one's door

Chapter 797

Chapter 797
Zhang Yan's trip this time is actually not too long, and the disciples in Duanya Mountain didn't have any obvious feelings.They didn't even think that their sect master ran out and went through a lot of battles and came back with a lot of rewards.

Even Wang Nian and the other three fairyland immortals in the mountains didn't know that Zhang Yan had quietly gone out this time.

The rune soldiers were placed in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain together with the "round ball" returned from a business trip. "Yuanqiu" will continue to refine the talisman soldiers according to Zhang Yan's instructions.Zhang Yan felt that the early stage of the Heavenly Wonderland was not the limit of the talisman soldiers.According to Zhang Yan's judgment, it can go up one more way.

After placing the talisman soldiers, Zhang Yan put back the divided spirit.Let the deity in retreat slowly open his eyes.

The primordial spirit was re-integrated, and Zhang Yan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, what was more exciting than Zhang Yan himself was the sword soul carried in his soul.As soon as Zhang Yan's primordial spirit returned to its place, it immediately felt it.And the first time "cautiously" stuck out his head from the completed Yuanshen, and after tentatively finding that the Yuanshen was no longer the previous body of the rune soldiers that made him uncomfortable or even disgusted, he immediately He started to move, and followed the cobweb-like meridians in Zhang Yan's body to the lower dantian.Then he "hesitantly" outside Zhang Yan's Dao Pill for a moment, and finally chose to plunge in.

This move seemed scary, but Zhang Yan was not worried.Sword soul has "spirit", he believes that since the other party approves him, he will not do anything to hurt his Dao Dan.And the other party has an innate spirit treasure, and his knowledge is much better than him, so he won't be rash.

And it turned out to be the case.Although Zhang Yan didn't know how Sword Soul did it.But when the sword soul plunged into his Dao Dan, Dao Dan himself didn't feel anything.There was neither the discomfort of being "punctured" nor the abruptness of an extra "foreign body", as if nothing had happened.

Only Zhang Yan can "see" the tiny "particle" at the core of the Dao Pill when he observes the Dao Pill inwardly, and there is a "long sword" that is sharp and introverted to the extreme.It is forming an inexplicable connection with the vitality on the "particle".

This connection is not abrupt or forced, it is more like a natural result.The sword soul did not make the "granule" in the center of Dao Dan uncomfortable, and the "granule" did not exclude the sword soul.

Two words came to Zhang Yan's mind when he saw this situation: warm and nourishing.

Taoist books often refer to the word "warming" for many powerful magic weapons.Some even directly put the magic weapon body into the body to warm it up, and sacrifice it when it is needed.

The purpose of warming up the magic weapon is twofold.One is to improve some injuries on the magic weapon, and play the role of repairing the magic weapon with one's own aura or immortal energy.The second is to enhance the harmony between the magic weapon and the user, so that the power of the magic weapon can be exerted to the maximum or even beyond the limit when using it.

Sword Soul is not yet a complete magic weapon.Even if his potential is huge.So at this time, it actually has needs in both aspects of warming and nourishing in Zhang Yan's Dao Dan.

It's just that there is no such thing as "vigor" in the Daoist scriptures when warming up the magic weapon.And this thing is not available in other people's Dao Dan, it belongs to Zhang Yan's "specialty".He didn't even know if there would be any changes that shouldn't have occurred in the sword soul that had been nurtured by vitality.

Withdrew his attention from Dao Dan's Vipassana.For the time being, Zhang Yan couldn't figure out what kind of changes the sword soul would have in the end under his nurturing.Now he needs to take out all the income in the ruins of the sword mound this time and take a good inventory.

First of all, there are dozens of storage instruments.There are storage rings, bracelets, and storage bags.

It is not uncommon to store objects in the Cliff Mountain now.Even difficult things like storage rings and bracelets can already be marked on the list of items exchanged by the Alchemy Hall for disciples to exchange.Therefore, these storage utensils in Zhang Yan's hands are not a good harvest.

The real reward is what's inside these storage utensils.These things are basically obtained by the original owners of these things in the ruins of the sword mound.Whether it comes from exploring by oneself or from killing and looting.

The lowest level of these magic weapons is the level of Immortal Artifact.For Zhang Yan who owns Wanxiangzhu, these magic weapons are really not very attractive to him, but for the disciples in the cliff mountain, they are all sought-after treasures.

This time Zhang Yan brought back more than 120 fairy artifacts from the ruins.Mainly low-grade fairy artifacts and a small number of middle-grade fairy artifacts.Zhang Yan kept thirty of the best pieces, and he prepared the rest as payment for collecting the gold leaf later.

The Immortal Artifacts of the Great Desolate World have different meanings to other worlds in the void than to the Desolate Heaven Territory.Huang Tianyu has inherited the complete means of refining weapons from the Great Desolate World.Now I feel that these immortal artifacts are temporary.When the overall strength of Duan Yashan is improved, his own practice will not be worse than these, so naturally it will not be rare at that time.

In addition to the immortal weapon, which is the spiritual root of the fairy grass, there are also various materials for alchemy and weapon refining.These Zhang Yan also counted them by category.Will deal with it later.

In the end, Zhang Yan also gained another big gain from the Sword Tomb ruins this time besides the sword soul, that is, those gold leaves.

Counting the received ones and the ones opened by Zhang Yan himself this time, the total amount of gold leaf in hand is 91 yuan.

Gold leaf varies in size and shape.The small gold leaf is only the size of a palm, and the largest gold leaf is one foot square.Heaped on everything golden thick thick wad.

The appearance of the gold foil made Daodanli's sword soul a little restless.But under Zhang Yan's comfort, he didn't rush out directly.But the look of "eyeing at it" seems to be waiting for Zhang Yan to nod at any time, as if it is about to pounce on it and feast on it.

"Don't worry, let me record the star map first. Then I will study it."

Zhang Yan's method is very simple, that is to use the jade slips to rub them one by one.As for the splicing relationship between these star charts, he currently has no clue.And he wasn't sure if the gold foils were just hiding the star map, or if there was something else he hadn't found.

After Zhang Yan tossed and tossed for half a month.He just picked the smallest piece with the fewest stars on it from a pile of gold leaf, held it in his hand, and said to the sword soul in Dao Dan in his heart, "What do you want to do with it?"

do what?Jian Po answered Zhang Yan's question with actions.

The gold foil on Zhang Yan's palm melted quickly and silently like a piece of fat in a hot pan, followed the skin texture on Zhang Yan's palm, passed through his meridians, and finally flowed into the lower dantian Among Dao Dan.

Zhang Yan found a golden "needle" as small as a vellus hair appeared in the middle of the phantom of the sword soul
Ps: Continue to go to physical therapy in the morning, and make up the rest of the chapter in the afternoon.Hand over!
(End of this chapter)

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