one's door

Chapter 769 The Fairy

Chapter 769 The Fairy
This was the first time in Zhang Yan's life that he was attacked on a purely conscious level.Unlike the previous sword intent that can affect the cutting entity, the force that cuts at him at this time is aimed at his consciousness, and it seems that the force is enough to severely damage his consciousness.

But Zhang Yan's reaction was not slow.On a purely conscious level, the reaction does not need to affect the body at all, and it is superfluous to say that it is instantaneous, and there is a response when the reaction is realized here.

Zhang Yan's response was to directly withdraw his consciousness and return to the state of fusion with the primordial spirit.

This seemingly special way of coping is surprisingly effective at this time.

Where else can the primordial spirit and consciousness be integrated without distinction like Zhang Yan?This is a unique change that he continuously produces under the mystery of the primordial purple energy.Retracting now just completely avoids the weird force that came over.

The scene seemed to stand still.Danger at this moment is like a headless fly, after a meal of scurrying around without a target, it collapses directly with the broken "scene".

At this time, Zhang Yan's connection with his talisman soldiers was restored, and the doomsday-like huge battlefield in front of him also disappeared, and changed back to the scene in the beam of light in reality.

In front of him was a corpse.It was so incomplete that only the incomplete bones remained, and it could be seen that the shape of the first-born double horns inlaid on the beam of light matched.It's just that one of the two horns of the actual corpse is broken in half, which is not complete.

Moreover, the body of this corpse was much taller and stronger than normal humans. Zhang Yan reckoned that this guy might have been a foot taller when he was alive.The bones are not only thick, but also have a metallic luster.

The fatal injury was also obvious. A huge and irregular wound extended from the back of the head to the waist, and the entire corpse was almost broken into two halves.The incomplete part was probably directly turned into powder in this berserk attack.

Zhang Yan has his own judgment.According to the skeleton and the scenes in the "backtracking" of the long killing that he saw before, he believed that the owner of the skeleton should be a fairy in his lifetime.The bull demon, or any other strange beast with two horns on its first head, becomes a fairy.

Zhang Yan, a serious demon cultivator, has only been seen in Huangtianyu, and he was enlightened by his enthusiasm in the past.Elsewhere, although there are many races in the Void World, such as demon species and demon clans, they are more appropriately called "beast-human races" rather than "demons" in Zhang Yan's impression.

It seems that the "demon" has disappeared in the void world?

Zhang Yan didn't know the reason, but if the "backtracking" scene just now had really existed, it might prove that the demon fairy once flourished in the void world.

He lowered his head and bowed his hands towards the bones on the ground to show his respect.Then I found a piece of the only thing that can be called the harvest in this sword mound.A fairly complete armguard.

The armguard fit loosely over the skeleton's right arm.Overall bright black texture.There are also some magic formation patterns that Zhang Yan is unfamiliar with, which are particularly delicate in the rough, which is different from the law formation patterns that Zhang Yan has learned.It is even more different from the related methods in the Chaos School and the Pastoral School.

"Is this the magic circle and refining method of the Yaoxiu lineage?" Zhang Yan curiously reached out and took the armguard off the skeleton's arm.It was surprisingly heavy in the hand.Just this large armguard, which is more than one foot long and more than three inches thick, actually weighs tens of thousands of catties in the hand.

Needless to say, the material of this armguard is strong and smashing.Its main material must also be some kind of high-strength metal after repeated quenching.

However, ordinary humans of this size are not available.

Holding it in his hand, he quickly found the energy path of this fairy artifact. Zhang Yan directly poured some spiritual energy into it with the idea of ​​trying its integrity, but there was no response.He could even clearly feel that the aura didn't go deep into the veins of the magic circle in the fairy weapon at all, but was directly blocked back.

"Eh? You don't want to use aura?" Zhang Yan became interested.Obviously, in his opinion, this fairy weapon should still be usable.

"Could it be that you need the power of a demon cultivator?"

Zhang Yan understands the power system of demon cultivators.Moreover, those demon cultivators enlightened by him in the Cliff Mountain are his most direct reference objects.So although he doesn't cultivate the demon pill, it doesn't mean that he can't produce the special energy of demon power, which should be only available in the lineage of demon cultivators.

"Come on, give me some demon power." Zhang Yan said in his heart.And the object of his conversation is naturally the "ball" huddled in the guest room at the heart of Fu Bing.

"Ball" is basically asleep now.One meal of the previous World Origin was worth the amount of food it had eaten for hundreds of years, and it was a little stuffed, and it fell asleep more than usual.

Knocked up by Zhang Yan, the "round ball" is no nonsense, anyway, regardless of the hard work of this trip, the big meal last time is enough to make up for it.Regarding the demon power, it got detailed information from Zhang Yan's consciousness, and it also tried it when it was in the cliff mountain, so it's no problem.

After a while, Zhang Yan's hand holding the armguard gushed out streams of pure monster power, and entered along the energy portal of the armguard. This time, he did not block it again, but smoothly followed the magic circle in it. The veins spread the demonic power throughout the entire fairy artifact.

Like a hungry sponge, it swallowed so fast that "Ball" had to twist its body and take a little more seriously to keep up with the supply of demonic power.

It took almost a full cup of tea before the fairy weapon was fully awakened, the lines of the magic circle on it flickered, and the power of the fairy weapon overflowed from above.

"It's done!" Zhang Yan tentatively probed in with his divine sense.He was also curious about what was so different about this fairy artifact refined by the legendary fairy.

Ordinary fairy artifacts need to be sacrificed first after they are obtained, that is, to eliminate the traces left by the previous user and replace their own divine sense and ownership.This process will vary in difficulty according to the way to obtain the fairy artifact.For example, it is much simpler for others to offer gifts or unowned immortal artifacts.On the contrary, if it is robbery, it will be much more difficult.

Not only did the fairy artifact in Zhang Yan's hand no longer exist, but because of time, almost all the traces of its use had disappeared.Now after being reawakened, it is like a virgin, and some of the most basic powers can be directly activated without additional sacrifices.

Of course, if you want to fully grasp it, you have to nurture it afterwards and get familiar with it slowly.

Zhang Yan quickly familiarized himself with the function of this fairy artifact.Basically the same as he guessed before.This is a fairy weapon mainly for defense and smashing.It is "defense" when blocking, and "smash" when swinging.It looks rough, but it can actually be called a rare fairy weapon.It's just that it's not for the art of cultivation or the line of divine way, but for body cultivation.This is in line with the method of the first-born two-horned fairy in the previous "backtracking".

Suddenly, with a thought in Zhang Yan's mind, the huge arm guard vibrated and began to shrink, and it actually shrunk down to the appropriate size of Zhang Yan's wrist, wrapping half of his forearm from his wrist to his elbow.

(End of this chapter)

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