Reciting the Yellow Court for thirty years, stone monkeys come to worship

Chapter 34 Ordinary people live old, sick and die, how many people in the world will live forever

Chapter 34 Ordinary people live old, sick and die, how many people in the world will live forever

"Little Suling, can you gain anything?" Jiang Yun asked.

Su Ling's body froze slightly, and then said: "Ling'er didn't gain much, only felt that the outside is dangerous, people's hearts, demon hearts are all sinister."

"Oh? Why is that?" Jiang Yun asked in surprise.

"A demon cultivator, without protection, will either be reduced to a mount, or will be turned into ashes after entering the alchemy furnace."

Su Lingdao: "Ling'er is just a little fox with no background influence. He only wants to cultivate secretly and does not yearn for the outside world."

"Junior Sister, why don't you gain anything? Didn't you realize the Dharma?" Sun Wudao muttered.

Su Ling bared her teeth and stared at him, this monkey is so stupid.

"Oh? Xiao Suling has also enlightened to the Dharma? That's great." Jiang Yun praised: "In the future, I will practice well and get a glimpse of the Dao as soon as possible."

"Yes, Immortal Elder." Su Ling bowed.

"What kind of friends have you made?" Jiang Yun asked.

"Ling'er hasn't made friends yet, and she's not very good at Taoism. She just follows her senior brother and listens to the discussion of Taoism." Su Linggong said.

"Junior Sister doesn't like to talk about Taoism, so I took her with me." Sun Wudao held his head high, like a good brother who cares about his sister.

"I am very relieved to see your deep feelings." Jiang Yun said with satisfaction.

He also didn't want to see that the little guy he raised had conflicts and killed him.

"Immortal Chief, when I comprehended this time, I always felt that my eyes were swollen, as if something was about to rush out. I'm afraid I have some eye disease."

Sun Wudao made a bow and said, "Please let me have a look."

"Oh?" Jiang Yun looked surprised and looked into Sun Wudao's eyes.

The eyes penetrated the body, peeping into the inner mysteries.

However, there are mysterious lines intertwined vertically and horizontally in the eyes, and there is even a trace of heavenly power.

Could it be that stone monkeys have innate binocular powers?
"It's not an eye disease, but your eyes contain supernatural powers, which didn't show up before, so it should be due to insufficient Taoism."

Jiang Yun pondered and said: "Now you are about to reveal the Yuanshi Orb, and the supernatural powers of your eyes will also be revealed."

"Supernatural powers?" Sun Wudao showed joy: "Could it be that, like that Monkey King, I am born with divine light, so I can shoot into Doufu?"

"I don't know about that. The specific power will only be known when it is revealed." Jiang Yun said.

In his opinion, if this binocular supernatural power can be revealed, it will have a unique restraint power on the soul and body.

It can't compare with Sun Wukong, the golden light that shoots into Doufu.

However, this accompanying supernatural power becomes stronger and stronger with the improvement of Taoism.

Whether it can be compared in the future depends entirely on Sun Wudao himself.

"When my supernatural powers are revealed, I'll show the Immortal Master the first time." Sun Wudao said excitedly.

Jiang Yun chuckled: "Then you have to work hard to show your supernatural powers as soon as possible."

"Elder Immortal, there is also the Taishang Dao Order." Sun Wudao took out the Taishang Dao Order again: "This is given by the Taishang Dao Sect. If you have the Taishang Dao Sect, you can ask the Taishang Dao Sect for help, and you can also enter and leave the Tao. Zong."

"Take it away." Jiang Yun said calmly.

"Yes, Immortal Chief." Sun Wudao put away the Dao Ling, and then said: "Immortal Chief, my method of transformation can already retract the tail, you see."

After speaking, he turned into a pine tree without the monkey tail.

Then it changed into pig ganglie, wolf demon and other demon cultivators.

Jiang Yun smiled and praised: "You are very talented, and now your communication skills have changed, and you have binocular supernatural powers, so you can be called a stone monkey of spirit."

"Xie Xianchang praised." Sun Wudao bowed and said: "I want to be as majestic as Monkey King, but not as miserable as him."

He can remember that Sun Wukong was so majestic in the first half of his life, but the second half of his life was horrible.

His whole life has been planned. In his life, the immortal elder who has worshiped and realized the Dharma by himself is different from Monkey King.

Sun Wukong only learned the technique of immortality, 72 changes, but he didn't know his own way.

