one's door

Chapter 914 Celebration

Chapter 914 Celebration
Zhang Yan was already on his way to Mingyue Valley when he received the Yujian urgent report from Bu Zhongxun.

The sudden turn of events from the pastoral side was terrified.But it didn't surprise Zhang Yan that the news fell to Zhang Yan's side.Haoxuemen's calculations are too loud, and Qingshan Wonderland's eyes and ears are too sensitive, so it is directly doomed that there will be no peace.

Even the way the accident occurred did not exceed Zhang Yan's expectations.

As the weak side, Zhang Yan is too familiar with Haoxuemen's situation.Didn't he rise up from the weak all the way?

If you want to save your life, you can't go head-to-head with the strong side.To find a helper, the water must be thoroughly muddied.

"It seems that the situation of the Muge faction may be heading towards a complex situation that no one can predict. But it seems that Haoxuemen's goal has been achieved. For the time being, Qingshan Wonderland dare not directly move them. And the Yanshan Alliance going down It seems that there is still some hesitation. In addition to the other companies who are watching and holding back. Tsk tsk, it is lively enough!"

It's just that Zhang Yan, the bustling pastoral school, can't participate for the time being.I replied to Bu Zhongxun, telling him not to panic, just continue to live his life according to the usual pace.Even if the situation in the future is not good, the fire will not be directly set on him.Doesn't Haoxuemen stand in front of everything?Afterwards, if there is any major change, we will contact you again.

And Zhang Yan also promised not to let Bu Zhongxun and Tiandaomen be destroyed.

After replying to the message, Zhang Yan continued on his way.This time he chose to appear in the depths of the empty desert, and when he came out close to the corner of the desert, eyeliners spotted him, and he stopped avoiding his sight along the way, and more and more eyeliners followed him.

Zhang Yan could clearly feel that his appearance this time was quite different from the last time.

Like the pastoral faction, the more tyrannical a force is, the closer it is to the center.This was not intentionally chosen in the center, but the development of the void world is to expand in all directions with the tyrannical forces as the midpoint.After a long time, it will appear that the big forces are located in the inner position.

"Yes, senior. A lot of invitations were sent out for the Wannian Celebration, and all the first- and second-rate factions in the faction received the invitations. Some came with few people, no more than a dozen or 20 people. Some factions had more people, There are hundreds of them. And they basically come here in the past few days, so it will look more lively outside."

lively?It was only when he got closer that Zhang Yan felt that it was really lively.

The fog in the world in front of him is already the biggest fog Zhang Yan has seen since stepping into the void world.If you compare the appearance of the fog in the void of the Huangtianyu, it can be said that the one in front of you is nearly twenty times larger than the Huangtianyu!
What is the concept of twenty times?
Based on his memory and understanding of Huangtianyu's external appearance and evolution level, Zhang Yan infers that the evolution level of the world in front of him is at least ten times that of Huangtianyu's today.This is on the premise that Huang Tianyu is an "odd number", otherwise the gap will be even bigger.

The gigantic vehicles stand tens of feet high, and although the number is scattered, there are dozens of them.The first few of them are obviously Da Luo's cars.This battle alone has surpassed the scale of the previous confrontation between the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction in the unknown domain to grab the ownership of the sword mound ruins.

Last time Zhang Yan did not meet so many eyeliners along the way.Secondly, I didn't get so much hostility, but more curiosity and suspicion.

"Senior, what did you say? You are a distinguished guest of Mingyue Valley, and Master originally wanted to come out to welcome Senior. It's just that there are too many guests, and Master really can't leave, so at this time, he can only choose to wait for Senior at the place where he enters the boundary. And The head of the sect has already ordered that Senior Zhang come here as if returning to his own home, so you don't need to be polite!"

Zhang Yan had never seen most of the people who came.But he knew all the marks on these people.Basically, they are all big forces that appeared in the ruins of the sword mound.

"It's not hard. It's the first time I've come to the central area of ​​the Chaos faction, and it's the first time I've seen such a large world. Dianchuan will help me introduce it a lot." Since Zhang Yan didn't use the talisman weapon anymore, his words became more natural.You don't need to be as dead-faced as you used to be.This will actually make it easier to communicate with people.

Li Dianchuan was very adaptable to Zhang Yan's change at this time.Compared with the "reticent" feldspar who walks alone, the kind Zhang Yan naturally makes him feel more confident.At least you won't worry about the inexplicable human brain counterpart.

While talking, the two of them headed towards the huge foggy world where Mingyue Valley was located.There are countless attentions along the way.Although Zhang Yan didn't specifically look sideways at anyone, he still wouldn't miss any corners around him in his divine sense. As a precaution, he was also curious to see exactly who came.

"Mingyue Valley Daqing, should all the influential forces in the Chaos faction come?" Zhang Yan asked with a smile.

Counting the drivers present, Zhang Yan had a clear idea of ​​the top experts who came to watch the ceremony in Mingyue Valley.

And feldspar has a great reputation in the Chaos faction, but it is definitely not the popular one.Apart from Mingyue Valley and Yishizong, who sees Changshi not with "coveting" and "spying"?Now he treats Zhang Yan consistently.

The size of the world's fog group also represents the size of the space inside the world, and it also represents the degree of evolution of the world.In other words, the more complete the evolution of the world, the larger the image of the fog in the void.

"Senior Zhang came from a long way, thank you for your hard work." It was Li Dianchuan who was waiting outside the star mark to welcome him.Firstly, he is familiar with others, and secondly, his identity is the most suitable so that he won't lose Mingyuegu's face, and at the same time, he can show enough respect.

With the great teleportation again and again, Zhang Yan came to the central area of ​​the Chaos Sect for the first time.

This time, after Zhang Yan "greeted" to the golden immortals of several top forces in the Chaos faction last time, his identity is no secret in the eyes of many people with active minds.After all, the clues are obvious, Zhang Yan and the previous feldspar are closely related even if they are not the same person.Definitely the same hanging identity.

When Zhang Yan moved away from the last star mark, what came into view was a huge fog of the world.

There are at least 41 Golden Immortals, and Da Luo has five of them.

As for why the car does not drive directly into the world, this is an unwritten rule.To be a guest is to show respect. Generally, the car is parked in the void instead of entering the inside of the world.One of the main reasons for this is because the offensive and defensive attributes of the car itself, like a war fortress, are not suitable for running into people's homes.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, I hope that fellow Daoist don't blame me if I miss you!"

As soon as he arrived at the edge of the world, he saw Feng Yuhe, the elder of Jinxian of Mingyue Valley, standing outside to greet him with a smile.It's not far away, but this face is definitely almost comparable to Da Luo Jinxian's ostentation.

(End of this chapter)

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