one's door

Chapter 794 Making Friends

Zhang Yan looked back, behind him was a cloud of fog that was slowly falling into the dark depths of the unknown domain.And in the fog is the ruins of the Sword Tomb.The next time we meet will be ten thousand years later.

And the scene in front of him reminded Zhang Yan of the "Eye of the Void" in the two Void Tribulations he had personally experienced.After the end of the catastrophe, the eyes of the void also sneaked into the depths of the void, or the deep layer, and finally disappeared.So how many layers does the void have?Can the immortal also sneak in?What's in it?
These doubts just left a mark in Zhang Yan's heart.It is still very early for him to figure it out, at least he understands that his current strength is far from the time to explore these secrets.

"Senior, Great Elder and the others have also come out."

Naturally, Li Dianchuan didn't know what Zhang Yan was thinking at this moment, he only thought that Zhang Yan was regretting the disappearance of the ruins, after all, the harvest in the ruins was too simple for Zhang Yan.Li Dianchuan felt that it was not exploration at all, but random picking.If it were him, he would be equally reluctant.

While speaking, the driver from the unknown domain had already approached, and there were still many disciples from various forces who had not received the admission badge and were guarding outside.It is still divided into two distinct sides facing each other as when entering.

And behind Zhang Yan, there was a group of Da Luo and Jin Xian who finally came out of the ruins, and they all returned to their respective power camps together.

The same is true for Zhang Yan, following Li Dianchuan's reminder, all the way into the group of people belonging to Mingyue Valley led by Song Shiyu.He was even greeted by Song Shiyu on his own initiative, and was directly called to Song Shiyu's side for a brief chat.

"Your Excellency, are you leaving in a hurry? Aren't you going to sit in our Bright Moon Valley?"

"No, let's go later."

"Hehe, that's good. Just contact us directly when you have finished handling the matter at hand. The world's harvest that you owed you before is still a little short, and we are waiting for you at any time."

"it is good."

"In addition, your Excellency, be careful when you go here. Although the things in the ruins are inside the ruins, in fact, no one takes this statement seriously. Not taking revenge is nothing more than lack of strength. So I may have a lot of eyes when walking outside Stare at it. It's the same when you come and go, so please be careful.

This is my jade sword, if you have any trouble, you can directly contact me.Mingyue Valley has always regarded you as a friend who can make friends, and I hope you can treat Mingyue Valley as a friend. "

These last words came out of Song Shiyu's mouth unexpectedly and with a very low profile.It can be said that Zhang Yan, the mysterious "feldspar", was placed in the same position as the Daluo Jinxian like him.It is even in the same position as Mingyue Valley.

Although Zhang Yan didn't know why the other party spent so much money to befriend him, he was also not sure whether his previous guesses about "luck" and so on were correct.But I have to say that Moon Valley, as the top force in the Chaos faction, is really admirable for doing things to such an extent.

Able to let go of airs, willing to lose face, and put it in the right position.These three points seem simple, but in fact, ninety-nine percent of people can't do it, let alone such a big party, it's even more difficult.

But there is also an old saying: the more you eat, the more you work.

How much benefit of Mingyue Valley can be taken now, and how much will be returned in the future, not even one for one, but double or even several times for return.

Zhang Yan was silent for a moment, but still chose to accept the jade sword handed over by Song Shiyu.And thank each other.

This pause may seem disrespectful, but it's actually quite the opposite.From the smile on Song Shiyu's face, it could be seen that he was very satisfied with Zhang Yan's performance.

Pausing for a moment is obviously an instant consideration of gains and losses.In the end, he took over the friendship of Mingyue Valley with his heart.And he was mentally prepared to repay the favor.

This is completely different from accepting favors directly without saying a word.The former is cautious, while the latter is perfunctory and unreliable.

The parting words also seem to be greetings, but they are actually hidden.Song Shiyu was naturally clear, and at the same time he was sure that Zhang Yan must also understand.

After Zhang Yan said goodbye to Song Shiyu, he turned around and left without staying or walking any star-marked nodes on the star map. He walked in a direction inaccessible, and then made a formal journey in the direction of Huangtianyu after going around in circles.The vast and boundless void gave him the best reliance on stealthy tracks.

Even if Da Luo Jinxian wants to accurately lock a person's trace in the void, it is completely impossible.This is also one of the reasons why Mingyue Valley pays so much attention to the Diffraction Technique secretly and puts a lot of money on it.

Zhang Yan's departure was ignored by those who cared about it, except for those who cared about it.Not even an episode.Because most of the immortals who came out outside or went deep into the ruins are most concerned about the survival and harvest of their disciples.

The Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction did not have another big war at this time.With the ruins of the Sword Tomb gone, the two sides also lost the motivation to take risks in this unknown domain.Xu Xu each was wary of the other slowly retreating in opposite directions, and no longer had contact.

"Li Dianchuan, come here."

"It's the elder."

Li Dianchuan was prepared in his heart, but he was still quite nervous about being called into the car by Song Shiyu for questioning.Although his master, Feng Yuhe, was standing beside him, he couldn't give him any sense of security.The great elder is one of the only two great Luo Jinxians in the valley, and the oppressive force is not something anyone can easily bear.

Inside the car driving hall, Song Shiyu asked Li Dianchuan: "Tell me what you have experienced in the ruins this time." As he asked, he looked at Li Dianchuan with scrutiny.His purpose was to use Li Dianchuan's mouth to let Feng Yuhe next to him know the general situation. Feng Yuhe was in the middle layer of the ruins this time, so he didn't know what Zhang Yan did in the ruins.

Li Dianchuan knew in his heart that this was what should be done, so he began to tell the whole story of the exploration of the ruins without any haste, without any details, not only what he and feldspar did , and what the people around them did to them.It took a long time for a stick of incense to finish speaking.

Li Dianchuan leaned back on the back of the chair. He had been secretly following Li Dianchuan and Zhang Yan and his party, so he knew it very clearly, and it was also heard that Li Dianchuan explained all aspects of the trip in detail and did not hide anything.What was not said was indeed something that Li Dianchuan did not know.

So Song Shi smiled and said: "So you not only gained a lot of benefits by walking alone with Changshi, but also got a new job. Right?"

Li Dianchuan nodded quickly.Knowing that the "errand" Song Shiyu mentioned was the matter of continuing to gather gold foil, he was still the one to do it.

"Very good. This time you hand in your harvest according to the sect's rules, and the extra is your own luck. You must do your best with the matter about Changshi's solo travel. Do you understand?"

"The disciple understands."

"Okay, you can step back now."

PS: There is another chapter to be updated in the afternoon, I am going to do physical therapy today.hand over.

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