one's door

Chapter 866 Da Ao

Avoid water beads.

Compared to the water repelling effect alone, there is basically nothing that can compare to it, and its strength is gentle, so it won't stir up too much battle.It was also the most suitable solution that Zhang Yan thought of in a flash.

Although it is not a spiritual treasure, there are many types of water-avoiding beads.But it is not easy for Zhang Yan to transform into this fist-sized water-avoiding bead in Zhang Yan's hand. It is born in the body of the dragons of the four seas and is one of the five treasures in the world.And the dragon clan has always been the master of water in the Great Desolate World.The water-repelling beads they generate are of extraordinary natural power.

The result was just as Zhang Yan had expected. Once the water drops came out, all the surrounding seawater was drained out, and the cavity formed was not affected by the surrounding water flow.With a thought in his mind, the cavity stopped its previous dragging downwards, and began to rise like a balloon.It is also faster and faster.

In fact, Zhang Yan was just playing tricks.

After all, the water-avoiding bead is neither a spiritual treasure nor a fairy weapon. In terms of power and strength, it is more than a thousand miles away from the earth book.But it is just right for this place, and the effect is much better than that of the ground book.

Because of one word: water!

The water-avoiding beads avoid the sea water, that is to say, indirectly avoid the suction and pulling force carried in the sea water.No matter how hard you suck, I don't care!
"Huh? Can't bear it anymore?" Although Zhang Yan's divine sense couldn't exceed a thousand feet, he couldn't hide the changes in the water flow within a thousand feet.At this time, the feedback of the water flow is that something is rushing up from the depths very quickly.And the opponent's size is definitely not small!
Soon, Zhang Yan could already see the light he got when he was close to the sea again. With the help of the light, a huge black shadow in the depths was rushing towards him. In the blink of an eye, the huge water flow rolled up by the black shadow Surging and rolling, but Zhang Yan was not affected by this turbulent current, and slowly raised his position.

With a flip of the palm, the Immortal Killing Sword was in Zhang Yan's hand.At this moment, the Killing Sword is still incomplete, but its size is only slightly longer than a normal dagger, and it can barely be used as a flying sword.Zhang Yan didn't believe that the thing that pounced on him could block the sharpness of the Slaying Immortal Sword.

The moment Zhang Yan got out of the water, the huge figure rushing from below him was also revealed in the light.Although I can't see the whole thing, the huge beast head is as big as a gazebo.He was opening his huge mouth, exposing sharp teeth like giant blades, and biting towards Zhang Yan!

Even in the sea, the huge throat vibration is like thunder, and it is like a cow.But the other party knew how powerful Jian Hua was, so he closed his huge mouth immediately, and then turned his body flexibly in the water, sending out a tyrannical force into the water and pushing out a wall of water, which hit the flying sword of Immortal Killing Sword flowers above.

As long as it is a living thing, this sword flower can dazzle the eyes.Zhang Yan wanted to see if the thing he bit into could eat the Immortal Killing Sword, one of the Four Great Killing Swords.

"hold head high!"

The deep cut marks on the tortoise's shell now showed that even if the opponent could block the attack of the Immortal Slaughter Sword head-on, the loss was obvious.If one sword fails, then two swords, if not then three swords.You can also put out the sword array, and when the time comes, the grinder will also grind the opponent to death.

The sword flower dissipated, but the purple and green sword light did not dissipate. The sword glow cut through the water wall, and the thin sword passed through easily, and the speed did not decrease but increased, and it went straight to the monster's body. One eye stabbed.

A large area of ​​sea suddenly rose up, as if something exploded from under the surface of the water, and then a huge figure was revealed as it slid down the sea.And Zhang Yan didn't rush to do it, for the first time he clearly saw the whole picture of the enemy who had fought with him twice.

Of course, it's best to eat it.The belly is far softer than the outside.

Seeing this, although Zhang Yan didn't express it on his face, he was still secretly relieved.The Slaughtering Immortal Sword is the sharpest method in his hands at present, if he still can't cut the opponent's tortoise shell, then there is no room for him to choose.

Only the upper part of the turtle shell came out of the water, and the limbs did not step on the water.But even so, not counting the raised head, just counting the distance from the turtle shell to the sea surface, it is nearly twenty feet high.

In particular, those eyes were as big as open umbrellas, with obvious emotions flowing out of them, with a bit of fear in their viciousness.

Zhang Yan could feel the tenacity of the water wall at the moment of contact.It seems that it is not water, not only is it soft but also strong, there is also chaotic erosion, and the counteracting power is extremely strong!

But the moment before the sword light was about to stab, the animal head suddenly disappeared!

turtle?No, it should be said to be a turtle!Juao!
The whole body is dark yellow bronze, and the tortoise shell on the back even emits a shimmer, like a huge treasure shield.The head is ferocious and ferocious, far more vicious than ordinary tortoises, partly like a liger and partly like a dragon, and its skin is covered with scales.

"Missing? No! Retracted?!"

"Hmph!" Zhang Yan snorted coldly.A sword flower of the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand shook out, and then he let go of the palm, the sword flower seemed to come to life, blooming rapidly, and the Immortal Slaughter Sword disappeared among the blossoming sword flowers.

Dazzling back and forth, Zhang Yan also successfully jumped out of the sea, and then on the surface of the water, he changed the water-proof beads back to the book hanging above his head.He looked at the huge shadow obliquely below his feet with burning eyes.

The idea had just appeared in Zhang Yan's mind, and the Immortal Killing Sword had already reached the opposite side, but because the monster's huge head retracted strangely, there was a sonorous slashing sound from the water.Then the Immortal Killing Sword was bounced away, but it couldn't directly cut into the opponent's body.

But those are the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!Even if it's just one of them, even if it hasn't been completely reshaped, it still can't change the essence of its killing sword. How can it be sharp and deadly that a wall of water can resist?

It was also just a blink of an eye, and a large cluster of "flowers" moved towards Zhang Yan's feet, facing the huge mouth that was biting.

A total behemoth!
Of course, Zhang Yan also saw a brand new gap on the tortoise shell of the giant turtle opposite.That place even left the terrifying killing intent and evil spirit attached to the Immortal Killing Sword. The entire gap is about five feet long, palm-width, and half a foot deep!

So the initiative is still in Zhang Yan's hands.

After Zhang Yan heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes froze, and he saw that there seemed to be something strange on a piece of tortoise shell near the tail behind the giant phoenix.

"That's the word?!"

After confirming it twice, Zhang Yan was sure that he read it correctly. The strange lines on the tortoise shell were words, and there were a few eye-catching blood-red words: Kill it!

The words were not engraved or written on the surface with ink, but permeated into the tortoise shell in a way similar to magical means, and every color was integrated with the tortoise shell, just like a freckle on the body of this giant turtle .

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