one's door

Chapter 864 The Sea

Chapter 864 The Sea
Although the scope of the chaotic domain is huge, Zhang Yan's forward speed is getting slower and slower.

One reason is that the various "dead worlds" in the chaotic domain can actually give Zhang Yan a lot of benefits, and it's not completely "nothing".It's just that those benefits are not real artifacts, and you can't just bend over to pick them up, but you need to figure them out from the ruins.

For example, the first medicine field.At first Zhang Yan regarded it as the same medicine field as on Duanya Mountain, but more regular.After a little more careful consideration, I discovered that the layout of these medicine fields actually has special rules, and it is not as simple as being neatly arranged.

The result of Zhang Yan's analysis is that these medicine fields should make the most of the effect of the spirit veins in the mountains, and there is a kind of stepped gathering and layering.While maximizing the use of the effect of the spiritual pulse, it can also distribute the planting positions of the medicinal materials according to the needs of different medicinal materials for spiritual energy when they grow.

This seemingly trivial use actually contains extremely extensive knowledge.It not only requires intelligence and talent to dig, but also requires generations of monks and immortals to summarize and improve layer by layer before it can finally take shape.

For this reason, Zhang Yan took out the jade slips and carefully recorded them, and attached some of his own insights.

Not just medicine fields.There are also some settings about refining and alchemy later.Pill furnace, device furnace.Even if it is damaged, the textures on it and various details inside are exquisite.Dragging it back to Wang Nian will definitely have an absolutely important improvement in the Alchemy Hall of the cliff mountain.

Second, the more one goes forward, the more the rules and energy in the space continue to become chaotic.It's like a Rubik's Cube, starting with the simplest second-order, then third-order, fourth-order, and fifth-order. Every time the difficulty increases, the test for Zhang Yan increases geometrically.Even if you know how to deal with it, it takes more and more time to untangle and adapt.

Until Zhang Yan discovered that the closer he was to the destination, the larger and smaller the number of "dead worlds" around him.The situation inside is getting worse.

Many "dead worlds" are almost equivalent to being completely washed away, not to mention drained, even the spatial structure has already appeared in a state of obvious fragmentation.

If Zhang Yan wasn't the best at spatial rules, he might not even be able to understand the internal structure of these fragmented "dead worlds".Now what remains in his heart can only be a deep shock.

"The structure here is actually based on the recursion of the space rules as the tension, and then builds a positive space law weaving network on this tension?! Can this kind of thing be done?!"

There are many benefits.It is equivalent to directly pointing out a clear path for his subsequent practice.

"Hurry up!" I whispered in my heart.After leaving the scattered "dead world", Zhang Yan continued to approach the middle of the chaotic domain.But this time, even though he had awakened himself, he was forced to stop before he could go far.

At the same time, it is also because of seeing the internal structure of the "dead world", which directly proves Zhang Yan's previous guess that these "dead worlds" are not real evolutionary worlds even before they die, but artificially made .

"Huh!" After Zhang Yan heaved a sigh of relief and opened his eyes, he ended his enlightenment.As soon as he raised his hand, a small mist the size of soybeans exuded a shimmering light appeared out of nowhere on the palm of his hand.If you enlarge it, you will find that it looks exactly like the "dead world"!
"Finally found a way!" Zhang Yan froze after only three breaths of surprise on his face.Only now did he realize how much time he had spent here.

And the most troublesome thing is that Zhang Yan doesn't know how long his "stunning" just now has passed.

This situation is somewhat similar to the result of the bombardment by the Chaos Faction in the void world.But after the bombardment of the World Destruction Array, the world will completely disintegrate and leave behind some broken world wreckage.And here, because of the special barrier package, although the inside is broken, it will not really collapse.

"These methods should not be Taoism, um. It should be said that they are not the system recorded in the Taoism. Hehe, the space rule is recurved, how did you come up with this? Is it a unique method of Jiejiao?"

But he has figured out some tricks for such a difficult space recursion method, so it can be imagined that the time will not be short.

But now Zhang Yan still has no idea about the construction of the six-track roulette.

It's like looking in through the crack of a door.Although it is not detailed, it is enough to get a glimpse of it.

In fact, the "world" has passed, and it is barely appropriate to call it a "big space".Because apart from the shocking way of its construction, its essence is very similar to refining storage bags.One is to cut the space gap, and the other is to use strong means to prop up the original space and occupy it for another use.

But it is also this state of being fragmented but not disintegrating that allows Zhang Yan to see the inner appearance of this weird "dead world".

"It's hard to guard against!" Although there is no danger, the time is extremely tight for Zhang Yan.You must know that when he entered the chaotic domain, the situation in the Huangtian domain was actually very tense. In more than 300 years, the Huangtian domain will definitely become an unprecedented battle situation.There is no possibility of self-harmony between the original living beings and the newborn living beings.Casualties can be imagined.

Zhang Yan watched it with gusto, and even felt that this might be the direction of his further exploration of the power of space rules.He is very clear that if he works hard to arrange this kind of world structure in front of him, he will inevitably strengthen his power of space rules in many ways along the way, and even increase the power of other rules by analogy.

My mind came alive and I was fascinated by the novel and tempting new knowledge.In addition, the surrounding time scale did not exist at all, so Zhang Yan forgot the purpose of exploring around in such a daze, and immersed himself in the comprehension of this new knowledge.I don't know how long this has passed.

Because Zhang Yan saw a marvel that was neither recorded in "Lanyouji" nor marked in the star map: a boundless sea suspended in a black and chaotic void!

Even if Zhang Yan was well-informed, he was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he didn't know what to say, he just stood there in a daze, his eyes wide open.

The sea appeared extremely abruptly.One moment in front of Zhang Yan was still a void of darkness, the next moment it was as if he had passed through an invisible barrier, and a boundless sea glowing with a beautiful blue shimmer jumped into his eyes.

"I thought that the legendary Ao Island would be in a certain "world". I didn't expect it to be like this." Zhang Yan hadn't been as shocked as he is now for a long time.He knew that there must be an island in the center of the sea in front of him, and the island was the legendary Biyou Palace!

(End of this chapter)

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