Chapter 3 Arowana Xiaoyu
After reading Huang Ting Jingjing, Jiang Yun did not continue to teach Sun Wudao the Jingjing Jing.

After he has recited the Inner Scenery Sutra by heart, he will learn the Outer Scenery Sutra.

If you learn the two Huang Ting Sutras, it will be helpful for your practice.

Otherwise, Taishang Daozong would not spread the Huang Ting Sutra widely, and even regarded the Huang Ting Sutra as a necessary homework for practice, and his disciples recited it every day.

Jiang Yun didn't read the Huang Ting Jing again. The one-day recitation has been completed, and he will only be rewarded once, so there is no need to read more.

Sun Wudao read Huang Ting jerky aside, Jiang Yun opened the green leaf wine and took a sip.

The wine entered the throat, very strong, but very comfortable.

Ever since he got Dao Xing, he no longer knows what it's like to be drunk, but he just likes it, he can't change it, and he doesn't want to change it.

Sprinkle a few drops and fall into the pool, and the dragon fish leaps to compete for a few drops of spirits.


The pool was bubbling, and nine arowana poked their heads out, looking at him pitifully, wanting to drink more.

"I only have one pot, but I can't share too much with you." Jiang Yun waved his hand, still spilling some.

In the distance, Xiaguang protruded, and there were white cranes singing, and two white cranes came through the clouds.

On top of the white crane, sat a man and a woman, both wearing Taoist robes in blue, with the word "Tai Shang" embroidered on their chests.

The disciples of Taishang Daozong are here!

Jiang Yun got up quickly and ran to the wooden house in a hurry, and the dragon fish sank into the pool instantly.

"There's no need to hide."

The white crane arrived in an instant, and a man and a woman floated down. The woman said softly: "Jiang Yun, this is the spiritual wine given to you by the saint, so don't drink the green leaves."

After finishing speaking, he turned his hand, and a big jade bottle appeared and flew down in front of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun quickly took it, and said with a smile, "Thank you Fairy Qin, thank you Holy Maiden."

"You, also save some Taoism for yourself. With your talent, you could have entered the Taoist sect."

The man also said: "The arowana you raise, the saint likes it very much, but they all have the problem of loving wine, floating on the water every day drunk, and those who don't know it think they are dead."

"I don't have any talent." Jiang Yun said with a smile: "You two elders, this dragon fish snatched me a drink, take it away quickly."

"I really can't do anything about you." Qin Xianzi shook her head and laughed, her eyes fell on Sun Wudao, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes: "This is it?"

"Enlightenment, come and greet the two immortal elders." Jiang Yun said.

"Sun Wudao, I have met the two elders." Sun Wudao carefully put down the Huang Ting Jing, and cupped his hands.

"Can still speak human words? It seems to be a strange species." Fairy Qin said in surprise.

"I picked it up on the road and no one raised it. I brought it back and raised it." Jiang Yun said truthfully: "When he becomes an adult, if he has the right qualifications, the fairy can be introduced to the Taoist sect."

Fairy Qin nodded lightly: "Yes."

As soon as the man raised his hand, a jade bowl appeared, filled with clear water.

Nine dragon fish jumped up, their bodies turned into streamers, and sank into the jade bowl.

As soon as Fairy Qin raised her hand, the elixir from the medicine field flew up one after another, and a cloth bag opened, and all the elixir fell into it.

In this scene, Sun Wudao's eyes were naked and full of heat.

The man took out nine thumb-sized arowanas and put them into the pool.

Fairy Qin sprinkled the elixir seeds.

After finishing all this, the two boarded the crane and said, "I'll bring you spirit wine next time."

"Thank you two elders." Jiang Yun cupped his hands.

The white crane spread its wings, broke through the clouds, and disappeared into the sky.

"Immortal." Sun Wudao looked up at the direction where the two left. He came by a crane and left by a crane. He was really a fairy.

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "When you are familiar with the Huang Ting Jing, you will be able to test your talent and roots when you become an adult. If you can, you will be able to worship the Taishang Daozong."

If it is a spiritual object, it is extremely talented, and it is fine to become an official disciple of the Taishang Taoist Sect.

If the talent is not enough, it can only be reduced to a mount, a pet.

But no matter what, you have entered the Supreme Dao Sect.

"Elder Immortal, the two gods said just now that you could have entered the Supreme Dao Sect, why didn't you?" Sun Wudao asked curiously.

"Why do you want to enter? Raising fish, planting medicine, selling wages and selling wine, free and easy, why do you want to go?"

Jiang Yun smiled lightly and said, "How can I feel at ease with the gods you speak of?"

