one's door

Chapter 812

Chapter 812
In the world of Changming, there are immortals at the top and ordinary people at the bottom, and their lives are busy.But compared to being busy and working hard, it is actually very rare to have a place where you can settle down.

It's not a big force at all, and it even ranks at the bottom of the Dahongtian Alliance.Most of the time is being exploited by other worlds.

Nowadays, being able to barely get in and out of balance is already achieved by luck.If there are no major changes in the future, Changming World is very likely to go against the trend, slowly turn losses into wins, and even get rid of the position at the tail of the crane in the Dahongtian Alliance.

The clearest reason for all this is Bu Zhongxun, the elder of foreign affairs who is the most beautiful in Changming World at this time.Many people believed that Changming World could turn around, and Bu Zhongxun played a vital role in it.

And the reason why Changming World can go against the trend is that they have formed a complete industry of middle-level talismans in their hands.They are very popular in various worlds by relying on these talismans from the Dao Dan state to the return to the god state.Not being coveted as a killer, but also making a lot of money, this is simply a perfect livelihood for a force like Changming World.

This job was obtained by Bu Zhongxun from the original barren world.

It's just a pity that Bu Zhongxun's cultivation talent is very average, and now the middle stage of Tongxuan Realm is his limit.There is basically no hope of becoming an immortal, so he is not qualified to compete for the position of the master of the Tiandao Sect.Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he is so famous today.

Although he didn't have the chance to take the position of the sect master, Bu Zhongxun no longer needed to go out often.Now he only needs to get in touch with Dahongtian's people at the right point, and the business with other worlds will be handled by the people below.He even unceremoniously copied many business methods in the wild world to the Changming world, and the effect was not bad.

On this day, Bu Zhongxun was repaired at the entrance of the Foreign Affairs Hall.Although he has no hope of becoming an immortal, his half-immortal cultivation needs to be maintained.Daily homework is essential.

The Foreign Affairs Hall has now also moved out of the main peak of Tiandaomen, and there is a separate territory near the mountain gate.Bu Zhongxun is also permanently stationed here.

"Elder, someone outside said he was your old friend, please see me."

Bu Zhongxun's practice was interrupted by the attendants outside the door.Because it's not a retreat, and things are sometimes urgent, so this kind of thing has always been within the range of Bu Zhongxun's acceptance.Just curious what old friend would come to him.

"What is your name?"

"The man didn't say anything. He just gave a copper box and said that you can tell it by looking at it."

"Bring it in."

The attendant disciple outside the door opened the door with a copper box and put it on the tea table in front of Bu Zhongxun.Then stepped back and waited.

The copper box is not big, less than a palm, and only one inch thick.There is no magic circle lock on it, just a very simple buckle to close it.It looked like it was made improvised.And there shouldn't be anything important inside.

Bu Zhongxun opened the box, only glanced inside, and then quickly and gently closed it.There was no change in the expression on his face, and he asked the attendant disciple, "Have you opened this box before?"

"The disciple has never opened it. After receiving it from that person, he handed it over directly."

"Well. That person is indeed my old friend for many years. You bring him in. I will wait for him in the side hall tea room."

"It's the elder."

When the disciple left, cold sweat gushed out from Bu Zhongxun's forehead.His back was instantly drenched in cold sweat.Only by transpiration with magic power can it be eliminated.

"This" opened the copper box again, and inside lay a piece of yellow paper covered with handwriting of various lines.But in Bu Zhongxun's eyes, this is clearly a talisman, and a high-level talisman!
Nowadays, there are many people who know low-level talismans in Dahongtian.But the only one who knows middle-level talismans is Changming World.However, high-level talisman is still a difficult problem that no one has overcome.At least in Bu Zhongxun's eyes, he only saw it in the wild world back then.

Now a high-level talisman is in front of him.And it was handed over by a person who called himself an "old friend".Bu Zhongxun couldn't help thinking of a possibility in his mind.Both nervous and excited.He got up and walked back and forth in the quiet room for a few steps, then opened the door and went out. He was going to meet the other party to see if it was really what he guessed.

Not long after arriving at the side hall first, the disciple led a person in.After Bu Zhongxun saw it, his heart accelerated for a while.Such a weird person.

"Go down, you don't have to come in without telling you."

"It's the elder."

He screened out his disciples.Bu Zhongxun looked at the face in front of him who was wearing a mask, and his aura was not above the Profound Realm, and his figure could be seen as a woman.There was no such character in his memory.But there was no sign on the other party, but he had an inexplicable premonition that he really seemed to be right.

"What's your name?" Bu Zhongxun asked straight to the point.At the same time, signal the other person to sit down and talk.

The masked man is naturally Zhang Yan.He concealed his appearance to prevent being recognized.At the same time, he changed his breath, and he didn't want to arouse others' vigilance.It's best to act in secret this time around.

"You can ask me to meet you."

"Huh? See you?" Bu Zhongxun wondered to himself, did the other party take this name now?But it doesn't matter, what matters is the identity of the other party.

So Bu Zhongxun continued to ask: "Why do you have high-level talismans in your hand?"

"Hehe, Elder Bu, I already said that he is your old friend, why don't you understand? The master Zhang of the cliff mountain asked me to take care of the elder. I also want to ask if the elder has forgotten all the old friends? "Zhang Yan smiled directly under the mask and didn't hide it.He dared to come because he was sure that the other party would not dare to speak up.And there are means to control it.Besides, based on his understanding of Bu Zhongxun and Chang Ming's world, he wasn't the type to bluff when he saw it.

When the matter was clarified, Zhang Yan felt that at least Bu Zhongxun would know to shut up.

"Master Zhang?! Are you a member of Master Zhang?!" Bu Zhongxun jumped up from his chair.While horrified in my heart, I couldn't help but secretly said "Sure enough".Just as he thought, the only people in this world who can still portray high-level talismans are those in the disappeared cliff mountain.

At the beginning, the advocacy of Duanya Mountain broke through the Earth Immortal, and the battle was too great.Bu Zhongxun is still fresh in his memory.Then the top forces gathered in the Dahongtian Alliance, and the cliff mountain suddenly disappeared at this time.The mystery here is still being discussed privately by people from the Great Hongtian Alliance from time to time.The same is true for Bu Zhongxun.Everyone is wondering how Cliff Mountain escaped and where did it go?
Sometimes Bu Zhongxun would also recall the time when he had a close relationship with the cliff mountain.But he never thought that one day he would see the people from the cliff mountain again.And it seemed that the other party came clearly prepared.

Is a blessing or a curse?

Zhang Yan didn't talk nonsense, directly took out the yellow paper and a pen stained with cinnabar, and familiarly drew another kind of high-level talisman in front of Bu Zhongxun.

"How? Elder Bu should believe this, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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