Chapter 18 The Old Pine Tree

He is tempered by the Supreme Heavenly Demon, and Wen Gu Yanyu guides his practice.

Jiang Yun was happy to be at leisure, and just recited Huang Ting to them.

Although reciting it several times, there is no increase in Taoism, but it can help the three little guys practice quickly.

Chanting Huang Ting day and night, Wen Gu Yanyu and the three little fellows, their cultivation has improved day by day.

But in terms of practice, Sun Wudao is obviously still thinking about the 72 changes, and he is very attentive to the study of the way of change.

Ao Yu originally had a practice method, but with enlightenment, he began to perfect the method that suits him.

Su Ling combined the fox clan's practice method to find a method that suits him.

The road to create the law is very far away, Wen Guyanyu found many methods for them, for their reference and reference.

Jiang Yun never intervened in pointing fingers, and still lived his leisurely life.

The days are leisurely and peaceful, and the skills of the three little guys are growing day by day.

Three years passed in a flash, and the Taishang Dharma Conference came as scheduled.

There are cranes coming with clouds, auspicious clouds passing by, and those who ride swords.

Practitioners are like clouds, and hundreds of figures pass by in the blink of an eye.

"Sir, we are going to the Fa conference." Ao Yu said.

"Wait a moment first." Jiang Yun pointed out, and three golden lights entered their bodies: "So, go."

"This is sir?" Ao Yu asked doubtfully.

"A little bit of Taoism, hidden in your body, can protect you."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Although there is no danger in speaking, it should be taken precautions."

"Thank you sir." Ao Yu saluted.

"Thank you Xianchang." Sun Wudao and Su Ling also quickly saluted.

"By the way, when you go to the Dharma conference this time, you have to listen to what you say, and remember not to make trouble and cause trouble."

Jiang Yun said with a serious expression: "Also, don't expose my existence, and don't rely on me to act fiercely."

"Don't worry, Immortal Chief, we won't cause trouble." Sun Wudao and Su Ling said quickly.

"Go," Jiang Yun picked up the ax and said leisurely, "I'm going to chop firewood for wine too."

Ao Yu left with the two little guys: "Sir, wait until we come back with fine wine."

A crane came to take them to Taishang Daozong.

Jiang Yun came to the pine forest on his own, the pine tree automatically sent firewood, and he sprinkled the Tao.

Now this gift tree has reached the level of two adults embracing each other, and it is also somewhat virtuous.


An old voice sounded, and an old face appeared on the trunk: "Immortal Elder."

Jiang Yun tied up the firewood and put it aside: "I thought you would stay silent forever."

"Thanks to the immortal elder for begging for mercy." The old tree shook its branches, and the old voice continued: "Thanks to the immortal elder's daily feeding, the old man was able to escape from the state of confusion and give birth to spiritual wisdom."

"I'll trade your body for wine, and I'll make up for it," Jiang Yun said calmly.

"Immortal Elder, this old man has already been born with spiritual wisdom. I have no way out of suffering. Please have mercy on Elder Elder." The old tree said again.

"I don't know how to practice." Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "You are asking for the wrong thing. I am just a woodcutter who recites Huang Ting every day and has never practiced it."

"The monkey, the white fox, that the Immortal Elder has accepted over the years has been transformed, and his Taoism is profound. I beg the Immortal Elder to have mercy."

The old pine tree shook more and more, and five pine cones fell down: "I don't have any gifts, I would like to offer the pine cones I have accumulated to the immortal elder."

Jiang Yun looked at the five pine cones, but there was a bit of aura, which could be regarded as a panacea.

But this thing is also useful for ordinary people who are new to refining gas, or ordinary people.

As far as he is concerned, it is at most a snack.

The old pine tree has just stepped into practice, and it is the limit to grow five pine cones.

"Can you walk?" Jiang Yun asked.

"I can't walk for the time being." The old pine tree said: "The old man is just born with a ray of wisdom."

"That's it, I just have some free time these few days, so I'll recite Huang Ting for you once."

