one's door

Chapter 882

Chapter 882

In Wang Nian's spiritual thoughts, the souls belonging to Shura and hungry ghosts that his brothers and sisters tried their best to annihilate but failed, drifted from all directions at this time, gathered into a "river" and then became a "big river" "big river" finally merged into the rotating tortoise shell, submerged in a series of textures
"Is this the soul that wants to destroy those monsters?!" Wang Nian was surprised and extremely excited at the same time.As long as the souls of those monsters can be wiped out, it will undoubtedly be a draw from the bottom of the pot, and sooner or later they will disappear.It also completely restored the current anxious war situation in Huangtianyu, ending the slaughter that lasted for more than 700 years.

To be honest, even with a long lifespan, Wang Nian was already tired of this kind of endless killing.

But this idea was interrupted by the next movement of the roulette within a few turns.

I saw that the soul energy gathered and embedded in the unique texture of the roulette was not directly and completely annihilated, but turned around, and those that seemed to have nothing happened were sent out again, and the souls of the ghosts that went out finally Or returned to the independent space of the black and red worlds as usual.

What's the point of this?

Wang Nian didn't understand.But Zhang Yan, who was in the turtle shell barrier and closely observed the operation of each stripe, gradually smiled amidst the tension.

"It's done!"

"Well. Your idea was perfectly realized by this tortoise shell. After death, the souls of Shura and hungry ghosts did not directly return to their independent space to evolve and regenerate immediately. Instead, I reorganized their souls after they gathered in the tortoise shell. Then put it back. This also solves the dilemma that I can’t grasp the veins of the creatures in these two independent spaces. At the same time, I can really and directly touch the emotional reactions represented by them from their souls, even the enlarged emotions. reaction.

To be honest, just such a small amount of emotional reception in the soul has already made me understand why you firmly opposed me to feel those intense emotions on my own.It turns out that these emotions are so extreme and difficult to explain.

If you hadn't stopped me before, my evolution would have been radicalized by these extreme emotions, and I would have cut my own way. "

It can't be called "lucky", but Huang Tianyu understood that Zhang Yan's persuasion at the beginning prevented him from going into a dead end.Now it doesn't need to directly evolve those extreme emotions, but disassembles the souls of Shura and hungry ghosts and then "empathizes with them".It can be regarded as a big detour and finally achieved his previous goal.

"It seems that the emotions of living beings are indeed extremely complicated and have their own rules. The seven emotions and six desires you mentioned before can't be separated and tried separately. Negative ones need to be resolved positively, otherwise they will go to extremes."

"Hehe, our enlightenment emphasizes the "combination of yin and yang", and we pursue the balance between body and soul. These originally originated from you, but you seem to be unaware of it, but now you want to use the seven emotions and six desires of our beings to expand The depth of my own evolution. Don't you think it's quite interesting to go through this?"

Zhang Yan is actually very curious about the essence of the evolution of Huang Tianyu, and why he needs to turn to the living beings, which are many levels lower than their natural life.And according to Huang Tianyu, the benefit this time is not small.

"Interesting? I understand what you mean, but I don't feel this way. But from your emotions and desires, I can indeed learn a lot of things that I have never paid attention to and cared about before. The next evolution should have new Progress."

Zhang Yan also wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and said, "Since this is the case, should you seriously consider my odd suggestion?"

"You still want to completely isolate the space for the three new students, right? Is this really necessary?"

"Multiple spaces should be the trend of your future evolution. Don't rush to deny it. I said that this is just a reasonable guess. If you guess right? Is it more appropriate to follow the direction I said?"

Zhang Yan didn't dare to say whether it was reasonable or not.Huang Tianyu didn't care about "rationality" at all, so he used "appropriate" to avoid Huang Tianyu's unwillingness to listen.

"Appropriate? Maybe. The answer will not be revealed until everything has evolved to the extent you said. As for now, there may be other ways to achieve your goal." This time Huang Tianyu was not as thorough as before. Block the conversation.Leave a leeway.Perhaps this time, he managed to avoid the pitfalls in the seven emotions and six desires, so that Huang Tianyu had a new consideration for the weight of Zhang Yan's words.

But the sentence added at the end stunned Zhang Yan for a moment.

"Another way? What way?"

"Now the six-path roulette you mentioned has begun to take shape, and I have benefited from it. But it is impossible to personally participate in every rotation of it. Therefore, I plan to rebuild the souls of Shura and hungry ghosts, and let them return to the jurisdiction of heaven and earth." Open the opening. Just like the opening for you to build the underworld.

At that time, although you will not be able to isolate their connection with the outside world at the spatial level, you will be able to achieve this separation at the soul level.

How to achieve it is up to you to figure out.I think you should be very familiar with the structure of the soul. "

After this sentence was finished, there was no echo from Huang Tianyu in Zhang Yan's ears.As usual, just ignore people after talking.

But Zhang Yan didn't care. First, he was used to it. Second, he felt hopeful. If it was as Huang Tianyu said, he would indeed be able to achieve his goal of isolating the Asura Realm and the Hungry Ghost Realm from another angle. .

Packed up his mood, his body flickered and came out of the turtle shell, no, now it should be called "Initial Six Paths Roulette".

After coming out, what catches the eye is Wang Nian, who is hanging and kneeling in the space gap.

"The disciple pays respect to the master!"

"Okay. You kid, experience and opportunity complement each other. Ten years of observation this time is worth thousands of years of work. Go back and recuperate honestly, and strive to step into the late stage of the fairyland as soon as possible. So go."

"Master, don't you need disciples to wait on you?" Wang Nian was reluctant to leave.He could see that Zhang Yan's matter here seemed to be unfinished, and he wanted to follow along to have a look.

"You're a cunning, you only want to get something out of it. But this time, you're not going to get anything out of it. If you want to follow, then come along." Zhang Yan shook his head with a smile, and didn't chase the king away.The matter about the initial six-path roulette will have to be explained sooner or later.Now it is actually necessary for Wang Nian to watch the formal erection of the roulette.

"Thank you, Master, for your kind permission!" Wang Nian was overjoyed.Then followed behind, watching the master lead the huge tortoise shell that temporarily interrupted the mystery and began to move towards the direction of the underworld.

As soon as he arrived at the space where the underworld is located, Zhang Yan smiled and said to Wang Nian: "Remember this thing is called six-way roulette."

(End of this chapter)

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