Chapter 32 Heavenly Punishment
"Master, you really choose to protect them."

Qi Daoyuan's expression was not surprised at all, he had expected Li Wei's actions a long time ago.

The strange blood sword was aimed at Li Wei's heart, but it was difficult to get in the slightest.

"I have joined the Dao, you can't hurt me." Li Wei looked at him with a complicated expression: "Dao Yuan, wake up, return to the Dao Sect, you are still my disciple."

"Master, you are too confident." Qi Daoyuan sneered, and the Yao Yi Xue Sword turned into a stream of light, piercing through the void and entering Li Wei's body.

"You..." Li Wei looked at Qi Daoyuan in disbelief in astonishment.

"Master has joined the Dao, how can my uncle do useless work for 300 years?"

Qi Daoyuan withdrew and retreated: "It's not like the master who only wants to kill the disciple, but the disciple and the uncle only want to be reunited with the master."

Just as Li Wei was about to move, his blood energy exploded, and the scarlet blood light bloomed, filling his whole body and affecting his mind.

The demonic energy was overwhelming, and the golden light was shining, and the two sides were in a stalemate for a while.

One by one practitioners woke up and saw this scene, all of them changed greatly.

"Free Heavenly Demon?"

"Too high heavenly demon?"

"Why are there two heavenly demons?"

Counting the demons before, there are three here this time!
Although these heavenly demons are just illusory avatars, not the real body, but their cultivation is tyrannical, and they are not something they can contend with.

Ao Yu also woke up, sitting cross-legged beside Wen Gu Yanyu, with sweat on his forehead.

The Buddha showed a smile on his face, and looked at the Buddhist son of Zen Heart: "Zen Xin, I like you very much, why don't you come with me to realize the great freedom?"

"Amitabha, I am a Buddha who can be at ease." Chanxin Buddha declared a Buddha's name, clasped his hands together, and was not bewitched by the Demon Buddha.

"I am more optimistic about you." Qi Daoyuan turned to look at Wen Guyanyu: "Should I call you nephew?"

"The Dao Sect of Chaos and Chaos, you have made a big mistake." Wen Gu Yanyu said coldly.

"How long?" Qi Daoyuan asked suddenly.

"The devil can still delay for half an hour." The Buddha said.

"Enough." Qi Daoyuan pondered for a moment: "These three little fellows are very special. If they can enter the Supreme Ruthless Dao, they can be regarded as good ruthless seeds."

"This monkey has a predestined relationship with the Tao of Zizai," said the Buddha.

"The master invited him to enter the path of freedom, and I invite the saintess and them to enter the path of ruthlessness."

Qi Daoyuan chuckled, and the ruthless devilish energy lingered in the void, pressing on Wen Guyanyu and the others.

The Buddha sent out a stream of demon energy, which swept Sun Wudao.

Li Wei's body is full of blood, regardless of the influence of blood, his Taoism connects the world.

A golden barrier emerged to protect all practitioners.

In the void, the majestic power of the sky, with mysterious and mighty power, left with many practitioners.

"You really don't care about yourself?" Qi Daoyuan's expression turned cold: "Now you care about them, why didn't you care about me back then? I have waited for you for nine days, a full nine days!"

Li Wei was stunned, with a sad expression on his face: "At the beginning, I only knew about your death, and saw the fragments of your body. I never thought that it was a hoax."

"Master, you can't protect them!" Qi Daoyuan said coldly.

The Buddha's devilish energy was raised again to fight against the golden light, putting pressure on Li Wei.

Qi Daoyuan showed his ruthless demon energy again, and in the void, all the beings in the world were transformed into ruthless and indifferent faces.

Accompanied faintly by the voice of Dao: "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs. Entering the ruthless way is the way."

Jin Guang led the practitioners away, Wen Gu Yanyu looked at Sun Wudao and Su Ling: "Shoot quickly."

Sun Wudao and Su Ling simultaneously stimulated the Tao in the body.

In an instant, the void fluctuated and rippled.

Colorful rays of light bloomed from the bodies of the two little guys.

Whether it's the golden light or the devilish energy, when it comes into contact with the instant, it melts away as quickly as snow meets the scorching sun.

"There are still senior people?"

