one's door

Chapter 972

Although there are not many catastrophes in the void world, there are also many.For these Da Luo and Jin Xian who were present, they have seen countless catastrophes at various stages.The big Luos have even personally experienced seven or nine heavenly calamities.

But when did Seven or Nine Heavens Tribulation become like this?Is this still Seven or Nine Heavenly Tribulations? !

Even a powerful ancient immortal like Mu Tong was deeply shocked when the Eye of the Void opened the prelude to the catastrophe.

Tribulation thunders will follow the change from weak to strong. The more the initial few robbery thunders are relatively less lethal, the further back, the greater the power of robbery thunders.Even the power of the last tribulation thunder can often reach half of the previous sum, or even more.

But the seven-nine-day catastrophe in front of him gave Mu Tong an inexplicable sense of strangeness.He had never seen a situation where two or three thunderbolts fell down together.What's more, from the first calamity thunder, the power of these calamity thunders has been [-]% higher than the normal seven-nine-day calamity!
What a terrifying increase is this?And it's still a superposition of thunder.

Anyway, Mu Tong is sure that if he himself had encountered such a catastrophe, he would have died if he reached the third achievement, and there was no possibility of getting through it successfully.

Even now that Mu Tong is going to resist the seven-nine-day calamity of this intensity with the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian now, he still feels guilty in his heart and dare not say that he will definitely be able to bear it.

Even the majestic ancient immortals themselves were overwhelmed by this kind of catastrophe, and they dare not say that they can take it. How can the person who was tossed in the catastrophe in front of him be able to withstand it with the strength of a mere golden immortal?
Mu Tong sighed inwardly.There is a kind of dejection of missing a great opportunity.Because in his opinion, Zhang Yan is dead.And if Zhang Yan died, the inheritance of the Great Desolate World would also be wiped out.

He glanced at Xie Wei who looked nervous not far away.Mu Tong secretly sneered in his heart.If it is true that the inheritor of the Great Desolate World who is serious about the Eight Classics is lost.The rest of Bright Moon Valley probably needs to be squeezed.Maybe it's really rewarding.God knows what benefits Zhang Yan has given to Mingyue Valley for so many years so that Mingyue Valley can be maintained like this?This point can be described as a consensus among Chaos faction.If Zhang Yan died, there must be more than one family or two who would be looking for trouble in Mingyue Valley.

Perhaps this is the only psychological comfort Mu Dong can have.But with this little consolation, can we find the way after Da Luo?Mu Tong couldn't help but become gloomy again.

Even so, Mu Tong thought that Zhang Yan would surely die.What would those people outside the wooden tunnel think?I'm afraid he is more certain that Zhang Yan will die under this outrageous catastrophe.

If you really want to count, the only ones who still insist in their hearts that Zhang Yan can successfully cross the tribulation are only a few people, only three people to be precise.Feng Yuhe, Song Shiyu and Xie Wei.

These three people still firmly believe that Zhang Yan can successfully overcome the catastrophe, not because they have expectations for Zhang Yan's inheritance, nor because they have such outrageous confidence in Zhang Yan's strength.Instead, they pinned their hopes on Zhang Yan's luck.In other words, he thought that Zhang Yan's luck was good, and no matter how outrageous the danger was, he could survive it.

It's just that even Xie Wei, who has always been the most certain about luck, now unconsciously feels a trace of indescribable despair when facing the power of the catastrophe in the distance.

It's like always saying that you can do it, but in fact, you know how slim your hope is.

No matter how you think about watching the excitement.Zhang Yan, who was in the center of the catastrophe, resisted the thunderstorms one after another at his own pace.

Two to three at a time, and the power has increased by [-]% to [-]% compared to the ordinary Seventy-Nine Heavenly Tribulation from the very beginning. If it was replaced by another golden fairy, a face-to-face would be seriously injured on the spot.However, he behaved as if he was in danger and steady in the face of danger.

The key is to look at the entire Void World, even including the Great Desolate World, which has only one Trinity practice framework. At this time, it can help Zhang Yan offset and bear the damage that exceeds the limit of his own realm.

One is two. According to the fixed number of Heavenly Tribulation, Seventy-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is based on 63 as the extreme number.Zhang Yan even directly set his expectation of this catastrophe at 63 pieces.

At present, there are thirteen ones connected, because it is a plurality of smashing, so the time is much faster than before.Almost in an instant, Jie Lei rushed to the number of thirty.But at this time, Zhang Yan still did not change his face.The trinity's mutual dismantling and mutual help made him feel at ease for the time being.

"how is this possible?!"

These four words are almost the most direct feelings and questions in the hearts of Da Luo and Jin Xian who are watching from a distance at this moment.Of course, the emotions that come out of these four words are different.

Some were pleasantly surprised, some were annoyed, and some were both worried and happy.

For example, Mu Tong, when he saw that Zhang Yan was carrying thirty thunderbolts of such outrageous intensity in a row, he was both worried and happy when he didn't change his face.What is worrying is that if Zhang Yan really succeeds in overcoming the tribulation and becomes the Daluo Golden Immortal, his strength will be so powerful that it will be difficult to control.The joy is that Zhang Yan is expected to cross the catastrophe, and the possibility of revealing the practice path after saving a copy of Da Luo Jinxian, the hope that Mu Tong pursued has not yet been shattered.

The crackling thunderbolts continued to smash down, and the Eye of the Void seemed to be ruthless. The number of thunderbolts dropped each time was almost constant at the level of three, and the power of the thunderbolts was also reduced every time it was smashed down. Climbing once rapidly, pulling all the rules of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder to the fullest position, it is completely a posture that if you want to make this Heavenly Tribulation to the top, you must go to the bottom to kill Zhang Yan who should be tribulated.

But until the thunder fell, Zhang Yan still caught it firmly without any reluctance.Even up to this time, Zhang Yan's hair was not messed up in the slightest, and his robes were also intact.The only thing that could tell that he was also exhausted was the profuse sweat on his body and his heaving chest.

Fifty thunders, or thunders of this outrageous intensity, have already exceeded the limit of endurance that ordinary golden immortals should have.Although Zhang Yan has far stronger endurance and means of unloading force than ordinary golden immortals, there is a limit after all.A golden fairy is always just a golden fairy.

So the reason why Zhang Yan was able to carry it to the present is not only the particularity of the Trinity, but also the great contribution of the three nebulae in his body.

Nebula can now accept the Primordial Purple Qi, can swallow and produce the original power of the world, can breed vitality, and can also contain and destroy it.

At least on the last two points, Tianjie and Xingyun are in harmony.

So when Zhang Yan's trinity couldn't be supported by force, and when he couldn't unload his strength, Xing Yun appeared on the stage.Unceremoniously, it can even be said that he couldn't wait to absorb all the power of the tribulation thunder that invaded the fairy body that exceeded the limit of the Trinity.Just like when they absorbed the original power of the world before, they swallowed it like a whale, and then disappeared into their deep structure, which is hard to find

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