Learn from others, how to become your own way?
Su Ling jumped onto the wicker chair, lay on Jiang Yun's shoulder, and stared at Sun Wudao.


This monkey is really clueless and dares to say anything.

In this little world of mortals, how do you show off your power and prestige, and don't you want to go out?

Even if it is unintentional, it has already revealed this meaning.

"In the future, Enlightenment will definitely be the most majestic monkey." Jiang Yun said.

Su Ling's heart skipped a beat. What does the gentleman mean by saying that there will be no more monkeys left?

"No, no, the immortal elder is the most prestigious." Sun Wudao said hastily.

Jiang Yun said with a chuckle: "Okay, you have gained a lot from the Taishang Dharma Conference, practice hard, and I will give you a surprise when you achieve the Yuanshi Orb."

"Surprise? What surprise?" Sun Wudao asked quickly.

"When you are done, you will know." Jiang Yun said calmly: "Yu'er and Xiao Suling should hurry up and practice, and you will have a part in this surprise."

"Yu'er will work hard to practice." Ao Yu said.

But Su Ling said: "Ling'er doesn't want any surprises. I'm content to be able to listen to Huang Ting by my husband's side. The Immortal Elder always teaches Ling'er to be content."

"You." Jiang Yun shook his head and laughed, took a sip of spiritual wine, waved his hand and said, "Go, let's practice, I'm tired too."

Sun Wudao and the others went to practice, and Jiang Yun was sleeping soundly on a wicker chair woven from old pine trees.

I had nothing to say all night, and the next morning, I recited Huang Ting as usual.

The three little guys and Wusong became enlightened after hearing Huang Ting, and fed dragon fish and elixir.

It's just that Wusong is there, so there is no need to chop firewood for wine.

Wusong went to exchange his own branches for wine every day, and the people in the market were not surprised.

In the little world of mortals, there are many spiritual things, and an old pine tree has become a spirit. Although it is rare, it is not enough to shock and panic them.

The days calmed down again, and the three little guys came back with a little more excitement.

Especially Sun Wudao, who understands the moving words, can't stay idle at all.

Either perform for them, or go to Xiaohongchen to find other people to perform.

Show off the way of change, in exchange for spirit wine for Jiang Yun.

However, Sun Wudao also knows the rules of etiquette, treating the elders with respect, the young are polite and courteous, the young are taken care of, and they are a joy to tease.

For a while, Sun Wudao was very popular in Xiaohongchen.

On this day, Sun Wudao walked back dejectedly.

"Why is Wu Dao downcast? Could it be that everyone doesn't like you?" Jiang Yun asked.

"Elder Immortal, Master Li has passed away, and the descendants will cry bitterly and sadly. Prepare a funeral banquet and let me invite Immortal Elder to go."

Sun Wudao said in a low voice: "Prince Immortal, Mr. Li likes to see me change the most."

"Old age, sickness and death is normal for ordinary people." Jiang Yundao: "Master Li is already 130 years old, so he is considered to be at the end of his life."

"If you don't practice cultivation, you will die naturally." Ao Yu and Su Ling said.

"I don't want Master Li to die. I tried my best, but I can't save Master Li." Sun Wudao said sadly.

"You monkey, a cultivator, will not become a fairy, and you will have a day to die."

Su Lingdao: "It's the way of heaven for all people to enter into reincarnation through old age, sickness and death. How can they easily interfere and disturb reincarnation?"

"I just feel uncomfortable." Sun Wudao bowed his head.

"I'm going to a banquet tonight to mourn Mr. Li." Jiang Yundao: "You don't have to feel bad, Mr. Li is full of children and grandchildren, and your life is complete."

Sun Wudao suddenly asked: "Immortal Elder, is Taoism all about longevity? How many people in the world can live forever?"

"Why do you practice Taoism?" Jiang Yun asked.

"I don't know, I just want to practice, and I want to practice my own way, and I also want to live forever." Sun Wudao replied.

"Some people practice Taoism for longevity, some people practice Taoism for the sake of life, and some people practice Taoism for the common people..."

Jiang Yun pondered and said: "I have neglected this point, let's recite Huang Ting for you again today."

"Elder Immortal, why do you want to practice Taoism?" Su Ling asked.

"I have never practiced the Tao, but I have a clear understanding of the world, and I have a natural way." Jiang Yun said.

(End of this chapter)

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