one's door

Chapter 999

Chapter 999
With some curiosity in his heart, Feng Yuhe drove to the position of the star mark on the star chart given in Yujian.Rather than talking about the location of the star, it is more appropriate to describe this place as the edge of the desert.The world is far away, and there is an unknown area to the south.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is inaccessible.Feng Yuhe even vaguely remembered that this place seemed to be someone's hunting ground a long, long time ago, and then it was deserted.

The car is revealed, and the movement is over.The accompanying disciples in the car immediately saw dozens of people who seemed to be waiting for Feng Yuhe and his party with guards of honor not far away.Standing a flag, it is exactly the pattern on the previous jade sword, and it is a person from the cliff mountain.

Feng Yuhe immediately got off the car.Wearing a red robe and a golden crown, the accessories on her body also show luxury.It was different from her usual attire.It looks very formal and dignified.

"Wang Nian, a disciple of Duanya Mountain, is here to greet Elder Feng!"

From the other side of the cliff mountain is the eldest disciple Wang Nian.At this time, seeing Feng Yuhe getting off from the car, he immediately bowed and saluted. At the same time, he raised his voice and announced his family name, and the disciples of Duanya Mountain who came with guards of honor also bowed and saluted.And if you look carefully, you will find that, including Wang Nian, the disciples of Duanyashan are also very particular about their outfits.Although it is not luxurious, it is absolutely neat and solemn, and the sense of ceremony is still in place.

This shows that both sides attach great importance to this meeting.

For Mingyue Valley, this is an important move for Zhang Yan to accept them.It is also an act of kindness.It is also an important opportunity to narrow the relationship between the two sides.

As for Cliff Mountain, this is the first brand new appearance facing the entire void world.From then on, Huangtianyu Cliff Mountain will be added to the list of forces in the void as a force that no one can ignore.

"I've heard Wan Xiang Da Luo say that there are three excellent disciples under his command, Wang Nian is the leader, and I know Wan Xiang Da Luo is still modest when I see him today. Little brother Wang Nian's potential cultivation is rare in the void world! You don't have to be so polite in the future."

Although there is a huge difference in cultivation base, but Wang Nian's identity is here, Feng Yuhe also showed the most friendly attitude, and nodded to Wang Nian with a smile on his face while talking.Like an acquainted elder, he was polite with obvious kindness.

"Elder Feng is absurd. Wang Nian's abilities are all mastered by his master, so he really dare not take it. On the contrary, the younger generation often hears the master's praise of Elder Feng's outstanding ability, and he can be called the best in the Void World just by the method of extension. I'm at the end of my career, please ask Elder Feng to give you some more points in the future."

After some politeness, the two of them didn't chat a few words, and then led by the previous year, a group of people marched mightily towards the Huangtian Territory, which was not far away.

There are countless worlds in the void, and there are many strange ones.Feng Yuhe had seen the world before, and she didn't act strange after seeing the strange world atmosphere of Huangtianyu.I just kept it in mind.

Can one world be so thick?Moreover, the fog in that world seems to be still hesitating slightly. Isn't this situation only in those worlds that have not yet opened the world?Why does it still appear in the world in front of me, which is obviously big enough to accommodate Jin Xian?
As soon as he entered the world barrier, Feng Yuhe once again felt the "difference" in this world called Huangtianyu.

First of all, the world has absolutely no evolutionary hierarchy that should be obvious.That is, the trace left by the long time precipitation when the world evolved by itself.Something like the rings of a tree.

Ordinary immortals would naturally not notice this thing, but it was extremely sensitive to Jinxian.It has even become a habit.It's as if you are used to the flat table, and you will be surprised when you suddenly see a bumpy table top.

Combined with the aura of the Desolate Heaven Territory that he felt in the void before, Feng Yuhe inexplicably realized that it was a bit absurd possibility: Could it be that this Desolate Heaven Territory can only evolve slowly by itself like other worlds, but can Evolving rapidly through devouring like before the world was opened? !

It is not appropriate to ask these doubts now.Leaving aside whether Wang Nian knew or not, even if he knew, it would be impolite.It takes an opportunity to ask a question.

Another feeling that Feng Yuhe felt after entering the Desolate Sky Territory was that the world here was extremely thick.This feeling comes from her feeling about the space rules of this world.Although she didn't investigate in depth, she was also surprised by the orderly stacking of spaces.Xindao: Is this still a world where multiple dimensions go hand in hand?

And just as far as the mind can see, the biodiversity in the Huangtian Territory directly shocked Feng Yuhe, including the fellow Mingyue Valley disciples, in their hearts.Because according to natural evolution, when the world of heaven and earth is finally formed, there will be very few creatures in it after countless screening and elimination.It is the integration of the world's resources, and it is also a test of the world's creatures.In the end, the remaining creatures can enjoy the benefits brought by the evolution of the world, and then gradually become stronger.

In the world that Feng Yuhe knew, there was this evolutionary logic.Therefore, there are not many types of creatures in each world.There are hundreds of species at most, and there are only a few hundred species at most.

And how many types of creatures are there in the barren sky?Thousands?Hundreds of thousands!
There are countless creatures who have already practiced in Fengyuhe Divine Sense.It seems that beasts can also practice on their own? !Why does Cliff Mountain condone such acts of dispersing world resources?
Curiosity, puzzlement, and suspicion mixed with various emotions, Feng Yuhe and his party finally arrived at the gate of Duanya Mountain.

"This is?"

"It's the word dragon and tiger. It's because the master left it when he founded the sect. There is a climbing road behind, and you can enjoy the scenery in the mountains along the road. If the elder doesn't like it, the master has ordered the elder to move it directly to the main hall. He is in the main hall. Greetings, elder."

"Then go all the way up, the beauty of the cliff mountain should be very interesting." Feng Yuhe didn't choose to move to save time.In terms of etiquette, she thought that worshiping the mountain should be done in full, so how could it be skipped?Secondly, she was also curious about the aura environment in this mountain that was so abundant that she was amazed in her heart, and wanted to take a closer look.

It wasn't until an hour later that Feng Yuhe went up to the top of the mountain and met Zhang Yan who was waiting at the entrance of the main hall.

Taking two quick steps forward, Feng Yuhe bowed first, and said with a smile: "How dare you work hard for Zhang Clan Master to come out to meet you, Feng Yuhe is being polite!"

"Hahaha, Elder Feng, you and I are old acquaintances, why should you be like this? You are a rare guest in the cliff mountain. I, the host, should welcome you. How can I be polite? It's polite. Please!"

While Zhang Yan was talking, he raised his hand, and the two entered the hall talking and laughing.

As soon as he was seated, a cup of hot tea was served to Feng Yuhe.

"Elder Feng can try it, this is the top-quality Duanya Mountain Yunwu tea, and I'm here to wash away the dust for Elder Feng"

(End of this chapter)

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