one's door

Chapter 897 Scout

Chapter 897 Scout

"See you, Gong, this is the gold leaf we gathered this time. Your Excellency hasn't come here for a long time, so the quantity will be more."

Li Yan was sitting in a side hall, smiling and talking to a woman sitting opposite.While she was talking, a disciple of Haoxuemen handed a storage bag to the woman's hand.

The woman was wearing a mask, her body was covered with breath, and she couldn't sense the geometry of her cultivation, but even Li Yan, who had just successfully passed the four or nine days of calamity and stepped into the early stage of the fairyland 100 years ago, still felt that there was a kind of kindness around her. The feeling of awn on the back.Knowing that the opponent's cultivation base is scary.

However, what Li Yan was more curious about was the cultivation level of Zhang Yan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Must be stronger than the woman in front of me, right?Is it a fairyland?The inheritance of the Great Desolate World is indeed incredible!Li Yan thought so in his heart.

Li Yan would not understand that the envoy of Zhang Yan in front of her, the masked Gong Jian, was actually just a mindless talisman soldier.Its every move is controlled by those few souls belonging to Zhang Yan who are attached to it.Therefore, Zhang Yan, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, actually met her in another form at this time.

"Elder Li, our sect masters never refuse anything like gold leaf. We want as much as we want. And we will never let you suffer."

While speaking, Zhang Yan checked the gold leaf in the storage bag, and put them all into his storage magic weapon.At the same time, he put the jade slips he brought in exchange into a storage bag and returned them.

"Elder Li can take a look first."

"Huh? What does Gongjian Your Excellency mean by that?"

After a while, Li Yan smiled and tied the storage bag around his waist.He said to Zhang Yan: "See you, Gong, the number is correct. After this matter, you should stay in the door for a few days, so that we can show some friendship as landlords."

But Zhang Yan didn't panic.What he keeps on Fu Bing now is Jinxian's Yuanshen method, and the other party will not see the clues.But about this transaction, it is impossible to hide it.Gold leaf, and jade slips.The only thing that will not be discovered should be the content on the jade slip for the time being.But if the other party can even spy on the evilness of the master of Haoxuemen, then there will be almost no secrets.

Looking up, there is a plaque made of stone above the entrance of the cave, which reads "Feiyun Cave".

Soon, Zhang Yan secretly found out the location of the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm that was also sneaking in the dark.

The situation has not been clarified yet, it is not a good idea to act rashly.

The person in the dark who wanted to keep up with Zhang Yan in his spiritual thoughts failed to grasp Zhang Yan's moving trajectory, so he could only give up and bring his attention back to Haoxuemen.Maybe the person in the secret was also like Li Yan at this time, thinking about the words Zhang Yan left before leaving.

Chang Ming World.

The divine sense swept across quietly without being noticed by the other party.Then Zhang Yan could tell that the other party had an aura that he was quite familiar with.It can even be said that it has a direct origin with the talisman soldier that Zhang Yan is controlling at this time.

Li Yan is also not polite. Although she has done many transactions, the matter is of great importance. As an actual contact person, she dare not be careless in the slightest.After taking the storage bag returned by Zhang Yan, he began to look through the jade slips one by one.The number and strength of the secret methods recorded in these jade slips vary, but the total number and the level of the secret methods are exactly equal to the exchange value of the gold leaf that Haoxuemen handed over.

Where did Zhang Yan's talisman soldier come from?It comes from Qingshan Wonderland, one of the top forces of the pastoral school.And the aura of the dark scout in front of him was exactly the same as that of Fu Bing when he was alive, so he knew his roots.

This also complied with Zhang Yan's guess.But he was also more curious.What on earth did Haoxuemen do to bypass the Yanshan Alliance and be directly targeted by Qingshan Wonderland?And it certainly doesn't look like a good thing.

Coming out of Haoxue Gate, Zhang Yan actually didn't move very far.Although Fu Bing couldn't show his true strength now, it was enough to deal with a late-stage fairy in the Heavenly Immortal Realm who was being followed by the Pastoral School.You must know that he is worthy of being a golden immortal in front of the soldiers in the Chaos faction.

"It's full of vitality. But the aura here is still a bit weak." Zhang Yan muttered in his heart, and then moved over in a certain direction. After that, the place he stepped on was a tall mountain halfway up, and in front of him was a repair shop. Passed the entrance of the cave.

Zhang Yan shook his head, waved his hands and said, "Master Xue should be able to understand." After he finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, and just moved away and disappeared.

Zhang Yan entered here in a flash, but did not alarm others.The place I was in was not some kind of town, but a deep mountain.As far as the eye can see, there are dense vegetation that can't move for thousands of miles under the suspended feet.There were also flocks of birds flying by, and there were crisp chirping sounds from the invisible places in the forest below.

"Hehe, Elder Li is being polite. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, so I can only appreciate Elder Li's kindness." Zhang Yan stood up with a smile. He still had things to do and naturally he wouldn't stay in Haoxuemen.What's more, Haoxuemen's side is not peaceful.He has already felt a divine sense that does not belong to Haoxuemen quietly sweeping over the hall.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yan said to Li Yan before leaving: "If you have something to say, please tell Sect Master Xue. Just ask Sect Master Xue to do it for yourself."

In fact, Zhang Yan could take action at this time to capture the heavenly fairy who was spying on Qingshan Wonderland.But this idea was rejected by him not long after it arose in his mind.

This kind of cultivated immortal is not a simple role in either the Pastoral School or the Chaos School.What's more, what's going on is scout-like activities, and most of them should come from some big forces or even top-level forces.

So Zhang Yan didn't show up, and this time he really moved away from Haoxuemen.And in the next moment, it appeared in the corner area of ​​the Pastoral School that was extremely far away from Haoxuemen, and once belonged to the Huangtian Territory.

Obviously, Zhang Yan understood that a lot of things must have happened in Haoxuemen during the 700 years since he hadn't come to Haoxuemen.Now being targeted, he is still a late-stage Celestial Immortal who is good at hiding.

"Liu Yuqing, come out and meet me." Zhang Yan didn't intend to go in, and stood outside and said something softly, but his voice exploded from the entrance of the cave like muffled thunder.During the roar, it seemed that the whole mountain was trembling slightly.

In less than three breaths, Liu Yuqing, who was dressed in a white robe and looked a little flirtatious, flew out of the cave in a hurry, and stood neatly about a foot in front of Zhang Yan, bowing and saluting.

"Disciple Liu Yuqing meets the envoy!" Liu Qingyun did not forget the other party's breath and voice just because he hadn't seen him for more than 700 years.That is the envoy under Zhang Yanmen's command.Being outside represents the majesty of the sect master.Liu Yuqing did not dare to neglect at all.

"I haven't come to take care of you for so many years, tell me, how is the situation on your side?"

(End of this chapter)

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