one's door

Chapter 921

Chapter 921
Although human words are not so sure and trustworthy, it also depends on who said it, on what occasion, and whether there are witnesses.

The lord of the Black Abyss is a dignified Luo Jinxian, and his promise is not ordinary.Zhang Yan even thought about where he might use it in the future.It’s okay to prepare in advance now.

Even if Jin Can came here and was granted full authority, it did not include Zhang Yan's open-mouthed promise.He didn't have the ability to nod in place of his suzerain.

"I don't know what your Excellency Zhang Yan wants our suzerain to promise?"

"I can't say it now. But when the time comes, I will definitely not embarrass the noble sect. It's just a bit dangerous. If I invite the Master Xiemen of Mingyue Valley to be a witness, I think it won't be unresolved?"

Having a testimony can avoid some ambiguity or rogue situations.It is both a constraint and a guarantee for both sides.Unless one side doesn't want their own reputation at all.

Hearing that Zhang Yan wanted Xie Wei to be a witness, Jin Can nodded.Understand that the other party does not want him to agree on a result right away.

"Okay, since Your Excellency Zhang Yan is willing to give us Heiyuan advice on the way of talisman soldiers, Heiyuan is also willing to give you a satisfactory return. However, this matter involves the suzerain, so there is no way to give you an answer immediately. I will go back and discuss this matter immediately." Report to Suzerain Ming, and strive to reply to Your Excellency at the banquet tomorrow. How about it?"

"That's the best. I also happened to tell Master Xiemen and ask him to be a witness."

"That's it, there's no need to delay the matter over there, I'll take my leave first!" Jin Can stood up from the chair as he spoke, bowed his hands, and then left the teahouse quickly.

As soon as Jin Can left, Li Dianchuan rushed over impatiently.The expression on his face was very interesting, a look of worry and a little depression.

"Senior, the people in Heiyuan have always changed their likes and dislikes, and their actions are weird and cruel. No matter what they say, don't trust them!" In fact, what Li Dianchuan wanted to know most was what Jin Can and Zhang Yan talked about, but he I didn't dare to ask, so I could only make another reminder like this.

After all, Hei Yuan would not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so his attitude was resigned.Now how much did Mingyue Valley spend before and after?Is there any reason for Hei Yuan to steal the limelight as soon as he arrives?
Even Zhang Yan actually needs something to say.

"You're right. I don't know the people in Heiyuan. It's hard to say whether it's good or bad. But the transaction is still possible. It's just limited to the transaction. You can ask me to see when Lord Xiemen will be available today or tomorrow." Kong, I want to talk to him face to face."

"Okay senior, I will ask for you right away."

After such an episode, Li Dianchuan's mood was different from before, and he was more anxious.But Zhang Yan's mood was not affected, and he went shopping as he should.A rare field followed by a rare field swept past.There are dozens of things that have been exchanged or bought one after another.

It's all little things.It has the same origin as the things Zhang Yan received from the rare treasure field at the beginning.They are all magic weapons related to the Great Desolate World.There are all kinds.There are even Tianguan cards.It's just a brand of Chenghuang, and the grade is not high.But it is also another magic weapon after the rain order talisman, which has more symbolic meaning than practical use.

Zhang Yan's idea of ​​finding patterns from these things failed again.

Don't look at Zhang Yan collecting dozens of things in one trip, as if these things are easy to collect.In fact, this is not the case.In the words of the stall owner who sold Zhang Yantian's official brand before: I have brought this brand four times for the Wannian Celebration, so it can be regarded as sold, and I can calculate the lowest cost price for you!
This is still the words of the stall owner. Before him, how many people had this Tianguan card passed through?How many times have you been sold and sold?I can't tell!
When the news from Li Dianchuan came back, saying that Xie Wei was free to ask him to come over for a consultation, Zhang Yan ended his itinerary of picking up leaks today and returned to Mingyue Valley.

It was still in the main hall in the valley.Zhang Yan saw Xie Wei again.It's just that this time there are only three people in the hall besides him.Xie Wei sat at the top, Song Shiyu sat on the left, and Feng Yuhe sat on the right.

"Zhang Yan paid a visit to Master Xie, and met Elder Song and Elder Feng."

While returning the gift, Feng Yuhe first asked with a smile: "You Zhang Daoyou heard that you have gained a lot in the rare treasure market today. It must be a special thing that we don't have the vision to distinguish. Is it also a wandering from the Great Desolate World?"

"Hahaha, I can't answer Elder Feng's question. It's all so simple, why don't you keep it tight? So don't say it, don't say it!" Zhang Yan also laughed.Although these things in the Great Desolate World are not very precious, they are indeed rare.He always felt that there was some message in these things waiting for him to uncover.You don't want to be disturbed by others.

Seeing that Zhang Yan didn't say anything, Feng Yuhe didn't force it either.The reason why she asked this question was to confirm whether the things Zhang Yan collected were left for Zhang Yan to pick up the leaks because of the inheritance relationship of the Great Desolate World.Now that Zhang Yan didn't refute it, it seems that this should be the case.

Xie Wei and Song Shiyu also had the same idea as Feng Yuhe.It's just that they asked Feng Yuhe to ask.At the same time, I also understood in my heart that it was not that the Great Desolate World was hard to find, but that they might not be able to find it.

When the disciples serving tea went down, Xie Wei, who was at the top, said with a smile: "Your Excellency Zhang Yan asked Li Dianchuan to summon you back to tell you about Heiyuan Jincan looking for you. This is quite unexpected. Your Excellency came to me to ask about What about Heiyuan?"

Zhang Yan nodded, and said: "Thank you door master, I am also very surprised to sit and drink tea with Elder Jin Can from Heiyuan..."

After that, Zhang Yan briefly talked about Jin Can's meeting with him today.But he didn't say anything about the characteristics of the Dao of Rune Soldiers.

"Well... this is your own private matter, Mr. Zhang Yan. Whether you agree or not, we should not judge. But since your Excellency asked, and the current situation is delicate, I think it's better not to be too straightforward." Thank you Wei thought for a while and said.

"Frank? Please thank the door master for your guidance." Zhang Yan didn't understand very well.

"Hahaha, Your Excellency Zhang Yan, I don't need to tell you about Heiyuan's reputation, you can ask around. They have no friends and no reputation. No matter how good the words are, they may not be fulfilled. Even if I promise you to be a witness It also can't prevent them from changing their minds. Therefore, if you insist on making a deal with Heiyuan, you can't make a deal at once, "

Zhang Yan understood now.This is letting him keep a hand.But in fact, if Xie Wei didn't say anything, it was impossible for him to hand over all the means of the talisman soldiers at once.

"Master Xie doesn't object to my making a deal with Hei Yuan?" This was the biggest surprise in Zhang Yan's heart.He originally thought that Mingyue Valley would strongly oppose it.

Xie Wei shook his head with a smile and said, "Your Excellency Zhang Yan, you know that Mingyue Valley has what Mingyue Valley is looking for. This will not affect any of your decisions."

(End of this chapter)

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