one's door

Chapter 859 Torrent

Chapter 859 Torrent

A torrent, literally, is a violently flowing stream of water.

This word can be used in the void because it can describe a special void scene here, and it will appear appropriate.It's just that when this word is used to open up wasteland, it sounds a little scary.

Before this, Zhang Yan didn't feel that the word "torrent" had any terrifying meaning.He didn't even know there were torrents in the void.This was popularized by Li Dianchuan to him after he met Song Shiyu and before he came down to wait for the official start of land reclamation.

Therefore, what Li Dianchuan said was far less shocking and intuitive than what he saw with his own eyes when he heard the police whistle at this moment.In an instant, Zhang Yan understood why the "torrent" was the most life-threatening among all the dangers that appeared when reclaiming the unknown domain.

There is no need to bother looking for it at all, a huge hole like a cracked drum surface appears in front of you in a blink of an eye.

"Is there really such a chaotic stream of void energy?!"

Li Dianchuan's verbal expression is described in this way. "Energy Stream".But if you don't see it with your own eyes, you really can't understand it, let alone imagine it.

Seeing that the energy stream rushing out like a gap is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that there is not only one strand, but several strands are entangled, forming a terrifying energy vortex, which is stirred so much that it has not had time to be destroyed by the void except that it has just been reclaimed. A suction storm appeared in the huge area of ​​world assimilation, whether it was the immortals or rule power in this area, or the erosive force of the void, they were all within the range of this suction storm.

Of course, Zhang Yan soon discovered that in just five or six breaths of time when he was curiously observing and didn't move away immediately, the position he was in was also wrapped up by this suction force.

"This..." Zhang Yan secretly said in his heart, but at the same time he didn't feel anything.After all, he was far away, and the force of the suction was not strong, and the few earth immortals around him were able to get rid of the suction force that appeared, so there was no reason why he couldn't, right?
However, Zhang Yan was about to stay away first, but when he saw the continuous expansion and chaos of those streams, he felt a sense of déjà vu.But Zhang Yan is sure that he has not seen this kind of energy stream elsewhere?

"It's evil! I don't know how much void and turbulence will be left behind after doing this! It's wasted so much effort, this area is completely useless!"

At that moment, Zhang Yan suddenly looked over at a complaint not far away.Then he moved to the side of the person who spoke.

It was just an immortal in the middle stage of the fairyland, and he was shocked when he saw Zhang Yan suddenly move to his side.Coupled with the lifeless eyes, the Earth Immortal trembled even more, and was about to bow to salute but was interrupted by Zhang Yan's anxious voice.

"Did you just talk about those streams? What do they have to do with the turbulence in the void?"

"Ah? Back, back to your Excellency, those streams are only manifested during reclamation. They will become void turbulent streams and survive after being assimilated by the void world."

"Is this how all the void turbulence is formed?" Zhang Yan asked again.

"I'm not sure about this. But all the turbulence in the void in the newly expanded unknown domain is all due to this."

Could it be that the turbulent flow in the void is a chance?
Zhang Yan nodded and didn't ask any more, but turned around and moved again. He didn't choose to stay away from the stream that was rapidly expanding its range and was still devouring the immortals who were too close to break free, but took the initiative to lean on it.

Not only that, Zhang Yan reversed the past and sent out some disciples of Yishizong and Mingyue Valley who were trapped in the suction force along the way.He has no interest in saving the rest.His goal was not to rush in and save people.The ones that were saved were just passing by.

As Zhang Yan approached, the suction force brought back his memories of being in the shining storm.There is also the strength and erosion suffered when it is shallow in the turbulent flow of the void.

Of course there are differences.The difference lies more in a more "chaotic" energy crossover than the void turbulence and the flare storm.

Until there were no living people around, Zhang Yan was already standing less than five hundred miles away from the rapids.This distance seems to be very far, but it is already an extremely short distance in front of the huge volume of the stream.Even Zhang Yan needed a lot of effort to stabilize his figure at this time.

The reason why Zhang Yan was so close was very simple.Because he wanted to see if these streams would become void turbulence in the future, would there also be those intersecting collision nodes that would appear on the surface of the void turbulence.If there is, then with the intensity of these streams at this time, it is likely to produce a stronger collision result than in the void turbulence.Wouldn't it be more in line with the situation recorded in "Lanyouji", and is it more likely that the so-called tunnel of void collapse will appear?
But even if he got so close, Zhang Yan still couldn't find the collision node between the streams he wanted.

keep going?Or turn around and give up?

Sighing, Zhang Yan finally cheered up and continued to walk forward.To be honest, if it weren't for the erosive power of the void fused in his body to bless him, even his rune soldiers in the middle of the Celestial Immortal Realm would never be able to stabilize Yukong's posture at this position, let alone move forward. got pulled in.

After approaching more than a hundred miles rapidly, Zhang Yan already needed [-]% to [-]% of his strength to stabilize himself. The tearing caused by the rapid flow will affect the fairy body, and there is a terrifying feeling that it will be torn and shattered.

Stopping again, Zhang Yan looked at a strange energy accumulation like a vortex in the lower left.


Not only are there but many!

Especially when Zhang Yan went forward for another fifty or sixty miles, he could see vortices of different sizes scattered almost everywhere.The largest one can already be compared with a great city of creatures in the Desolate Sky Territory.Moreover, the vortex strength of these colliding nodes is also as Zhang Yan guessed in advance, and the collision strength in the turbulent voids that he has explored for hundreds of years is much stronger, even doubled!
However, the "uneasiness" in Zhang Yan's heart that had never dissipated became extremely intense at this time.It seems to be reminding him to be careful, and it seems to be giving him guidance.No matter which one, Zhang Yan suddenly felt that he should have reached the edge of that hidden opportunity.

Should he continue to wait or continue to explore and maybe see what he has been looking for for more than 300 years?

Zhang Yan didn't think much about it at all, he came here, it's impossible to just go back like this.Waiting in place?That would consume a lot of energy and be inactive, and it would be a waste of time just to be separated by a wall.

So with a second thought, Zhang Yan continued to poke in.

(End of this chapter)

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