one's door

Chapter 902 Preparation

Chapter 902 Preparation
Fu Binggong saw that although the amount of gold leaf brought back from Haoxuemen was not much, it was not too little.After all, the pastoral faction is no more open than the chaotic faction, and it is accepting openly and aboveboard.It would not be an exaggeration to say it was sneaky.And the further you go, the harder it is to collect. It is already very rare to receive such a small hundred in more than seven hundred years.

Zhang Yan felt that he had gained a lot from this trip.

After the gold leaf was brought back, it was quickly devoured and transformed into a four-handled killing sword. Although it was still within the range of a short sword, it could barely touch the length of a normal saber.Looking at the remodeling process of these four swords, Zhang Yan's mood was inevitably surging.Now only these incomplete killing swords, coupled with a single Immortal Killing Sword Domain, can have such power.

Then when the Four Swords are officially remodeled, how strong will they be? !

Especially the Immortal Killing Sword, which is the only one among the four swords that has a sword soul, the closer it is to complete, the more amazing the changes will be.

In the past, even if the Immortal Killing Sword had a sword soul attached to it, besides agility, it was still more powerful in displaying its power.Now, with the completeness of the sword weapon, the mutual benefit effect between the sword weapon and the sword spirit has shown a jump-like skyrocketing.

Take the Immortal Killing Sword Domain as an example, once the Immortal Killing Sword is pulled into the sword formation, the power of the sword formation will be doubled directly.This has never happened before.

Zhang Yan also pondered the main reason for this change.That is, the previous sword intent attack method in the sword array was mainly based on the strength of the sword intent that he, the main arrayer, comprehended, and then used the four swords and the mystery of the sword array to increase and make many changes, and finally formed the Immortal Killing Sword. Killing effect.

But now Zhang Yan, the main player, has gradually retreated from the "source of the attack".With the reshaping of the sword weapon, the Immortal Killing Sword with the sword soul can exude a unique sword intent, and then add Zhang Yan's sword intent, and finally take the buff step, the effect is so superimposed several times, how can it be Is there any reason not to double it?

In this way, after the cultivation level jumped from the Heavenly Immortal Realm to the Golden Immortal, Zhang Yan's worry about "improving the cultivation base too fast and the means can't keep up" was immediately reduced by more than half.What he needs to consider now is the part that he needs to comprehend and accumulate.For example, kendo and "intelligence of the way", as well as the practical application of the rule level.

After learning about it, there was an invitation in the jade sword.Plus a notification of the message.

"Perhaps this time is also an opportunity to settle the old score between me and the Qingshan Wonderland?" Zhang Yan couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

It seems that Qingshan Wonderland has long been planning on Haoxuemen.And if Haoxuemen is gone, although it is not painful for Zhang Yan, it is still a loss. After all, so much investment will be in vain.

The development of the demon cultivator is progressing steadily; Bu Zhongxun has become the first outlet for the talisman resources presided over by the head of the Tiandaomen.Both are to be expected.What really surprised Zhang Yan was the news from Haoxuemen.

In order to strengthen his own influence and control in various worlds, Haoxuemen also took great pains to infiltrate.He even didn't hesitate to teach the methods such as the combo formation of the prehistoric world that was transferred from Zhang Yan's side.He even used the excuse of "advanced studies" to recruit leaders from all over the world to his own school to train.Once these leaders come back after learning something, they will definitely be Haoxuemen's most steadfast supporters.

Zhang Yan smiled and put away the jade sword.

Even the invitations.This is something that I have learned from Li Dianchuan before.

This not only strengthened the comprehensive combat power of the middle and lower world in the entire big league, but also strengthened Haoxuemen's control over the lower world.This method is not simple.At the same time, isn't Xue E making "extraordinary" preparations just in case?
But no matter how prepared the ants are, it is meaningless in the face of floods.

How can I help?Zhang Yan hasn't decided yet, and is going to see how Xue E of Haoxuemen will react after receiving his reminder.

"This is to see my quality first? Hehe, it's okay, then I will meet you. Or let the Chaos faction recognize me." Zhang Yan guessed Mingyuegu's thoughts in a second.It's nothing more than touching his bottom first.

It is also the main content that Zhang Yan has been diligently studying recently.Fortunately, the collection of classics in Wanxiangzhuli Book Hall is rich and complete enough, which also saves Zhang Yan a lot of effort.


Before helping Haoxuemen to destroy the Yuhao Great World Alliance, that was at most a little interest from past grievances.The real big head is still there.

Haoxuemen's troubles in the future are likely to be superimposed by this.

The other message also came from Mingyue Valley, telling Zhang Yan that a world will take shape in the near future, and asking Zhang Yan if he is interested in participating in the harvest.It's also good to take the opportunity to deliver the gold foil that Mingyue Valley has collected over the years to Zhang Yan.

Just look at the resident disciples in the Ever Bright World to understand.

In addition, before his Fu Bing went to Haoxuemen without knowing it, this scene must be seen by the scouts in the dark green mountains and fairyland. In addition, if the content of the transaction is also clarified, Zhang Yan feels that his identity will be more important. It won't be long before it's touched.At that time, Haoxuemen might be labeled as a "chaos faction for adultery".Although the fact can indeed say so.

There were bursts of tearing noises in the space in front of Zhang Yan, and with a thought in his mind, the space broke open, and a jade sword flew towards him and landed in his hand.

This is one aspect.On the other hand, the harvest comes from the new news brought back from the Pastoral School.

However, from what Zhang Yan saw and heard, he could judge that Haoxuemen was not completely ignorant of the danger coming.Maybe they won't know about the secret scout, but they must be prepared.

The invitation came from Mingyue Valley, and the content was consistent with the Mingyue Valley Wannian Daqing that Li Dianchuan mentioned when I met Li Dianchuan last time. Zhang Yan was officially invited to watch the ceremony.Leave time.At the end of the invitation is the seal of Xie Wei, the owner of Mingyue Valley.It can be said to give enough face.

The key point is the invitation to harvest the world later.If you count the time clearly, the Wannian Daqing in Mingyue Valley is not far away.In the past, Harvest World was proposed by Zhang Yan, and Mingyuegu arranged the time.It was the first time that Mingyue Valley had invited them on its own initiative like this time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan also took out a jade sword, attached his reply and let it fly out.This jade sword is to send the wind to the crane.Since Mingyue Valley has officially come to invite, he naturally can't follow Li Dianchuan's caliber.

In fact, Zhang Yan also has a lot of expectations for the future harvest in the world.

In the past, Zhang Yan's participation in World Harvest was just an opportunity to draw the majestic purple energy in the core of each world.The main gain that is really considered by the outside world, that is, the original power of the world, was wasted by him.It was only after the "round ball" that they found a hole to use.

Now that Zhang Yan's golden body has been completed, it is still a dark golden body with the combination of yin and yang. Regarding the original power of the world, he also wants to see what will happen if he opens up to swallow it.

(End of this chapter)

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