one's door

Chapter 832 Chaos

Chapter 832 Chaos
"Five turbulent streams of space mixed together?"

After hearing the words, Bu Zhongxun seemed to be thinking, instead of directly shaking his head and saying no as Zhang Yan thought.Zhang Yan was taken aback by this.

After a long while, Bu Zhongxun frowned and said, "The five turbulent streams of the void are mixed together... This seems to be a situation that only occurs in chaotic domains."


"Yes, Master Zhang." Bu Zhongxun was brought to his senses by Zhang Yan's question, and the subconscious verbal reaction just now seemed inappropriate.Speaking of the vastness of the void, he directly told the legends he heard in his hobby.

"What is Chaotic Domain?"

"Master Zhang, the chaotic domain is a rumor about the unknown domain. It is said that in that void area, chaos and entanglement dominate. Not only will there be chaotic overlapping of void scenes, but there will also be some weird worlds. Hehe, Master Zhang, these are all rumors, just take it as a joke, you don’t need to take it seriously.”

Seriously?How about that?
Zhang Yan asked a lot of questions in detail, and got a book called "Lanyouji" from Bu Zhongxun, and then left from Changming World.

The booklet is not very thick, but it is still heavy in the hand.According to Bu Zhongxun, this book is made from the back skin of a rare bronze beast, and it is a very rare magic weapon.It is used to record words that can last tens of millions of years.If it weren't for the fact that the content is too neglected, this book can be called a treasure.

Back in the Desolate Sky Territory, Zhang Yan rubbed the more than a hundred pieces of gold foil that he brought back this time and handed them to the four killing swords in Dao Dan for absorption.And the rubbed star map continued to be spliced ​​and compared in the jade slip.

Moreover, Zhang Yan can tell that many star maps are actually duplicates because of the spliced ​​pieces.That is to say, many of these scattered star maps are abolished and redundant.

Compared with before, after having a whole piece of star map spliced ​​into pieces, the reliability of splicing is also improving rapidly.Just like a jigsaw puzzle, the closer it is to a complete piece, the easier it is to put it together.And it is closer to the whole picture of the entire star map.

The treasure map must contain treasures, but what is hidden in this destination marked on the gold leaf?Zhang Yan has no clue at all, and even though he has a relatively general star map, he still doesn't know how to go there.

Now in the Jade Slips, all the rubbed star maps have shown a state of route guidance, consisting of many paths in different directions.These paths are not marked with lines, but formed naturally through the splicing of star maps one by one.

Presumably, it should be set for more sets of star maps to increase the possibility of patching them together.The extra star map can only be used as "food" for the sword weapon.

After packing up the things in his hands, Zhang Yan began to read carefully the "Lanyouji" he brought from Bu Zhongxun.

The reason why he knew that it was the destination marked on the star map was entirely a feeling.It's as if there is some special feeling in the blank space of the star map that looks plain and ordinary, touching Zhang Yan's consciousness and spiritual thoughts, and it's like touching a mirror and suddenly feeling a small bump on the mirror.

"What's hiding here?"

Zhang Yan frowned after reading the contents within a few pages.

For three whole days, Zhang Yan read "Lanyouji" three times over and over again.Make sure you haven't missed any details in the book before putting it down.

And the final destination is hidden in the intersection of the three star maps.

Seeing these Zhang Yan's first reactions were "nonsense".Although it is true that there may be different levels in the void, no one has ever seen or recorded the collapse and passage.Not even in the Taoist scriptures of the Great Desolate World.

The author of the book is a man named "You Yu".I don't know why I repaired it.Bu Zhongxun said that there are two kinds of theories about this "You Yu". One is that he is a Daluo Jinxian, otherwise he would not be able to run so rampant in the void world.One kind of saying that this is a fabricated name to deceive people, and it is a deceptive thing like this "Lan You Ji".It's something that some boring fairy or golden fairy came up with to play.

There is no special mark on that place, nor is there any special shape, and there is not even a star mark light spot that is often seen on the star map.

"What is marked on the star map should undoubtedly be the "chaotic domain" mentioned in this book!" Zhang Yan had such a judgment in his heart when he closed the book.

What's more, it has to pass through the void collapse.Is the erosive power of the void really a joke?

"Are you sure you didn't imagine these?" I sighed in my heart, and at the same time admired that Bu Zhongxun, who "knows nothing", can still see things from this book and is quite sure.Sometimes the power of interest is always beyond the comprehension of others.

Zhang Yan didn't take the "Lanyouji" in his hand as a pastime, but opened it with the idea of ​​looking for clues to the star map.But the first few pages almost put him off.

"Could it be that the channel of the void collapse mentioned in this book refers to the eye of the void?" The doubts in my heart did not have any solution, on the contrary, they floated more and more in my heart.

The book itself is also collectible.Because of his hobby, Bu Zhongxun spent a lot of money, and after several twists and turns, he got it from a fellow fan of a second-rate force.And it's because the other party has two copies in his hand, and there is an extra one, otherwise there is no chance.

Because Zhang Yan used the description "as deep as eyes" when he saw the description of void collapse and passage in the book.It seemed nothing special, but in Zhang Yan's mind, it suddenly reminded him of the "Eye of the Void" that he had seen more than once in the void.

But continuing to look back, although Zhang Yan frowned even more deeply, he suppressed all the slightest contempt that had just appeared in his heart.

The above directly said that the gate of the chaotic realm is under the void, and those who want to enter the lower layer of the void need to find the channel through which the void collapses.It is also said that the void collapse channel can be encountered but not sought, and it needs to wander around some fierce and dangerous scenes in the void all the year round before it may hit a rare opportunity that is unique in thousands of miles.

Especially Bu Zhongxun's impression of the description of the five turbulent flows in the void, Zhang Yan did find relevant records in the book.

"Today, I finally escaped through the vast and terrifying void desert. When I looked up, I saw several huge void turbulent streams crossing and criss-crossing across the field of vision." The description of this paragraph has already made Zhang Yan feel in his heart. There is a conclusion.Aren't these the two most obvious scenes in the star map he pieced together?And also right next to each other.

As the saying goes, unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shadows, Zhang Yan's star map that he has been pursuing for many years did not expect to be "debunked" by a book.

But a new question also followed: how to get there?Do you really want to gamble on the Eye of the Void?

(End of this chapter)

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