless lone walker in front of him.

"Senior, it's the news about the Sword Tomb Ruins." After a pause, Li Dianchuan continued: "The location of the Sword Tomb Ruins this time is not good, it's in the void area at the intersection in the northwest, and it's still on the periphery of the unknown domain , very close to the site of the Pastoral School. This means that the opening of the ruins this time will not be fully participated by the hands of our Chaos School like the previous few times, but will be mixed with the hypocrisy of the Pastoral School. "

"Huh? Where did it appear this time? Will it change positions?" Zhang Yan frowned slightly.Just after listening to the beginning, he realized that he still knew too little about the ruins of the Sword Tomb that he was about to go to.It sounds like that place is not fixed in one place, but will move around?

"Yes, senior. The Sword Tomb Ruins will not be fixed in one place, but will appear and disappear in any place in the void within a certain period of time."

Zhang Yan followed Li Dianchuan's statement for the first time to have a more detailed understanding of the Jianzhong ruins.Most of these contents are very different from Zhang Yan's previous thoughts.

"So it's very possible to have a round of battle with the pastoral faction before the official opening of the Jianzhong ruins?" Zhang Yan thought about it.Good things appear in the middle of the two opposing camps, who wouldn't want to get involved?At that time, there is no need to rub, and it is not surprising to start fighting when they meet.

Sure enough, Li Dianchuan shook his head directly and said: "The younger generation thinks that there must be a battle. It's just that it's unknown to what extent this battle will be fought. But at least it has been decided that there will be immortals of the first level of Jinxian participating. Mingyue Valley sent The person in question is my master, Red Lotus True Immortal Feng Yuhe. And at that time, even the Great Elder may show up as a supporter."

The Great Elder of Bright Moon Valley?
Although Zhang Yan didn't interrupt, he was surprised.From what Li Dianchuan said, Mingyue Valley is obviously ready to fight a big battle with the Muge faction.Not only did Honglian Zhenxianfeng Yuhe be placed on the front line, but the Great Elder was also put on the stage to overwhelm the formation.As far as Zhang Yan knew, the great elder of Mingyue Valley was Song Shiyu, one of the only two Da Luo Jinxians in Mingyue Valley, and his title was Nine Lives.

A big Luo Jinxian sits in the town, and an ordinary Jinxian goes into battle. With this attitude, there will definitely be an unknown number of heavenly and earthly immortals following behind.

Zhang Yan didn't know the overall strength of Mingyue Valley.But this kind of power at least shows that Mingyue Valley is serious and has used a lot of strength.

This is just the Mingyuegu family.What about another family with the same strength as Mingyue Valley?Just like the first sect, how many people should be dispatched?

No matter what, it can't be much worse than Mingyue Valley, right?

In the same way, the Chaos faction is already in such a big battle, so how can the Pastoral faction be weak?The two sides do not say that they are evenly matched, but they must be almost equal.Otherwise, wouldn't it be true that the ruins of the Sword Tomb were given up?

This also shows the weight of the Jianzhong ruins.It belongs to a big opportunity that cannot be backed down even if it is a big fight.

Seeing that Senior Changshi was silent, Li Dianchuan's ashen-like eyes were a little more dignified than usual.Xin Dao is worried that a big fight will affect the opening of the ruins?Or be involved in this kind of unwarranted fight?
After all, although the loner in the Chaos faction often participates in the war with the Pastoral faction.But most of them are just because of their whim, they just go to join in the fun when they want to kill, and they may quit at any time.It belongs to the behavior of coming and going.There is no concept of "power confrontation".

But this time, it was obvious that Zhang Yan would be tied to the chariot.

"Senior, don't worry. The opening time of the ruins has been calculated very clearly. Even if you want to start fighting at that time, you will choose to end before the official opening of the ruins, and it will not affect the subsequent exploration.

In addition, with the means of seniors, this level of battle is nothing more than to move the legs and feet of seniors. "

Li Dianchuan didn't want to make Zhang Yan feel like he didn't want to get involved in a few words.He still has something to say.

"Seniors can come first this time, and get used to the situation in the unknown domain over there first. In addition, juniors are not qualified to participate in the exploration this time. But juniors also want to do their part, so I would like to ask seniors to say a few words when the time comes. Let me go in with the senior to explore the superficial location."

Having said so much, Li Dianchuan's last sentence or two is the real intention.He has already lost power in Mingyue Valley, so it's not easy for good things to happen to him.After all, he took advantage when he gained power.So even if there was a big fight to be fought this time, he was just making do with it as a thug in the past, and he was going to fight.And the exploration of the ruins after the fight has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Li Dianchuan hoped to take advantage of Zhang Yan's relationship and break into the ruins to try his luck.This is also part of the "cooperation" between him and Zhang Yan.

"Senior, don't worry, although my strength is weaker, I have been to the Jianzhong ruins once before. Although it is only superficial, I know the general situation of the ruins. As for the depths, there are unpredictable changes in it, and no one can be sure. What happens and encounters. I can only make some predictions based on superficial laws. When the time comes, I will accompany Senior, which will definitely save Senior a lot of trouble."

"What else do you know?" Zhang Yan didn't intend to waste time.It's okay to use Li Dianchuan as a wall-climbing ladder, but it needs to be worth it.

It happened that what Li Dianchuan knew about the Jianzhong ruins was exactly what Zhang Yan needed.

(End of this chapter)

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