one's door

Chapter 824 Jia Zi

Chapter 824 Jia Zi
60 years passed in a flash, Zhang Yan wanted to hide, no one could find him with Huang Tianyu's ability.

Of course, it was Li Dianchuan who was still in contact, and it also made Mingyuegu behind Li Dianchuan understand that "Longshi" did not disappear, but was lying on his back, as if he was accumulating strength.

Mingyuegu was still worried that the feldspar would be dug out by the major forces in the Chaos faction that had been connected together.But the result has not been found so far.And Li Dianchuan can always meet with each other from time to time.This latent ability also amazed Mingyue Valley.It was also the first time they had seen such a big battle but still couldn't find a fairy.

Even Jinxian cannot stay in the void all the time, he must practice and rectify.All of this needs to be docked in one world.

However, the worlds in the Chaos faction are not gathered as many worlds as in the Pastoral faction. Each of them is counted, and even if there are more, there are traces to follow.This is also the basic logic of search.

But now that weird feldspar walking alone has completely broken this logic.It seems that he really doesn't need to stay in a certain world?
But it's still the same sentence, if you can hide for a while, you can't hide for a lifetime.Not to mention one year, so what about 1000 years?How could Ming Hua Rongzong have spent so much effort to avoid the situation so easily?On the contrary, because of Zhang Yan's absence, the battle suddenly became more intense, and many forces that had been waiting and watching began to fall to Minghua Rongzong.

Now it seems that Mingyuegu and Yishizong are behaving abnormally.

We are all waiting, waiting for the inevitable change of the situation.Even Mingyue Valley, who knows more about the situation, is waiting. They understand that the people of luck who want to set off a great change in the void world cannot hide themselves all the time.Silence is only the calm before the storm.

But the opposite of the Chaos Sect is Da Hongtian who is in the Pastoral Sect. At this time, they don't have the word of tranquility, nor do they wait for any storm to come.For them, the storm has begun to blow from within, even for decades.

The first half a year, the second one and a half years, the third five years, the fourth ten years
In 60 years, Da Hongtian provided Zhang Yan with gold foil eight times, each time ranging from 60 to 200 yuan, and sometimes nearly 60 yuan.Counting them all together, more than 400 pieces of gold foil have passed into Zhang Yan's hands in the past [-] years.

This number is quite a lot, even far exceeding Zhang Yan's expectations.But it is not difficult to understand if you think about it carefully.Gold leaf is a cashable item in Chaos Sect, as long as it is sent to Mingyue Valley, no one will suffer a loss with Mingyue Valley as a guarantee.But it's different in pastoral school.Gold leaf is a piece of crap.Even if there are rumors that someone has taken over the ruins of the Sword Tomb, how many years does the ruins of the Sword Tomb be opened?And can you really bring it in and exchange it when you save it?
Regardless of the many variables, just talk about it and go in. What will you do if you encounter a robbery?Can you hold on?

Most of Da Hongtian's secret dealings with them in the Pastoral School now treat them as fools.So what if a faction that is not considered a third-rate force really got the qualification to enter the ruins of the Sword Tomb next time?It's no wonder you don't get robbed when you go in.

Of course, not all of them are just watching or laughing.There are also some forces secretly paying attention, thinking that Da Hongtian will not be so stupid, there must be something hidden in it.Those who think this way are all the forces who have been in contact with Xue E. They don't believe that Xue E is an alliance leader who can make stupid decisions.

But what about "watch out"?Not to mention that Da Hongtian's excuse is very suitable, you can say that they are stupid but you can't say that there is something wrong with them.Even the Yuhao Great World Alliance heard the news but didn't know how to deal with it for a while, so they could only turn a blind eye and close one eye to watch the changes.

Who would have thought that Da Hongtian was just a middleman?

And just when this middleman was secretly ridiculed by many people, Xue E, the head of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen, ushered in a new breakthrough after he practiced for several Huiyuan.

Five or nine days of calamity is imminent!

Fifty-nine calamities, a stumbling block for the gods!It is also the elusive dream of countless immortals.Even many people would rather die under five or nine heavenly calamities than stay in a mediocre fairyland and wait for the exhaustion of heaven and man to come.It's quite like hearing that Daoxi can die in the morning.

Xue E is not considered old among the earth immortals, but he is not considered young either.The middle age and talent are good, and it is possible to hit the fairyland.But it's just "possible".

People from the Yuhao Great World Alliance, who are most familiar with Da Hongtian, know Xue E's situation best. Their judgment is that Xue E's chance of breaking through the Heavenly Immortal Realm is less than [-]%.It was also based on this that Xue E was allowed to guard the border with peace of mind but did not infiltrate more.Because there is no need.Yuhao Great World Alliance has seen too many of this kind of force.After Xue E dies, the power will be annihilated, and then the Yuhao Great World Alliance will absorb it.Easy and freehand.

But who would have thought that when the most optimistic about Xue E was only thinking that he "has a chance", Xue E responded fiercely with five or nine days of calamity: I am different from you!
Amidst the roar of the Heavenly Tribulation that day, although there were smiles on the faces of the thousands of guests who came to watch the ceremony, not many of them also had smiles in their eyes.The Yuhao Great World Alliance, which should have the closest relationship, even left without saying hello after Xue E overcame the last tribulation thunder.

And no one knew, everyone thought that Xue E needed to quickly retreat to consolidate his celestial cultivation, but he welcomed a guest in the main hall of the gate.

Messenger from Cliff Mountain, see you.

"Congratulations to Master Xue for successfully crossing the catastrophe, your cultivation will be as high as the sky and the sea will be vast from now on!"

"Your Excellency, you are welcome. My cultivation is nothing in Your Excellency's eyes. Moreover, Xue was able to break through the barrier of the Earth Immortal and enter the realm of the Heavenly Immortal this time because of Guizong's secret method guidance. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time. There is no hope at all in the future.”

"It's a deal, Sect Master Xue doesn't need to do that. Cliff Mountain has also gained a lot of benefits from the Sect Master. A win-win situation shows that this transaction is successful and fair.

However, Sect Master Xue's new breakthrough is now a critical period for consolidating his cultivation. I don't know what advice he has for calling me at this time? "

Zhang Yan wasn't going to come here.He collected the gold leaf this time and was about to leave, but was stopped by Li Yan. Da Hongtian deliberately arrived in advance secretly, and Xue E was brought here to meet Xue E as soon as he succeeded in crossing the tribulation.He couldn't think of anything worthy of Xue E's urgency.

Xue E signaled Zhang Yan to sit down, and then sat on the chair opposite to Zhang Yan, instead of sitting on the top as usual.

Then Xue E said: "Although it is necessary to consolidate the realm breakthrough, there are still some things that need to be communicated with Your Excellency first. I hope that Your Excellency can bring the words back to Sect Master Zhang to know."

In fact, it takes less than a meal before and after.Xue E's words were also extremely brief, just expressing one of his thoughts.After that, I went to retreat to consolidate my cultivation realm.And Zhang Yan also manipulated the talisman soldiers to leave the hall from the hiding place.Then he waited for the guests to leave before moving out of Dahongtian and returning to Huangtianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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