one's door

Chapter 899 Nectar

Chapter 899 Nectar
Standing in the peak hall of Tiandaomen, Zhang Yan looked around, and had to say that the word "knife" here is vividly reflected.Not only do they like to put some long and short knives on the decoration, but even the magic circle arranged inside also exudes the sharpness of the blade.

At this time, only a few attendant disciples were arranging the seats and placing potted plants in the main hall.

But these disciples were completely unaware of Zhang Yan's existence.The figure in the field of vision was directly ignored from their minds.Doing the work in hand, and even whispering a few words from time to time in a low mood.

Looking around, Zhang Yan didn't find any signs of being watched by outsiders around the Tiandao Gate, and the disciples under the gate were also practicing and doing things in a stable manner.

"It seems that Haoxuemen is the only one being targeted, and it has nothing to do with Changming World for the time being." Zhang Yan thought to himself.Afterwards, he walked leisurely in the depths of the main hall.When he came, he had already sensed Bu Zhongxun's position.And he knew that Bu Zhongxun had encountered some troubles in his practice at this time.So I didn't call the other party directly, and I didn't move over directly.

There are disciples guarding the secret room outside, and it looks quite strict.Coupled with the warning of the magic circle, it is impossible for ordinary earth immortals to touch it.It can be said that it is considered to be the top defense specification in Changming World.


Zhang Yan didn't go to Feigong to greet the guarding disciples.As soon as the words were uttered, several disciples of the Composite Realm were firmly fixed in place, and even their eyes could only stay in the original direction. They could only hear footsteps approaching but could not see anyone at all.Heart aghast.

"Boom, boom, boom." Zhang Yan didn't forcefully break through the security circle.Instead, he stretched out his hand and tapped on the edge of the circle to remind Bu Zhongxun inside.

"Open the door."

Maybe stumbled upon a big secret?
The magic circle in the secret room was re-established to shield the internal and external connections, ensuring confidentiality and privacy.Bu Zhongxun saw this ceremony, and then let Zhang Yan sit on the only chair in the secret room, while he stood aside with a smile.

"Gongjian Your Excellency is overrated. Bu Zhongxun was also forced to come to where he is today. It must be done if he can't do it. And I would like to thank you for the gifts that you brought back then, otherwise it would have been hundreds of years earlier. I was already dead years ago." Bu Zhongxun thought that Zhang Yan didn't know the cause and effect, so he opened the chatter box and told how he was forced to turn against him back then, and finally reluctantly killed the die-hards of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and then took control of the Heavenly Sword Sect. I said it again.

But fortunately, they are friends rather than enemies, otherwise things will be troublesome.

"It doesn't matter. I went around the Heavenly Knife Sect before, and found that the disciples in the Heavenly Knife Sect are all well-cultivated and diligent. You are doing very well as the sect master now."

And when the door of the secret room was closed again, the disciple outside who was immobilized by the speech technique regained his ability to move.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing who that person was just now?Why did you come here suddenly?And how to imprison them?

Although the secret room is not a normal place to entertain guests.But Bu Zhongxun knew that the other party had found this place, so he must not want to let the outside know.There is no hypocrisy.

"But looking at Elder Bu's unsteady breath, it should be that the internal wounds in his body are getting worse? It was left over from that battle, right?" Zhang Yan's current Yuanshen is the Jinxian Yuanshen, even if he came here He only attached [-]% to Fu Bing, but the physical condition of people like Bu Zhongxun in the middle of the fairyland was no secret at all in his eyes.

But even though he felt a little more at ease, the sweat on the back of the disciples outside the door was still wet from the scene just now.What cultivation base?What means?To treat them like dolls without the slightest ability to resist?

When it came to the internal situation of the sect, Bu Zhongxun seemed to have nothing to hide.

"Your Excellency is here?! Please come inside!"

After a while, the closed door of the secret room opened quickly.Bu Zhongxun stood guard inside the door with a surprised face, and immediately changed to surprise after seeing the appearance of the person outside the door.

"Hehe, I know that Elder Bu is kind-hearted, but sometimes it is very important to be decisive. I believe that after this, Elder Bu will definitely understand the choice."

Although it is also disturbing the practice, Zhang Yan's method has minimized the impact on Bu Zhongxun.

Hehe, then they really did something and almost killed me.Fortunately, the secret method brought by Gong Jian in advance helped me step into the fairyland, and the method was arranged several times, which was far stronger than those in the sect.In the end, he narrowly survived. "

"They were dissatisfied at the beginning that I had been controlling the talisman business. Later, I tried to seize it several times, but I avoided it. I know that once they take away the talisman business, I will be fine, but those under my command Disciples are going to be in bad luck. I can't just take care of myself and ignore those disciples who follow me through life and death, can I?
In the end, the door owner tried to persuade me several times, and his attitude became more and more tough.I was also forced to start preparing secretly.

"Your Excellency is right." Bu Zhongxun followed Zhang Yan's words and responded.But I can't see what I think in my heart.Perhaps he was wondering why the other party hadn't seen him for hundreds of years?Why did you come here suddenly?

Although immortals are much harder to die than monks.But if some injuries hurt the root, it is even more difficult to heal.This is not just a problem at the level of the immortal body and the primordial spirit, but also requires some specific healing pills to get twice the result with half the effort.Otherwise, the more delays, the more troublesome it will be. In the end, not only will people feel uncomfortable, but their cultivation may be affected and stagnate or regress.

"This place is simple, please take care of me, Gong Jian."

Before he came in, Zhang Yan sensed something was wrong with Bu Zhongxun's breath.In addition to the news about Tiandaomen that I heard from Liu Yuqing before, I can also guess that it was caused by old injuries.

"Your Excellency has good eyesight. Hey, this injury has tortured me for many years. Especially in recent decades, it has become more and more troublesome." Bu Zhongxun looked at Zhang Yan expectantly, and tentatively said: "I wonder if you can tell me Master Zhang, I would like to ask for some healing methods, I wonder if it is possible?"

Bu Zhongxun begged Haoxuemen, but Haoxuemen couldn't do anything about his injury.I can only give him some elixir that treats the symptoms but not the root cause and barely stabilizes the injury.And after a long time, Haoxuemen was not so willing to consume this kind of consumption, and even felt stretched.Bu Zhongxun also had to retreat all year round, not for practice, but just to stabilize his injury.

Seeing the messenger of the cliff mountain reappeared now undoubtedly gave Bu Zhongxun great expectations.He claimed that he should also be a person on the line of the cliff mountain, so he boldly and urgently told his urgent needs, whether it is feasible to test.

Zhang Yan laughed and said, "Where is the need to report to the sect master for some trivial matters? Come on, this pill is my healing pill, and Elder Bu just takes it. It can't be said that the pill is enough to heal the injury, but it definitely has the power to cure the root cause. There are two in the bottle, enough to solve Elder Bu's troubles."

(End of this chapter)

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