one's door

Chapter 803 Arguments

Chapter 803 Arguments
Zhang Yan gave the general direction, and the rest was naturally the thunderous movements of his disciples.

Yang Rui personally went around the five largest sects in Huangtianyu, frightened the sect masters, and conveyed Zhang Yan's meaning.

In a word: the world has been cultivating bitter demons for a long time, it is time to settle accounts.

This is not Yang Rui's attitude of forcing the sects to express themselves.It is a consensus that has been shared in various sects very early on.Not even talking about Zongmen monks.Ordinary creatures in the world have suffered from these demon cultivators for too long.

Indeed, most of the demon cultivators stayed in the various islands in the sea.Some of these islands are actually very large, which also gave the demon cultivators a foothold on them.

But the demon cultivator does not have its own civilization system like other highly intelligent beings, nor does it have its own standards and restraint in the use of power, only wreaks of violence.I don't even understand what's wrong with killing chickens to get eggs, and I never thought of cultivating blood food by myself instead of simply relying on killing.

Even blood eating, a method that has a great effect on improving the demon cultivator, is actually not a necessary behavior for the demon cultivator to practice.They like blood food more because they are driven by a bloodthirsty and brutal instinct, and it will give them a strange pleasure when devouring blood food.

In addition, Liu Yuqing, the nine-tailed fox demon who is the master of the demon country, has no ability to control all the demon cultivators in the demon country.Even he didn't form a complete law and rules to restrict the actions of demon cultivators.

In this way, after the blood food in the demon country is poor, what about the increasing number of those little demons?Just clean up the soup with little water all day long?Even many demon cultivators desire more than eating blood, so how can they calm down on a boundless and boring island?

In addition, the demon cultivators have also set up strongholds in various mountains and wastelands, so as to continuously gather their fresh blood to join.

The combination of these reasons makes it common for demon cultivators to wreak havoc everywhere.

And the talent of the demon cultivator is strange.In many cases, it is impossible to guard against them, and they can always take advantage of them.There are even folk stories about demon cultivators harming people.

But it was the same as Yang Rui's previous concerns.The roots of the demon cultivators come from Duanya Mountain, and it is Master Yan, the advocate of Duanya Mountain, who enlightens them.Who would dare to deal with those demon cultivators?

It's good now.Yang Rui, the second-generation disciple of Duanya Mountain, came forward to inform in person, and all forces saw the opportunity to solve the perennial problem of demon cultivators.

Yang Rui is also worthy of being a supporter of the "only human race".This time, the strength used to deal with the demon cultivators was much tougher than those demon clans that dealt with Baronka many years ago.He even sent his personal disciple "The Straw Dog" out to take charge of the follow-up affairs, including killing.

Naturally, the main sect was found not only from the human race, but also from the monster race.Yang Rui went directly to Baronka.

After that, there was a strangulation against demon cultivators all over the land of Huangtian Territory.

Overall, the cleanup went smoothly.After all, the monster cultivators scattered on the land can't form a scale, and they can't compete with the two top powerhouses of the human race and monster race.Can't even hide.In front of the Banxian, hundreds of miles around and more than ten feet underground can be seen clearly with a sweep of divine sense, and they were finally dug out and slaughtered.

In less than a year, apart from a few demon cultivators guarding the mountain in the cliff mountain, there was no living demon cultivator anywhere else.

Is this the end?

Of course not.With great difficulty, Yang Rui finally convinced his master to punish the demon cultivators for their raging chaos in the wild world, and he made up his mind to teach them a lesson they will never forget.It's just that the elimination of some demon cultivators scattered all over the place and the elimination of the land is naturally far from over.

It's just that the next step is not to "clear up and suppress" but to attack.

Yang Rui personally named this joint crusade against the human race and the monster race "Discipline".From the name, it can be seen that there is no meaning of killing everything.But let the demon cultivators understand their own position.

Blood is a must.Even if the demon cultivator realized that the situation was wrong from the very beginning, he immediately began to shrink his clansmen and even begged for mercy.The demon king Liu Yuqing personally knelt under the gate of the cliff mountain and begged to be let go.But still can't change the ending.

Some things are not something that can be uncovered with a few kowtows and begging for forgiveness.

Naturally, there is also resistance.Even Liu Yuqing wouldn't kill him immediately.The war begins in the sea area of ​​the demon country.Warships, imperial sky, screams, and blood are intertwined, forming a battle that has long been doomed, but is just an unwilling and futile struggle.

The war lasted less than three days before entering the mopping-up stage.The main monster cultivators have been slaughtered by the coalition forces.All that's left are some insignificant goblins that need to be captured and held in custody.

After all, it is not annihilation, otherwise, no one in the demon cultivators will survive after this great battle.

Now according to Yang Rui's plan, only [-]% of the demon cultivators and all the middle-level people will be killed.Leaving a few of the top layers and half of the bottom layers of demon cultivators.In this way, enough lessons have been given, and the foundation has been left.Enough to explain to either party.

Liu Yuqing sat in her own hall, her eyes were bloodshot.

Scenes from the past flashed through my mind quickly and repeatedly.He originally thought that the growth of demon cultivators was unstoppable, and that it was the general trend. He even thought that one day he would return to land and start a sect, just like the cliff mountain.

But everything collapsed in an instant.

The collapse was so simple that it was impossible to even react and resist.

At the same time, it also made Liu Yuqing understand that the "powerful" he thought he had been all these years was only what he thought. In fact, he was no different from the trembling fox who hid in the cliff mountain and faced the monk passing by overhead.

Liu Yuqing thought she must die.In the final analysis, those bad habits and ferocious nature of the demon cultivator were not restrained by him.Belongs to the "culprit".He even rushed to the forefront during the battle, but was easily taken down by an acquaintance who came out of the battle, and there was almost no room for resistance.That person is the famous evil star in the cliff mountain.The name is "The Strain Dog".

But in the end, not only did Liu Yuqing not die, but he was not thrown back into the palace of the Lord of the Demon Kingdom.There was no one to watch him after that.It seems that he wants to let him watch his power disappear in smoke?
Liu Yuqing asked herself, do you hate it?Yes, but really not many.He is the incarnation of a wild beast in the mountains, and he has long been engraved into his bone marrow for the law of the jungle.

So much so that sitting in the hall, the past came to his mind, and he even thought, what would it be like now if he hadn't left the cliff mountain and established his own family back then?

"Do you know why you are still alive?"

Suddenly, a voice that only existed in Liu Yuqing's dream sounded from the hall.A man in a white robe appeared in the middle of the hall at some point, with his hands behind his back, looking at him with a smile.

"Ah! Sect Master, the little demon Liu Yuqing kowtows to you."

(End of this chapter)

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