one's door

Chapter 986 Shocked

Chapter 986 Shocked
There was a deathly silence at first, and then an uproar.

Of course, the same uproar but shared joy and sorrow.

Those immortals from the lineage of Qingshan Fairyland were all mourning.A Da Luo Jinxian on their side was severely punished under their noses, and was finally thrown into the lower void like a sinking pond.Although it seems that it is not enough to say death, but at this point, the word "suppression" has to be remembered even if it is reluctant.

Naturally, the jade sword was sent out immediately, and some Jinxian even thought that the jade sword was too slow and drove back to report it in person.It's a pity that there is still no way to deal with this matter immediately.Even the first thing for everyone present was not to think about how to rescue Chen Jiuren, but how to save their own lives.

The other party can even suppress the Daluo Jinxian, dare to suppress, and has killed many Jinxians in the Qingshan Wonderland before, so why not kill another batch now?

After reacting, Jin Xian immediately led his disciples to retreat quickly, not daring to stop at all.

And the reaction of these immortals from the Qingshan Wonderland lineage was not too extreme.It might even be called timely.Just as they thought, Zhang Yan really planned to keep them all in this void.There are two groups of immortals before and after, and the total number is almost one thousand and five.Among them, there are a total of six Jinxians.If they were all killed, it would undoubtedly be an absolutely heavy blow to Qingshan Wonderland.

But at the end of the day, Zhang Yan didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to calm the surface of the void and hide the thrown cage without any trace.It took a long time to go back and forth to achieve his previous vision.And this delay caused the thousands of immortals in the Qingshan Wonderland who were supposed to die here to run away.

On the other hand, Haoxuemen's side.It is no longer appropriate to describe it with joy and encouragement. Only ecstasy can be used to express their mood at this time.

Xue E laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.After Zhang Yan threw Chen Jiuren into the lower void, Xue E immediately moved out from behind the defense line of the magic circle.He didn't bother him, he just stood by the side obediently like a subordinate, and when Zhang Yan finished his work, he could join in and talk as soon as possible.

"Master Zhang's power is unrivaled! Suppressing Chen Jiuren in the void will surely shake the world!" Seeing Zhang Yan put away the magic circle and come out, Xue E hurriedly bowed and patted him.

Zhang Yan shook his head and smiled when he heard the words: "Master Xue is as good as before. You and I are not affiliated. It is only because of our friendship in the past that we have this good relationship today. It is important to have a normal heart. Moreover, Master Xue's level of flattery is not very good. Rigidity sounds awkward."

Xue E didn't mind Zhang Yan's ridicule at all, and continued to laugh and said: "Hehe, now Haoxuemen has nowhere to go except to follow Master Zhang. If Master Zhang still thinks about the good fate back then, he can only help Haoxue Give me a hand. As for flattery, I'm really not good at it, but what I said just now is not flattery, but my stupid mouth didn't make it clear, making Master Zhang laugh."

Zhang Yan looked sideways.He had never seen Xue E like this before.Even when he came out to meet Xue E with the head of an elder in the fairyland of Qingshan with his cultivation base of Jinxian, he had never done this before.

It seems that Xue E has many unexpected faces.And this tongue is not "stupid", on the contrary, it is very shrewd!
In fact, Xue E's idea of ​​changing his position is easy to understand.Although Zhang Yan was very strong when he was still a golden fairy, there are always variables when facing the Qingshan fairyland.Even if Hao Xuemen was willing to follow, he did not dare to hold back.It's like leaving a way out.Once there is any trouble, you can choose another place to seek refuge.

But now Zhang Yan reappeared not only because of Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, but also the existence of the veteran Da Luo Chen Jiuren who could "easily" suppress Qingshan Wonderland.To say something crazy, looking at the entire Pastoral School, who else dares to say that he can firmly suppress other big Luos?
These are no longer thighs, but towering trees!Wouldn't Xue E be stupid if he didn't hold on tight?
Just after saying a few words, the eyeliners of Guishicheng, Yunlanyu, and Qingxitian who came to get the news arrived.The reinforcements came later than before Qingshan Wonderland, but faster than Qingshan Wonderland's follow-up actions after Zhang Yan suppressed Chen Jiuren.

But at the same time, the disciples of the three families who came here are also the gods, because they think that even if Haoxuemen gets help, at most it is Zhang Yan from Duanya Mountain who has not shown his face for many years.Sending a golden fairy here will be regarded as equal, and it will save face.Come to Daluo?It's not necessary at all.Not everyone is as sensitive as Qingshan Wonderland.

The people who came were all old acquaintances, old friends who seemed to be in high spirits and hadn't seen for many years.

Of course, it’s true that we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but it’s definitely not an old friend.It's just that the politeness is very similar, so that people who don't know it can't see that these three can withdraw cleanly.

"The three elders haven't seen each other for a long time, Zhang Yan is being polite!" Zhang Yan said while bowing his hands, but his back was straight.With his current cultivation base, it is already very polite.

The elders Li Qing, Yang Wenxi, and Sun Wen from the three families of Guishicheng who came here were still happily chatting.But after chatting for a few words, I found that something seemed wrong.Zhang Yanqiang, they knew about it.But why is there a natural coercion coming from this meeting?And this feeling they always feel familiar.

Although it was unbelievable, but after a few times, Li Qing couldn't help but said, "Master Zhang has made another breakthrough?"

"Hehe, a little progress is not enough."

"Hiss, is the sect master now in the position of Da Luo?" Yang Wenxi still felt strange and inexplicable.It's only been a few hundred years, and it's not even a time of retreat.In the end, I am still the same myself, and others have already achieved the position of Daluo?

"Well, I was lucky enough to survive seven or nine catastrophes, and now I'm worried that the stall here will be overturned, so I hurried over to have a look. Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise the whole Haoxuemen would be dusted."

Seventy-nine Heavenly Tribulation Da Luo Jinxian? !
Hearing Zhang Yan's own confession, there is no need to guess that there seems to be no coercion on Zhang Yan now.

In fact, this is not to blame for the unresponsiveness of the few golden immortals, it's just that they didn't think about that at all in their subconscious minds, they weren't prepared, and even their subconscious minds didn't accept this outrageous speed of improvement.It's just the fact that they have to admit it.

It's just that the shock isn't over yet.

"What did Master Zhang say? Haoxuemen and our return to Shicheng are also a cooperative relationship. How can we watch them being bullied by the people of Qingshan Wonderland? No, we rushed over immediately when we heard about this matter. It's just that we didn't seem to see it." people?"

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "I killed a few, and the others ran away. There was also a big Luo Jinxian named Chen Jiuren, who was suppressed by me."


(End of this chapter)

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