Jiang Yun smiled lightly: "Whether you can get something or not depends entirely on yourself."

"Thank you for your blessing." The old pine tree shook again, and the pine needles fell, but none of them touched him.

Jiang Yun sat down cross-legged and began to recite Huang Ting, while at the same time leading the old pine tree to hear the Tao.

The sound of the Yellow Court resounds, and the old pine trees are immersed in the avenue of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that the old pine tree is not talented enough, and he can only listen to half of the inner scene scriptures, but he can't get out of the state of enlightenment.

"Thank you for your mercy, the immortal elder. With this realization, this old man should soon be able to break free from the shackles of the earth and walk like a human being." The old pine tree thanked him.

"Your fortune is shallow, but you are fortunate enough to be enlightened. After you can walk, come to my wooden house to listen to Huang Ting."

Jiang Yun turned and left.

"Thank you for your gift." The old pine tree said excitedly.

Jiang Yun also took the five pine nuts away. After all, it was the old pine tree's kindness, and he hadn't tasted pine nuts for a long time.

Back at the wooden house, the three little ones were gone, and my ears were clean, but I felt a little uncomfortable.

"This is just going to attend the Taishang Fa Conference, how can you still not get used to it?"

Jiang Yun sighed softly, and said, "Hey, I don't know if I can live this leisurely life by myself after they are all gone."


Taishang Daozong, Tianxin Palace.

"Saint, the ceremony has been arranged. Ao Yu is a member of the Taoist sect, so it is reasonable to participate. What about the other two?"

The white-haired old man hesitated for a moment, with a worried expression on his face: "These two people have unknown origins and don't understand the rules. If there is trouble in the Fa Conference, how will it end?"

"They are my friends." Wen Gu Yanyu showed displeasure on his face: "They won't cause trouble, and, my majestic saint, can you add two places?"

"Of course." The white-haired old man hurriedly said, "I just remind the saint."

"The elders are worrying too much. Although they don't follow the rules, they are all people with good manners."

Wen Gu Yanyu said indifferently: "They will also follow me and won't cause trouble."

"I was worrying too much." The white-haired old man saluted, turned and left.

Wen Guyanyu summoned Ao Yu, asked them to change their clothes, and went to the ceremony together.

After changing his clothes, Sun Wudao squatted at the door of the attic, looking at the dragon fish in the lake: "Are you all raised by immortals?"

"That's right, you are the disciple of the fairy chief, that monkey?" The dragon fishes looked at him with envy in their eyes.

"Me too." Su Ling jumped out and said, "I am a junior sister, and he is a senior brother."

"How are you, sir?" the arowanas asked one after another.

"Mister is very good, as happy as before." Ao Yu came out and said, "When there is a chance in the future, I will let you go back and visit Mr."

"We're going to attend the ceremony. There's some spiritual wine in the attic, but we don't drink too much." Wen Gu Yanyu came out and told the arowanas in the lake.

"Saint, don't worry, we won't be greedy." The dragon fish promised quickly.

Wen Gu Yanyu shook her head, she didn't believe it, but she didn't say much.

"Saint?" Sun Wudao and Su Ling looked at Wen Gu Yanyu in surprise: "Sister Yanyu, is she actually a saint of the Supreme Dao Sect?"

"Don't tell Mr. about this, otherwise, it will be bad if he won't let me listen to Huang Ting." Wen Gu Yanyu said.

"I should help my sister hide it." Sun Wudao and Su Ling said quickly.

"Let's go."

Wen Gu Yanyu smiled slightly, and the crane flew over, leading them to the ceremony.

The Taishang Dharma Conference is not in the Tianxin Temple, it is just the residence of her saintess.

Taishang Wangqing Peak is the main peak of Taishang Dao Sect, and many people have gathered there.

"There are Buddhist monks." Sun Wudao whispered.

"Let's stay away from them later, they are lenient, and the fairy leader told me not to cause trouble." Su Ling whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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