one's door

Chapter 857 Secret

Chapter 857 Secret
In fact, Zhang Yan was very clear about the attitudes and thoughts of these forces present towards him.

The previous sword formation in which he singled out more than twenty golden immortals was absolutely as lively as pouring water into a frying pan.Including the people of Mingyue Valley, Zhang Yan did not believe that they were not interested in the sword array.It's just that on the one hand, he was suppressed by Mingyue Valley, and on the other hand, he didn't choose to change his target because of the weight of the "Diffraction Technique".

So Zhang Yan knew very well what the reason why these people showed hostility towards him was what they wanted.

After several big Luos left Song Shiyu's car in anger, Zhang Yan, Song Shiyu, and Xiu Wenqi from Shizong were left in the lobby.

"Hahaha, Your Excellency has a strong temper, Xiu admires you!"

"En." Zhang Yan knew that Shizong was an ally of Mingyue Valley, and it was also his ally in disguise.So although he didn't answer, he still bowed his hands and nodded to the other party.

But before Xiu Wenqi could continue to make love, Zhang Yan turned his head to look at Song Shiyu, and said, "Elder Song, I know what those people are asking for. It is nothing more than the secret of the Jianzhong ruins, and my means to deal with it." , right? How about you? Are you curious too?"

Xiuwen choked back the words that reached his throat.Secretly said: This dead face speaks directly enough.Although it may seem reckless, but this person has a delicate mind, and I am afraid that he is not much better than Song Shiyu.

And watch.Xiu Wenqi put his expression on and stood by the side without making a sound, depending on how Song Shiyu would answer.

After a while, Song Shi smiled and said: "Your Excellency Changshi is really quick to talk! I don't hide it from you. Yes, I am also very curious about what you said about our Mingyue Valley. But unlike other families, we have other choices, and we also respect you. Naturally, I will not covet it in my heart, but at most I am subconsciously curious."

"There are really four killing swords?"

What's more, Zhang Yan's words confirmed Song Shiyu's previous guess: the ruins of the sword tomb are indeed related to the inheritance of the Great Desolate World!Even other ruins are likely to be of the same vein!They may all have originated from the Great Desolate World.After all, these ruins did not appear before the Great Desolate World disappeared.

"Obtain the key to the four major killing swords in the ruins of the sword mound."

This strengthened the reasons for these two families to stand on Zhang Yan's side, and it was no longer just an illusory "general trend of luck".

Fortunately, although both of them suppressed their emotions, at least they should have believed part of it.With this, Zhang Yan has achieved his goal.

Just throw out a bait and hold the opponent steady.As for whether to believe it or not, or how much to believe, Zhang Yan is not worried.Regarding the gold leaf matter, he can let him say whatever he says, even if others don't believe it, can they produce evidence?Coupled with the intermingling of false and true in this set of rhetoric, Zhang Yan is sure that Mingyuegu and Yishizong will pay attention.

Many things cannot be gambled, nor can the future be decided by the present.Zhang Yan must plan ahead.Just because Mingyuegu and Yishizong are standing with him now doesn't mean they will in the future.A "big trend" is not safe enough, because it is just a fiction after all.Facing the real temptation, it is hard to say that you will always be strong.

"Four Great Killing Swords? Your Excellency, are you sure about the legends? You must know that the shallow, middle, and bottom layers of the Sword Tomb ruins have been searched by us a long time ago. Even if there are still some places in the bottom layer that are not clear enough , but there must be some clues, right? At present, there are none." Song Shiyu suppressed the touch in his heart, and his tone was normal.

Zhang Yan continued: "That's why the matter of the gold leaf is like this. The next time I enter the ruins, I have to cooperate with Mingyue Valley, so it's natural to tell you. But it can't be said that the other four know about it."

"That's right. After all the keys are collected, wait until the next time the Sword Tomb ruins are opened, and then use special means to open them. Only then can the true colors of the ruins be reappeared. Now your so-called exploration is just picking up the tatters inside."

And it's not good for you to let them continue to test like this.It's better to change the way of thinking. "

Zhang Yan's rigid face did not change, and he continued: "The gold leaf is the clue, which runs through the entire Sword Tomb ruins. If you don't wear gold leaf, even if you turn the ruins over, you won't be able to find the shadow of Killing Sword."

Zhang Yan looked at Song Shiyu without speaking, and waited for the other party to continue.

"Actually, the secret of gold leaf lies in being able to extract the key from it."

"What key?" Xiu Wenqi blinked his eyes, and couldn't help but asked directly.

Song Shiyu and Xiu Wenqi looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of unexpected joy in each other's eyes.At the same time, they are also cautious.Obviously, Zhang Yan did not expect such a big secret to be revealed suddenly.But at the same time, I don't believe what the other party says, leaving room in my heart.

The facts are as Zhang Yan hoped.The allure of the Four Great Killing Swords is not a joke. If there is a chance, even if there is a little chance, it will not be let go.

"The clues on the gold leaf say there is, but I'm not sure if it's not true. And I don't know if there are four handles. Exploration is based on luck. What do you two think?" Zhang Yan asked with a stern face. After some words, he stopped talking and carefully observed the changes in the expressions of the other two.

"So, your Excellency collecting gold leaf is collecting keys?"

"Hehe, I understand what Your Excellency Changshi means. We will pay attention to the gold leaf matter. However, it is still too early for the next relic to be opened, and the relationship between you and the other companies should be considered more now. It is still the same Then you have to be more on guard.

"It's better for you to find a place near Mingyue Valley to cultivate. This way, you can have someone to take care of you, and at the same time, you can cut off the evil intentions of the other families. It's only ten thousand years, and in a flash, when the time comes, the sword tomb ruins will be destroyed." Let's start again, if we can really get one and two killing swords from it, won't we be much more sure when we do the math?"

Song Shiyu gave his advice.In fact, Zhang Yan's tense and bad relationship with several other companies can be exploited in many ways.The most direct way is to simply tie the other party to your side.In this way, Zhang Yan's luck in Mingyue Valley can't be touched?

"No need, just let them look for it, it's useless." Zhang Yan shook his head, his lifeless expression seemed to really not care that the other party could find him.In fact, he really wasn't too worried.

At worst, it will be more troublesome when entering and exiting the Huangtian Territory in the future, and the scope of activities of the Huangtian Territory will be smaller.It's nothing more than traveling through dangerous places like void and turbulence. Do you really think that if you have more eyeliner, you will be able to catch Zhang Yan?

What's more, Zhang Yan himself is also in a hurry, if there is any chance of "coincidence" this time, the situation will definitely change later.Naturally, it is impossible to stick the whole body on Mingyuegu's body.Even Song Shiyu's suggestion is not realistic at all.

PS: I will go to the hospital for physiotherapy in the morning, and I will make up one chapter in the afternoon.Hand over!
(End of this chapter)

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