one's door

Chapter 953 New Changes

In just a dozen or so breaths, Zhang Yan's complexion began to slowly reveal a faint dark golden color, and even other parts of his body also began to reveal the original color of his dark golden fairy body.

This shows that Zhang Yan is not only doing his best, but he has even ignored the habitual small actions of covering up the dark golden fairy body.

Zhang Yan didn't feel this way when he devoured the power of the world's origin several times before.It used to be like drinking water, even if you swallowed it in big mouthfuls, there would be no other discomfort.But now it's not like drinking water but drinking, drinking spirits!
That kind of feeling doesn't even dare to hiccup, one side is mellow and silky, and the other side is strong and intense stimulation.The two sides went hand in hand, making Zhang Yan feel as if he was in a fire and water for a moment, he didn't know whether to feel comfortable or tormented.

"Is this the original power of the Great Desolate World? It's so different from those worlds in the void!" Although Zhang Yan was concentrating on it, he couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

Until I don't know how long it has passed.The independent space in front of which Zhang Yan arranged the world-destroying formation completely disappeared, and Zhang Yan still hadn't escaped from the state of cross-legged cultivation just now.The huge amount of energy far exceeded his previous expectations, and it took a little time for him to calm down.

"The biggest difference between this time and the past is that these world's original powers have some magical characteristics that I can't understand, and these characteristics make them closer than other similar forces. In this way, the same volume contains more power than ordinary worlds. The energy of the original power is several times or even ten times higher. Does the evolution of the world also have a tendency to compress and refine the energy from aura to immortal energy similar to the Taoist pill in practice?
Also, I always feel that after absorbing the original power of the world from the Great Desolate World, the nebula that my Dao Dan evolved seems to have become bigger and thicker? "

After absorbing it only once, Zhang Yan felt obvious changes in his body compared to before.

Immortal body and primordial spirit are still fine, but the changes in the nebula cruising around Zhang Yan's body are difficult to ignore.Not only has it become a bit bigger, but it has also become thicker, and even the vitality inside has also increased tremendously.It seems that for this nebula, the original power of the Great Desolate World is the real supplement.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Zhang Yan didn't care.After all, the scale of time in the chaotic domain is meaningless.Whether it is long or short, once you enter here, you need to put aside many things, otherwise you will feel uneasy and easily make mistakes.

After sorting out all the things that need to be sorted out, Zhang Yan immediately started to devour the second independent space.And after having one experience, it will be much smoother to do it later.

How can the idle golden immortal devour one by one like a bottomless pit like him?It is simply impossible for such a massive amount of the world's original power to be directly converted into cultivation in a timely manner, or to eat it into the gain of the immortal body and the primordial spirit.Most of the world's original power that was too late to be absorbed by the immortal body and the soul was absorbed by the nebula transformed by Zhang Yan's Dao Dan.And Xingyun is also the fundamental reason why Zhang Yan can have such a large "food intake".

one. four ten
When Zhang Yan devoured the No.12 independent space, his body trembled suddenly, a terrifying vitality exploded from his body, shining like a star!
Then the dazzling burst of vitality and light was recovered in an instant.Between releasing and retracting, Zhang Yan's celestial body undergoes a strange change of first collapsing and then expanding.

At this moment, Zhang Yan's whole body looked like a dark golden ball, and he could hardly see a human figure.

This situation seemed dangerous, and it seemed that Zhang Yan might really explode like a ball at any time, but in fact Zhang Yan was quite at ease about his changes at this time.He knew that he was not yet in a dangerous situation.Because he turned into a ball-like appearance not because of any hidden dangers that erupted in him, but because the nebula transformed by the Dao Dan in his body finally had a big change.Just as quantitative change causes qualitative change.

The reason why Zhang Yan's body swelled and the vitality that exploded and shrank back was also exploded from the nebula transformed by his Dao Dan.

Vitality has always been the secret in Zhang Yan's body.It also saved his life.And the nebula transformed by Dao Dan can always feel the growth of vitality in the constant evolution and change.And the vitality is also feeding back Zhang Yan's immortal body and primordial spirit all the time.The weight of vitality in the composition of the trinity's dark gold body is extremely important.

The explosion of vitality now is also due to the explosion of the nebula.

Just now, after absorbing the original power of the twelve independent spaces of the world, Nebula seemed to be full, bursting, and the internal vitality rushed out, and by the way, the original vitality in Zhang Yan's body was also brought out of the body , so Zhang Yan's body was in a collapsed state at first.

Later, the vitality was recycled, but it was not recycled into the nebula, because the nebula exploded, and all the vitality was filled in Zhang Yan's immortal body and primordial spirit.So much so that his body swelled like a ball.

But the situation is rapidly improving.The changes in the nebula are not just bursting, the huge amount of vitality recovered cannot be wasted or released in the immortal body and the primordial spirit, because the immortal body and the primordial spirit cannot absorb so much vitality at all, and it is easy to get it just right. Its the opposite.

"Is this going to split?!" Zhang Yan's mentality was very stable. He didn't feel any danger and at the same time observed the subsequent changes of the exploding nebula in his body with peace of mind.

I saw that the nebula did not heal again after it exploded, but began to actively peel off the part that exploded along the crack of the explosion.The speed seemed slow but was fast, and after a while, [-]% of the original volume was stripped out.After that, the two nebulae, one large and one small, began to heal respectively, and began to withdraw the huge amount of vitality that filled Zhang Yan's body.It also made Zhang Yan's swollen body gradually return to normal.

I don't know how long ago.

Zhang Yan opened his eyes again.The changes in the body finally subsided.Immortal body and primordial spirit have also been strengthened a lot in this ferocious devour, and the biggest change is the nebula transformed by Dao Dan.From the previous one, it has become the current one large and one small two.At the same time, it was cruising irregularly in yesterday's body.And as they cruise, they will emit vitality far beyond the past and the self-produced power of the world's origin to nourish the immortal body and soul.

A new cycle starts all over again.It seems that nothing has changed, but it seems that a lot has changed.

Zhang Yan tried again to devour those independent spaces.Discovery is the same as before.It's just that the appetite for absorbing the power of the world's origin has become two this time.

Then while devouring, Zhang Yan slowly approached the void sea area where Ao Island was.

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