one's door

Chapter 772 Hidden

Chapter 772 Hidden
Zhang Yan's idea is to respond to all changes with the same.For the time being, he can't think of a way to eradicate the hidden dangers in Fu Bing, but fortunately, there is room for him to move around, so he just ignores the suspicion.For the rest, it depends on whether the Pastoral School will stop there or take further action.It's time to react.

At least for the time being, Zhang Yan didn't find the three pastoral angels following up in his spiritual thoughts.On the contrary, Li Dianchuan next to him was ready to move, and seemed to have an idea to explore the surrounding sword mounds.

"Senior, I also want to try my luck, you see?"


Li Dianchuan's behavior does not conflict with Zhang Yan's plan.All the way close to the middle of the sword pit, with Li Dianchuan's strength, if he doesn't take advantage of it, he will not be able to act rashly if he continues to move forward.As far as Zhang Yan is concerned, he will not be obsessed with "where he must go", and exploring while walking is acceptable to him.

What's more, what he found before was a demon, and he also wanted to try the situation in the sword mound inlaid with immortals other than demons.Especially on the side that is hostile to the Yaoxian's camp, Zhang Yan is very curious if there are new and interesting discoveries from that similar "backtracking" situation?
After giving Li Dianchuan an affirmative answer, Zhang Yan found a suitable place, threw out the formation plate in his hand again, and directly wrapped the two surrounding sword mounds.This kind of seemingly domineering method is actually not common in the sword pit, and it is not necessary.

Because there are many sword mounds in the sword pit, it is enough for all explorers to dig as much as they can.And everyone entered in groups, and the guardians didn't need such things as formation disks.

Furthermore, neither the Chaos Sect nor the Pastoral Sect's arrays are sound, and the arrays that can be taken out are not necessarily reliable.

So Zhang Yan surrounded the two sword mounds with a circle, not causing dissatisfaction, but more curiosity.They all wondered in their hearts why this mysterious dead loner had so many strange methods?

What Li Dianchuan chose was a sword tomb inlaid with human immortals.He would not touch the sword mound of the demon fairy, and he would try his luck to touch the one with the greatest possibility, instead of hitting an unpopular one.Bowing to Zhang Yan, thanking the opponent's law guards, he didn't delay any longer, took a deep breath and stepped into the beam of light.

Zhang Yan's choice this time is the same as Li Dianchuan's, which is also the sword mound of a human immortal.And it is the outline of holding a long sword in a serious manner.

After having the previous experience, Zhang Yan was not surprised when he fell into that kind of "backtracking" that was still unknown.It's just that it's still the same as last time, he can't forcibly escape from that scene, and he can't find a way to avoid it.

In the blink of an eye, it was still under the four-colored sky.

It was still the killing battle with no end in sight.

But the difference is the emotional feedback.Contrary to the demon fairy before, this time there was no negative emotion at all.It's all about conveying emotions like "excitement" and "joy".Combined with the scene, it gave Zhang Yan the feeling of "hold on, and victory will come soon".

This also confirmed Zhang Yan's previous guess.That is to say, when the battle progressed to the death of these immortals and demon immortals in this sword pit, they had actually left their own determined results in the hearts of both sides, and the results were the same.

In other words, if the scene similar to "backtracking" in front of you had actually happened before, then with the blessing of this terrifying formation, the fairy side might really lose in the end.

As the scene continued, Zhang Yan, a "bystander" who didn't have to worry about being trapped, raised his guard.This time it was still in the unexpected way, a tyrannical attack came out at a tricky angle halfway.First, the protagonist of the scene was seriously injured, and then a burst of power washed over him.It perishes in a moment.

And the attacks that caused the protagonist's death all ran out of the "scene" from the virtual to the real, and directly attacked Zhang Yan at the conscious level.Its strength is much higher than the previous one.It also proves that the danger in the sword pit is indeed more serious as you go in.

Zhang Yan's method of evading these attacks has not changed.By directly integrating his consciousness into the primordial spirit, he can make these attacks at the purely conscious level miss the target.They will then dissipate directly as the scene collapses.

"If this is the case in all the sword pits, there really isn't any trouble here for me." Zhang Yan didn't relax his vigilance, but had his own understanding of the dangers of the sword pits.

The two times before and after, the danger came from the unexpected attack of pure consciousness.For others, this is indeed the only way to go.There wasn't even room for gimmicks.

But for Zhang Yan, his consciousness had an extra retreat.At once, it seemed that the attacks in the sword pit that should have been hard to guard against were dumbfounded.So much so that after Zhang Yan broke away from it, his mental strength was almost not lost.

Lowering his head, he saw a corpse in front of him.There was nothing else, but a foot-long golden and red sword placed beside the corpse was eye-catching.

As usual, Zhang Yan arched his hands towards the corpse and bowed slightly, then bent down and picked up the gold and red sword instead of ingesting it from the air.

The sword is also quite heavy to hold, but it is not as good as the arm guard before.

The fine grains on the sword are in pieces, and they are connected together as if the special grains are harmoniously integrated with the body of the sword.

Even though he has been sleeping for too long and the sword is dark, the sharpness still lingers on the sword, and he is ready to cut mountains and mountains after waking up at any time.

"Flying sword."

It was the first time Zhang Yan saw a real flying sword that was not transformed from Wanxiangzhu.This thing is actually a type of magic weapon with the highest usage rate from monks to immortals.Both offensive and defensive, the threshold for getting started is low, but the upper limit of power is extremely high.

Of course, not all those who use flying swords are sword cultivators and sword immortals, anyone who knows how to control objects can use them.But if you want to touch the upper limit of the flying sword's power, ordinary monks and immortals are out of the game.It must be possible if you are a sword fairy.

And in the scene just now, the owner of this flying sword is really a sword fairy.

There are very few sword immortals, because the way is extreme.The further you practice, the more you pay attention to the ultimate.This is very different from the general surgery.In exchange for the strongest attack, the price is that the road will be more bumpy.

Sword Immortal's flying sword will definitely not be simple. I am afraid that Zhang Yan needs to calm down to understand the powerful means in it, instead of simply waking it up and then going through the divine sense like now. There is an essential difference between the piece and the rugged style of the armguard.

Perhaps this flying sword can help Zhang Yan a lot in understanding the ways of sword cultivation, so that he can also have a rich understanding of "One Way of Meaning".

However, the moment Zhang Yan awakened the flying sword with his immortal power, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a faint "will" remaining on the sword, and this "will" was actively exuding something towards him.
"This is a message?"

(End of this chapter)

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