"No, Taishang Daoist has been entangled, those old things have not been released, who else is there in Daozong?"

Qi Daoyuan's complexion changed, and he looked at the colorful light in disbelief.

The Buddha's face was condensed: "The person who surrendered the demon before."


As soon as the words fell, the might of the sky descended, the thunder rolled, and the clouds of calamity were like a tide.

The endless thunder gathered into huge eyes, looking down at them.

Like the eyes of the sky, seemingly ruthless, seemingly sentient, watching all living beings in the world.

"The Eye of Heaven's Punishment..." The Buddha's complexion changed drastically.

Qi Daoyuan also felt the pressure of Tianwei at this moment, and his magic power was pushed to the extreme, but he couldn't resist Tianwei.

The pressure from heaven and earth rolled in, and the void seemed to be shrinking. The Buddha only felt his body stiffen, unable to move.

The surrounding void, like a copper wall and an iron wall, is squeezed in.

"I am at ease, how can I be restrained!" The Buddha roared up to the sky, and the devilish energy was urged to the extreme.

However, no matter how much he mobilized his devilish energy, he couldn't move, and couldn't break free from the shackles.

The majesty of the sky is mighty, supreme, with the eyes of the sky, thunder descends.

The Buddha's body exploded, and Qi Daoyuan also turned into demonic energy, dissipating between heaven and earth.

A streak of golden light flew out of his eyes and entered Li Wei's body, helping him suppress the bloody light.

"Thank you fellow daoist, I made you laugh again." Li Wei bowed to him with a miserable expression.

I thought that with the preparation, I could easily take down the demon.

Unexpectedly, accidents happened one after another, and the opponent still made a move.

"Thank you sir, Elder Immortal." Wen Gu Yanyu and the three little fellows also bowed and saluted.

Tianwei dissipated, and the eyes of the sky also disappeared into the void.

Many practitioners looked at Sun Wudao and the others in horror. The master of these three little guys is really amazing.

This cultivation base is much stronger than that of the elder Li Wei who practiced the virtual and the way.

Inside the little world of mortals.

Jiang Yun drank the green leaf wine, and frowned slightly: "These demons really have a lot of things, and they come here again and again to make trouble."

"Immortal Elder." Old Song stood aside: "What happened?"

"A little trouble." Jiang Yun said indifferently: "There is a lack of Dao heart, and this lack is too cruel."

"Immortal Elder, how is the Dao heart intact?" asked the old pine tree.

"I don't know." Jiang Yun shook his head.

The old pine tree asked: "Is the Taoist heart of the immortal head intact?"

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment, then said, "I don't know if I am perfect or not."

He glanced at himself, and there were shackles on himself.

These shackles are connected to Wen Gu Yanyu, Sun Wudao, Su Ling, Ao Yu, and the old pine tree.

However, his own shackles are extremely illusory, as long as he is willing, he can make these shackles disappear.

"Perhaps, I don't have a heart for Dao." Jiang Yun said.

"Immortal Elder, how can you have no Dao heart?" Old Pine Tree was puzzled.

"I don't deliberately seek the Tao, and I don't deliberately cultivate the Tao. I just sit quietly and recite the Yellow Court. What kind of Taoism do I talk about?" Jiang Yun said with a smile: "The word Tao is illusory. I have the Tao without seeking it. Why do I need to cultivate the Tao?"

"Immortal Elder's Taoism is so profound that I don't understand it." Old Pine Tree said confusedly.

"The Taishang Dharma Conference is over, and the Slanting Moon Three-star Cave has also been completed, just wait for them to come back." Jiang Yun said.

"The fairy is merciful." The trunk of the old pine tree is bent, and the branches meet, like people bowing to each other.

The old pine tree returned to the pine forest, and Jiang Yun murmured softly: "I realized the Tao, I really realized the Tao, but I feel a little bit reluctant, but I have to leave after all, let him leave after staying for a while."

"Su Ling, a little fox, is a little cautious, but he can't stay here for too long. Ao Yu has also embarked on the road of the water king..."

For the three little guys, although I feel sad, I am also happy for them.

After all, he was a child raised by himself, so how could he really have no feelings at all?
Those who are too superior are not ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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