"The immortal is the real god." Sun Wudao's eyes were full of admiration.

The meaning of the fairy head's words is that even the gods can't compare with him!

It must be a very powerful fairy!
When Jiang Yun opened the porcelain bottle, a strong fragrance came out, and the pure spiritual power fluctuated.

Sun Wudao looked greedy, Jiang Yun was not stingy and asked him to fetch a bowl.

The grade of spirit wine bestowed by the saint is not high, after all, he can only be regarded as an ordinary person with a strong body.

If it is too high-grade spirit wine, ordinary people cannot drink it.

This spiritual wine is suitable for Sun Wudao now.

After pouring a bowl for Sun Wudao, Jiang Yun drank directly from the porcelain bottle.

There is Qian Kun in the porcelain vase, it looks like it is only the size of a palm, but the spiritual wine contained in it is enough to fill several altars.

The entrance is warm and moist, the wine is mild, but the alcohol is not small.

Sun Wudao drank it in one gulp: "Good wine..."

"Drinking capacity is really bad." Jiang Yun looked at Sun Wudao who fell to the ground, and shook his head.


Jiang Yun, who just took a sip of wine, frowned: "There is no one around, and this feeling of being spied on? This direction... Taishang Daozong, No. 40 nine times."


Surrounded by clouds and mist, the aura is dense into fog, and strange flowers are everywhere.

The attic is hidden in the clouds, like a fairyland.

Below the attic is a lake full of adult dragon fish.

In the attic, there is a woman in Tsing Yi with a rosy complexion, reeking of alcohol, and a golden scale between her eyebrows.

She looked at the mirror in front of her, and there was a picture of Jiang Yun and Sun Wudao in the mirror.

"Xiaoyu, you have secretly used the sky mirror again."

Under the attic, arowanas surfaced and looked at the attic: "Let's see, what does your husband look like now?"

"Mr. is still the same." Xiaoyu's drunken eyes were blurred: "I still love drinking so much."

"You drink every day, and you haven't seen some for your husband."

The arowanas said: "Sir, we have to feed our brothers and sisters, and we need to chop firewood for drinking. How tiring."

"I sent spiritual wine to my husband." Xiaoyu said, "It's just that I don't have much power, so I can only send some ordinary spiritual wine."

"Send more, the saintess has not left the retreat for three years, and you are the one who decides this Tianxin Temple?" the dragon fish said.

"No, as spiritual beings, we can't go beyond the rules."

Xiaoyu shook her head and said: "The holy lady treats us very well, and the husband treats us very well, but we can't go beyond the rules and cause trouble for the husband."

The arowanas thoughtfully said: "I really want to hear Master recite Huang Ting again, that infinite world contains too many mysteries."

"Unfortunately, we can't leave without the order of the saint," Xiaoyu said.

"Xiaoyu, give us some more wine, and throw down the spiritual fruit next to you, let us taste it." An eight-meter-long dragon fish said.

"Spiritual fruit?"

Xiaoyu stared blankly at the spirit fruit, then stood up in horror: "Okay, this is the saint's lunch, I actually forgot."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly picked up the spiritual fruit and walked to the room of the saint.

"You careless girl, go away."

The arowanas dispersed abruptly, for fear that the saint would get angry later and affect them.

"Saint, Xiaoyu is here to deliver lunch." Xiaoyu stood in front of the door and said cautiously.

"Come in."

A cold voice sounded, the door opened, and a woman in a white Taoist robe with black hair hanging behind her back, with a cold and beautiful face, sat cross-legged in the room.

It was the saintess of the Supreme Dao Sect, Wen Gu Yanyu.

Wen Gu Yanyu's whole body was filled with a cold aura, and his gorgeous face showed no emotion at all.

Xiaoyu came with the tray, Wen Gu Yanyu said coldly: "You have seen him 49 times with the sky-gazing mirror."

"Saint, calm down." Xiaoyu's face turned pale, the wine sobered up, and she quickly knelt down and bowed down.

"I'm curious, what's so special about him that you never forget?"

Wen Guyanyu said coldly: "The relationship between a man and a woman, or the grace of nurturing?"

"Xiaoyu doesn't know." Xiaoyu lay on the ground, trembling: "I just want to see Mr., Mr. is a genius, he has obtained the true meaning of Huang Ting."

"The true meaning of Huang Ting?" Wen Gu Yanyu's expression did not fluctuate at all: "You are too young, you have entered my lineage, you should cut off the secular world and cut off emotions."

"The Holy Maiden taught me that." Xiaoyu said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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