one's door

Chapter 993 Guidelines

Mu Tong's mood has not been as hot as it is now for a long time.It was as if he had returned to the way he was when he first entered the Daluo Jinxian Realm.I am no longer entangled and confused about the future, but full of hope, and even boast that I will be the pioneer of a new era.

There is no need to repeat the cruelty of reality afterwards.

It's just a trick of good fortune, Mu Tong was about to die in the unknown domain, but he returned to the void world after going round and round, and also met the inheritor from the great world.

Inheritance, you can only hold it if you have the strength, otherwise you will only be given to others as a wedding dress.So Mu Tong felt that even if he couldn't take over all of them, he should still enjoy most of the benefits.

It's a pity that things were full of twists and turns. The target seemed to be a "bullyable" golden fairy, but he disappeared after a tracking failure.When he reappeared, he was already a Da Luo Jinxian.It was only about 700 years ago.For an immortal like Mu Tong, who has been used to counting for tens of thousands of years, it seemed like an instant, but the situation changed drastically.It was quite unacceptable for a while.

To make matters worse, the seven or nine days of calamity in the void experienced by the inheritor of the Great Desolate World named Zhang Yan really shocked Mu Tong.The extreme number of tribulation thunders and the extreme power are almost equal to the sky will destroy you.But the opponent still carried it down.

Although Mu Tong didn't say anything at the time, he knew in his heart that even if he went to carry the seven or nine days of calamity now, he might not be able to withstand it.It is conceivable how terrifying Zhang Yan's strength will be after he becomes Da Luo.

Can you stand shoulder to shoulder with yourself?Mu Tong also had such a guess in his heart.

The answer is: very likely.At least not much worse than him.

After having this kind of answer, Mu Tong's mood is actually very bad.Because he got tangled up again, wondering if he still had time to plan those inheritances.After all, according to Zhang Yan's growth rate, will it take a few thousand years to surpass Daluo Jinxian and enter the next stage of cultivation?Wouldn't it be him who was rounded and flattened by then?
And all these entanglements and worries have taken a big turn for the better under an inexplicable "guidance".

An afternoon that Mu Tong will never forget and never mention to anyone.He finally had time to pick up his homework again, but when he just entered the state of practice, he suddenly felt some inexplicable changes in the power of the rules around him.These changes are very subtle and subtle, if he hadn't been in the unknown for so many years, he might not be able to detect the stability of his own rules beyond the average Da Luo Jinxian.

Mu Tong was a little surprised at the time, but he didn't overreact, because although these changes had never happened before, he still could tell that these changes did not have substantial power.In other words, just a "smear of dust" at the level of the existence of rules cannot cause substantial changes, let alone pose any threat to him.What he was curious about was the origin of these changes and what would be the result.

After some careful observation, Mu Tong was even more horrified, because he found that these subtle changes in the rule level were actually forming a star map that could be roughly distinguished although it was somewhat blurred? !
What does it mean? !Although Mu Tong has seen countless wonderful and mysterious things since he practiced, the scene in front of him is still beyond his cognition, and he directly stuffed "there are such things in the world" into his mind, buzzing for a while I don't know how to deal with it at all.

When he calmed down, Mu Tong repeatedly left and entered the state of practice, and found that there would always be that kind of "guidance" from the star map that cannot be traced.

That's right, after calming down, Mu Tong inexplicably felt that the star map was "guiding" him.As for where this guidance came from, he didn't know in his heart, but he guessed that it should be some kind of higher existence that surpassed the entire void world.Maybe it is the world that the great desolate world was looking for when it disappeared?Who knows?
So with complicated moods and the unknown apprehension of the team, Mu Tong began to sort out the location of the star map he was "guided" by.Is it somewhere in the void world?

Soon, Mu Tong found a place that highly matched the real star map with the "guidance" star map.It's a barren area, obviously a dead land left over from overhunting.Except for some dangers such as turbulence in the void, there is nothing strange about it.

"What's the difference here?" Mu Tong was puzzled.

But out of caution, Mu Dong did not go directly to the star map area to investigate, but used his divine sense to search secretly from a long distance.

In this case, Mu Tong knew that what he needed was to "strive the grass and scare the snake" first, and then search carefully.Soon he discovered a very strange place.That is, in a certain area, the void is particularly clean.So much so that not a single inch of the wreckage of those new worlds died.Then there was a strange fluctuation that hid deeper into the void after he intentionally "threw the grass".

Isn't this "snake startled"!
Later, after a long period of observation and speculation, Mu Tong finally determined that the strangeness there was directed at a key person who troubled him: Zhang Yan.

That weird fluctuation turned out to be a weird world, and the world is where Zhang Yan's roots lie!
This discovery not only lifted Mu Tong's spirit, but also made him feel awed and grateful for the existence that "guided" him in the dark.Because this is helping him find a breakthrough that is bothering him now and cannot open the situation.

"Is it because I can come back from the unknown domain?" Mu Tong couldn't help thinking of it in his heart.

But in fact, Mu Tong doesn't understand that the falling of a chess piece does not necessarily mean that it is doomed to be black or white.Sometimes black and white alternate, and the same position may not be dominated by the same player.It's just that the chess pieces themselves don't necessarily know it.Because what the chess piece sees is only a small area of ​​light, they cannot jump out of the chessboard, and they will never know what the chess game is called.

Now what Mu Tong can see is the small space in front of his eyes.The purpose is also very clear, that is to summon Sanwenzong, Feng Mutian and the Linglong Immortal Realm represented by himself.Leave the necessary guarding forces behind, and then launch a lightning-fast ambush against Zhang Yan.Or repression.

According to Mu Tong's judgment of his own strength, and then infer Zhang Yan's strength based on this.In Mu Tong's view, this is already overestimated.He didn't think Zhang Yan was better than him, at most he was evenly matched.If he can't resist this suppression, then Zhang Yan can't resist it either.

So this time, Mu Tong was not in a hurry, and strived for the formation, venue, manpower, and timing to the extreme.Never give Zhang Yan the slightest chance to break free!

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