one's door

Chapter 817 Fortune

Chapter 817 Fortune
The demise of one world finally gave Zhang Yan five primordial purple qi, and at the same time gave "Yuanqiu" a good meal.

As for the others, it is more about revealing the courage to face threats directly.Show it to Mingyue Valley, and also show it to those who secretly plan to deal with Zhang Yan.He won't hide, you just come.

It doesn't matter if it's a bluff or a tactic to delay the attack, anyway, Zhang Yan wants to create a "confident" aura for himself.You can't be cowardly, otherwise it will be hard for a rootless duck like him to recover from the setback.

Of course, the bravado has not always been the case.He has his own plans and arrangements.When he needs to tear off this layer of cover, that is, when he no longer needs to care about the disturbance around him.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to go back to Mingyue Valley with me and finish the things you asked Li Dianchuan to do? Or do you just settle here?" Feng Yuhe looked at Zhang Yan with a smile and stood up and asked. road.

"Just here, I won't bother you." Although Zhang Yan was also curious about how angry Mingyue Valley was, after all, it was the top power in the void world.But he still refused without hesitation.Although he wants to use Mingyue Valley as a backer now, he dare not get in touch with it too much.

Feng Yuhe didn't persuade him, he led Zhang Yan into the car, and made the delivery in the car.

"Senior, the gold foils I received this time totaled 210 yuan. There will be more one after another, and the number has not yet bottomed out." Li Dianchuan didn't talk nonsense, and started to do his own errands after seeing Zhang Yan.He took out a storage bag, and handed it to Zhang Yan in a polite manner.

Zhang Yan's heart moved, Li Dianchuan was obviously already prepared, and there was no need to go to Mingyue Valley for delivery.Immediately, he realized that Feng Yuhe should be testing him just now.As for the purpose of testing him like this, he didn't know.

210 nine pieces of gold foil, more than three times the amount that was traded privately with Li Dianchuan last time.But it is not yet possible to let the magic weapon in Zhang Yan's hands bottom out.However, he can't last long after exchanging like this, at most he can exchange the same amount twice.

"Senior, the number is right."

"That's fine, I'll contact you next time." Zhang Yan put away the storage bag after completing the delivery, then bowed to Feng He to the side and prepared to leave.But Feng Yuhe stopped him.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be in a hurry. There are other matters to discuss with Fellow Daoist, and it won't take much time for Fellow Daoist." As he said, he waved his hands and screened back to the left and right.Even Li Dianchuan was not left behind by her.

Soon, only Zhang Yan and her were left in Feng Yuhe's driving palace.

"Fellow Daoist's sharp words before really scolded Xu Feng and Xiao Wenzhong enough. Hehe, this is the first time I've known them for so many years that I've seen them be so angry. By the way, the thin one is Linglong Immortal Territory The golden fairy is called Xiao Wenzhong, and the fat one is called Xu Feng from the Sanwen Sect. Surely these two sects are no strangers to each other, right?"

"Elder Feng, please speak directly if you have something to say. The visitors from the San Wen Sect and Linglong Immortal Realm were not friendly, so they put a hat on me when they opened their mouths. It is not difficult to guess what their intentions are. They are looking at Mingyue Valley this time. I haven’t done anything, but it’s hard to say next time. I know all of this. So Elder Feng can be more direct.”

Feng Yuhe laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist is really quick to talk. Then I will say it straight." Feng Yuhe paused, put away the smile on his face, and continued: "Mingyue Valley has always been kind to fellow Daoists. Man, nothing has changed. This time, regardless of the Sanwen Sect or the Linglong Immortal Realm, even in the face of more top forces, Mingyue Valley will still stand firmly on the side of fellow Taoists. Even if you tear your face with your hands I will never break my promise."

When I said this, it sounded like blowing air at first glance, which was not so convincing.But combined with the one after another since Mingyuegu came into contact with Zhang Yan, to be honest, even a person with Zhang Yan's thoughts, even if he has learned a lot about Mingyuegu's release of him from Li Dianchuan. It's a good guess, but I still have to say thank you.

One yard owned by a yard.Zhang Yan still had a clear idea of ​​this matter.

"Elder Feng, I always remember Mingyue Valley's help to me. But it also made me very puzzled. At the beginning, I saved Li Dianchuan for the purpose of harvesting the world, so it was a deal. I don't understand what happened later. Mingyue What is Gu Hua planning on me at such a high price? That time at the Jianzhong ruins, and this time, this is not a normal way of communication."

Zhang Yan felt that everything was said here, so he should be more direct.Otherwise, it would be abnormal.

Feng Yuhe didn't seem surprised to hear Zhang Yan's words.After a moment of silence, he said: "It's normal for fellow Taoists to have such concerns. It's rare to be able to hold back until now." Having said that, Feng Yuhe thinks that Zhang Yan waited until now to ask. The main reason is her private connection with Li Dianchuan, as well as some superficial facts that she has deliberately leaked to Li Dianchuan.Now these are just in handy.

Feng Yuhe continued: "Fellow Daoist, have you heard of luck?"

"Oh? I've heard about luck." Zhang Yan didn't deliberately pretend to be confused, but he really wanted to hear how the void world expressed luck.Is it the same as what was said in Great Desolate World?

"The matter of luck is deeply involved. It can be as small as a person's good or bad luck, or as big as the development of things around him that affects the death of countless lives. It cannot be separated from luck."

Perhaps it is also hoped that Zhang Yan will have a deeper understanding of luck, rather than just a specious superficial thing from Li Dianchuan.So Feng Yuhe explained it in detail.As soon as he opened his mouth, he talked about a full cup of tea.

Zhang Yan also listened carefully. Generally speaking, the luck mentioned by Feng Yuhe is the same as the luck mentioned in the Great Desolate World.However, Feng Yuhe's narration is not more about the influence of luck on individual creatures, but the influence of luck on the overall situation due to the attachment of individuals.If it wasn't for Zhang Yanxian's understanding of luck, he wouldn't have noticed these little tricks in the other party's words.

"Friends of the Daoist know that there will be new changes in the void world every once in a while. The intensity of each change is different, and the scope of the impact is also different. But each time will involve the prosperity or decline of the creatures living in it for a long time .

The most recent major change affecting the entire void was the disappearance of the Great Desolate World.After that, the Chaos Sect and the Pastoral Sect began to slaughter in chaos until now.

This is the result of missing the general trend of luck and falling into it.

If you want to avoid the general trend, you must follow the trend.But where does the momentum come from?

The potential is to create waves from the hands of people with great luck like fellow daoists! "

(End of this chapter)

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