one's door

Chapter 996 The Gap

Chapter 996 The Gap
As soon as the contact was made, the anticipation that Zhang Yan still had in his heart immediately fell off a cliff, and finally there was almost no interest in it.

Although the styles of the Chaos School and the Pastoral School are very different, the appropriate methods still have no essential changes in those methods. In this regard, they are almost the same as Chen Jiuren, who Zhang Yan has already fought against.It also made Zhang Yan unable to experience new things, and lost interest after a while.

The only thing that can attract Zhang Yan's attention is the ancient immortal Mu Tong.

It's an amazing feeling.It was as if when he woke up, the passers-by who were about the same height as him were suddenly much shorter than him, and they even had to bend slightly to see them.Exaggerated but apt.

It is different from Da Luo Jinxian in the void world.Mu Dong's methods have a lot of characteristics that have something to do with the void.For example, knowing how to use the erosive power in the void, and how to maximize the use of them and achieve novel and powerful effects when the rules of the sky and the earth are disrupted in the void.

But it's just a "novelty".Even Mu Tong, who has spent many years in the unknown and narrowly escaped death and honed his skills, is not as familiar as Zhang Yan, who has been infiltrated into the fairy body by the void from the very beginning, and accompanied him all the way into the Da Luo realm.

Those ten golden immortals were the ones present who saw it most clearly.They presided over the magic circle. They thought they would be attacked by Zhang Yan the most violently, and they even tried their best to support the magic circle to prevent Zhang Yan from escaping, and bought enough conditions and time for the four strong men in the circle to suppress them.But they never expected that they would become the most idle people at this moment.

From the very beginning, Zhang Yan never really used means to attack the closed magic circle arranged by the wooden tunnel.Instead, he set up his own sword array and fought back.

One against four? !One against four in the Daluo Jinxian realm? !
Who dared to think of this before?Who can figure it out?
The key is that from the very beginning, the ten "onlookers" golden immortals could see clearly at the nodes of the magic circle.That Zhang Yan not only discovered the siege of the magic circle first, and immediately launched a counterattack, but also resisted the attacks of the four suzerain-level big Luos without losing the wind in the slightest!

wrong!It's not as simple as not falling behind, the ten golden immortals even feel horrified in their hearts that Zhang Yan is fighting against the four suzerain-level big Luos, and they are fighting with ease! ?
The onlookers have seen the difference between the high and the low, and the four of Mu Tong, who are in the formation within the formation, naturally understand their situation better at this time.

Is it surprising?It must have been unexpected.Even the heart was greatly frightened.

Before the four came, they boasted that Zhang Yan's strength was at a very high level.He even thinks that Zhang Yan is as strong as an ancient immortal like Mu Tong, and he is definitely the kind that is extremely difficult to deal with in Daluo Jinxian.After all, the seven or nine heavenly tribulations in the void before were really scary.It will naturally raise Zhang Yan's awareness of strength.

But the height is the height, and it won't be at the level of one against four, right?Whether it's the means or why the sword array has become so different, it seems to be a qualitative leap, and it will soar into the sky as soon as it flies.

When everyone is still playing with the deconstruction and reconstruction of the rules, how can you, Zhang Yan, come up with a rule context unique to you?Easily mixed into other rules directly messes up the underlying logic of all rules, so that all the techniques and means of deconstruction and reconstruction of rules become waste.

Besides, there are actually formations in the world that can be deployed in other people's formations to take effect and trap everyone? !Is this still a sword array?
How could the killing intent of this sword array be so strong, even stronger than the killing intent carried by the Anxie Sword Intent in the bottom space of the Sword Tomb Ruins, so much so that the killing intent manifested like a hallucination!

The suzerain of the Sanwen sect didn't know whether it was accidentally or deliberately tried the strength of the sword intent, and his immortal body was directly broken, leaving a full half-foot scar on his forearm.There is actually a sword hidden inside, but it cannot be observed, can you believe it!Moreover, this is still a physical part of the injury, and it is even more troublesome to attack the mind along the wound and invade the body.As a result, the complexion of the majestic Sanwen Sect Master continued to deteriorate after being injured, and it was obvious that there was no way to expel the force that had invaded his body in a short time!
And the one with the deepest feeling, the most unexpected, even the most aggrieved and unwilling is the ancient immortal Mu Tong.He is different from the other three.He came back from the inexplicable circle between life and death in the unknown domain.The desires and obsessions in my heart are not comparable to others.Even once, he could clearly feel that only "guidance" was helping him in the dark, hoping that he could complete what he wanted.

The results of it?Not to mention Da Luo Jinxian's methods under normal circumstances.Even Mu Tong's new means of life and death comprehension and formation from the unknown domain are his strength, and it is still useless in the face of Zhang Yan, a new big Luo who has been overestimated by him.

Even Mu Tong fell into doubt whether Zhang Yan on the opposite side was more familiar with the methods in the void than him.Or did it come from the unknown domain itself?
And from the very beginning until now, even though the outcome was not decided, Mu Tong knew very well that this plan of ambush and suppression was basically a failure.Even now, the thing to consider is not to suppress Zhang Yan, but to consider how the four of them can escape unscathed.

If other people were "accidentally" injured like the master of Sanwen Sect, then the situation would be difficult.In the end, even if they get away, it will have extremely bad follow-up effects on the three forces.After all, Da Luo Jinxian's injuries are not comparable to other realms. Once injured, it takes a long time and a lot of resources to recover completely.The strength in the meantime will inevitably be affected by the severity of the injury.

In such a situation, a thought that sounded absurd, but actually happened, suddenly popped up in the minds of the four Da Luo Jinxians: Are we blocking people, or are we being blocked?
The idea is absurd, and the reality is even more absurd and cruel.

Zhang Yan, who possesses the trinity and deeply integrates the power of the void, and has stepped into the realm of Daluo Jinxian, plus the four swords that have been reshaped, and even the sword domain in full state, the four of Mu Tong are deflated There were no surprises at all.

"Want to run?" Zhang Yan was troubled by the faces of the four people, he had almost exhausted all means, and he could clearly see the plan of the four people who were still holding on with Da Luo's brute force and the magic weapon in their hands.

Are you waiting to be consumed if you can't beat it or run away?
It's just that although the complete Killing Immortal Sword Field is far inferior to the Primordial Immortal Killing Formation's Killing Immortal Sword Formation, Da Luo, who trapped four void worlds, can still do it.The four people inside wanted to break through, not for a while.

"Even if you can't suppress it, you have to make him vomit a few mouthfuls of blood. How can it be so cheap to come and go as you want?" With a thought in his mind, Fan Tianyin, who is now more and more convenient for Zhang Yan, appeared again, and then It suddenly became like a mountain and smashed towards the four of Mu Tong.
(End of this chapter)

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