one's door

Chapter 874

Chapter 874
Although it was a narrow escape from death just now, it was not as dangerous as the previous chaotic battle in the Chaos faction.After all, the big formation is dead, so there won't be so many variables.And the only thing that needs to be spent on is the stupid turtle in front of him.

A beast with thoughts and ideas but simple means is naturally stupid.

But this stupid Da'ao stirred up an indescribable emotion in Zhang Yan's heart.In other words, there is a kind of absurd and weird feeling like a blind cat meets a dead mouse.

Just now Zhang Yan realized a problem.That is, the seemingly dangerous encounter just now has actually become more alive because of the appearance of Da'ao.

At that time, if Zhang Yan had followed the words written on the tortoise shell behind Da'ao's buttocks and killed Da'ao directly, what would he have experienced?Turn around and leave?Obviously not.He will continue to explore the depths of this sea area cautiously.No matter which direction, no matter whether you go around in circles or not, you will gradually approach Ao Island and break into the same big formation.How will he get out of trouble at that time?
The answer made Zhang Yan secretly terrified.He couldn't think of a way to get out of trouble by his own strength.

Perhaps there will be another "coincidence" at that time, allowing Zhang Yan to continue to move forward.But then the marionette situation will continue.Zhang Yan was conflicted about this in his heart.I didn't mention it before because I didn't have a choice.Now that he can finally choose to deliberately go astray, he will naturally not let go of the opportunity.And the result really made him discover a new possibility.

Relying on Da'ao, he escaped from the "impossible situation".And there are many possibilities in Da'ao, and it can even lead to a new direction.

So Zhang Yan asked a straightforward question about how to get on the island.

Because of some "coincidence" that made him come here, he must eventually be asked to land on the island.As for what is on the island, whether it is really closed to the sage Tongtian will not be mentioned, as far as his current strength is definitely not the material for landing on the island.So this time being guided here will definitely not be the only time, the high probability is just to continue to increase his strength.

After all, Da'ao also held the same idea as Zhang Yan: Since the magic circle was arranged by several saints, it is only possible to enter the formation if the saints have cultivated themselves.

It is not credible to talk about being kind and not killing indiscriminately.As a beast, Da'ao would not believe it.

Zhang Yan doesn't need to make blind guesses, according to his own situation, he just needs to follow the guidance of "coincidence" in the general direction.But the direction can be the same, but there is one more path than before.

But when it comes to "use value", Da'ao is in full swing.

Da'ao's eyes widened suddenly, obviously he never thought that he would actually have another chance to live.And it's different at this time.Just now is a life and death situation of coming and going.Now it's a mortal situation and a desperate situation, and those fancy people in Da'ao are so scared that they don't show up again.If the other party doesn't come up and take its life, it means that it really has some value to the other party.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, I naturally want to live. I didn't turn around after sleeping for a long time, and I did some stupid things. Please don't take it to heart. If there is something unpleasant, I will accept the punishment."

"Good sir. My origin and this place are actually one and the same. This place is in Tianwaitian No. 30 three days. It existed before it was the residence of saints. It is the world level closest to the origin of Tao in the big world. Later, when the ancestors joined forces, the Heaven Beyond Heaven was connected with the outside world, and the capable people below were allowed to live there.

Then there is the war of the three religions that I mentioned to you before.Jiejiao was persecuted by human teaching and interpretation teaching, and the disciples in the teaching suffered heavy casualties, and finally spread to the level of saints, turning into a catastrophe for saints.The Tongtian Saint set up a large formation to defeat the crowd, but in the end he was defeated. The situation in the sect was reversed, and it has never recovered from the fall, and was quickly eaten away by the other two sects.

These 33 days also eventually fell.The several saints joined forces again and again, setting up a powerful magic circle to suppress the Tongtian saint in Biyou Palace.And our Tunyue Ao clan has also moved from under the banner of Jiejiao to under the banner of Chanjiao.It's just that people's education and interpretation education don't accept foreigners, so we can only be called a guardian, but we are actually placed in this sea area as jailers.

What kind of "detour" would that be?

I have been in a deep sleep until Your Excellency came here.Because the time scale is meaningless here.Therefore, our Moon Swallowing Ao clan will only wake up when the previous batch wakes up during the rotation break.And I should have been left out.Maybe it's because I like sleeping in a hole. "

"Since you want to live, then open up and talk about it. Maybe you are more valuable to me than dead. And it is not bad for yourself." Zhang Yan is sure that another way out for him must be in front of him. On Stupid Ao.

And I am the original creature in these 33 days.It also has a name called Ao Xun, belonging to the Tunyue Ao tribe.Generations have been here.

In other words, the "coincidence" in the dark is making Zhang Yan move closer to the saint?There is this possibility!But Zhang Yan felt a sense of distrust in his heart.He felt that there was another possibility that the hidden "coincidence" would make him land on the island in another way.

But the sect is so powerful, we and the Tunyue Ao clan are nothing more than ants, so we can only swallow our anger and wither away day by day.In the end, only the most basic number can be maintained, and they are kept here in captivity.

After all, helping people become holy is not something a saint can do by himself.In the history of the prehistoric world, only the great ancestor helped others to be sanctified, and none of the others.

Later, the sage Tongtian entered 33 days and occupied Ao Island to establish Biyou Palace.But I and the Tunyue Ao Clan have their own system for cultivation because of their talents. Although the lower limit of talents is high, the upper limit is also fixed at the same time.Therefore, although it is the closest to the residence of Tongtian Saint, it is regarded as a marginal existence in Jiejiao.Even many Jiejiao people don't regard us as fellow disciples.They often find excuses to pick things up, but actually hunt and kill our clansmen.

"Hey, since that's the case, let's talk about yourself first. To make a long story short, let me introduce the origin of this place by the way."

It was indeed concise, and it also let Zhang Yan know the general situation here and the origin of this stupid turtle.

"So what's so special about you Tunyue Ao clan? Otherwise, no matter how arrogant the interceptors are, they shouldn't kill at the door of their leader's house. There must be a need for you. Tell me, it's you who are begging What? Tortoiseshell? Or something else?"

There are no gratuitous killings.It was even said that he was killed at the door of his house in front of Tongtian sage.Even if all the disciples of Jiejiao are wild, they will definitely not be able to beat this level.Who would dare to do this without the Supreme Master nodding his head?

Sure enough, I heard the Da'ao said sadly and indignantly: "Your Excellency's words are correct, the purpose of killing our clan is for our clan's tortoise shell, and also for our clan's flesh and blood. Therefore, the Jiejiao is exterminated and our clan is happy."

(End of this chapter)

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